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Dr. Manika Saha | Public Health Practitioner | Best Researcher Award 

Research Fellow , Monash University , Australia

Dr. Manika Saha is a dedicated public health practitioner and researcher specializing in human-centric design for development. With a focus on marginalized communities, she leverages participatory approaches to co-create solutions that amplify community voices. Dr. Saha’s work spans global health, nutrition, food security, gender studies, and international development, contributing significantly to sustainable global development. Her impactful research has been published in top-tier HCI, ICTD, and global public health journals.



Strengths for the Award

  • Diverse Research Expertise: Dr. Saha’s work spans multiple disciplines, including public health, human-centered design, international development, and ICT for development. Her ability to integrate these fields highlights her interdisciplinary approach, which is crucial for addressing complex global issues.
  • Prolific Publication Record: Dr. Saha has a robust portfolio of peer-reviewed publications in top-tier journals and conferences, such as the ACM CHI Conference and Nature Scientific Reports. This indicates her research’s high impact and recognition in the academic community.
  • Significant Leadership Roles: Her leadership in various projects, including the USAID-funded INGENAES project and her role as a National Nutrition Specialist at the UNFAO, demonstrates her ability to lead large-scale, impactful research initiatives.
  • Global Reach and Impact: Dr. Saha’s research has a global perspective, with a focus on marginalized communities in developing countries. Her work on nutrition, public health, and digital interventions has direct implications for improving health outcomes in disadvantaged populations.
  • Recognition and Awards: Dr. Saha has received multiple prestigious awards, such as the STEM Sisters in Colours Ambassador for Victoria and the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship. These accolades reflect her excellence and leadership in her field.

Areas for Improvement

  • Further Development of Industry Collaborations: While Dr. Saha has extensive academic and international development experience, increasing collaborations with industry partners could enhance the practical application and scalability of her research.
  • Expansion of Teaching and Mentoring Roles: While she has held several teaching positions, expanding her mentorship of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers could further establish her as a leader in her field and contribute to the development of the next generation of researchers.
  • Greater Focus on Policy Advocacy: Given her expertise in public health and international development, Dr. Saha could strengthen her influence by engaging more directly in policy advocacy, translating her research findings into actionable recommendations for policymakers.

Education 🎓

Dr. Saha holds a PhD in Human-Centred Computing from Monash University, Australia, where she focused on incorporating community voices into project commissioning for international development. She earned her MSc in Global Health with merit from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, and an MSc in Food & Nutrition from the University of Dhaka, where she graduated with distinction. Her academic journey is rooted in a commitment to improving health outcomes and fostering inclusive governance.

Experience 💼

Dr. Saha is currently a Research Fellow in ICT for Development at Monash University, where she also teaches IT research methods. Her professional experience includes roles as a National Nutrition Specialist with the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization and a Nutrition Research Associate at WorldFish. Dr. Saha has a rich history of working with disadvantaged communities, leading projects funded by organizations like USAID and collaborating with various international development agencies.

Research Interests 🔬

Dr. Saha’s research interests include action research, participatory design, human-centered design for community engagement, and the intersection of technology and global health. She is particularly focused on co-designing interventions that address the needs of marginalized populations, leveraging digital participatory media for data collection, and advancing nutrition-sensitive agriculture. Her work is driven by a passion for integrating community insights into policy and technology development.

Awards & Recognition 🏆

Dr. Saha has received numerous awards, including the Young Leader Award at the Global Peace Summit (2024) and the Postgraduate Publication Award from Monash University (2022). She was also recognized as an Emerging Young Science Leader by CGIAR (2021) and received the prestigious Commonwealth Shared Scholarship for her studies in the United Kingdom. Her contributions to public health and development have earned her widespread acclaim.

Publications 📚

  • Saha, M., Stephen L., Watterson, J., et al. (2024). Hearing Community Voices in HCI4D: Establishing Safe Places to Co-Create Counter-Collective Narratives with Women Farmers in Bangladesh. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. [Ranking: A*]
    • Cited by: (To be updated)
  • Saha, M., Ng, H., Odjidja, E.N., et al. (2024). Small Fish Big Impact: Improving Nutrition during Pregnancy and Lactation, and Empowerment for Marginalized Women. Nutrients, 16, 1829. Ranking: Q1
    • Cited by: (To be updated)
  • Saha, M., Zadesh-Cummings, N. (Accepted 2024). “For them it’s not the work, it’s the life”: Humanitarian leadership development in the Global South. Journal of International Humanitarian Action. [Ranking: Q1]
    • Cited by: (To be updated)
  • Islam, A., Richardson, D., Saha, M., et al. (2024). Recordkeeping in Voice-based Remote Community Engagement. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. [Ranking: A*]
    • Cited by: (To be updated)
  • Oliver, G., Saha, M., Whitty, M., et al. (2024). Cybersecurity: Putting Indigenous Peoples First. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. [Ranking: Q1]


Dr. Manika Saha is a highly qualified candidate for the Best Researcher Award. Her interdisciplinary research, extensive publication record, leadership in significant international projects, and global impact make her a strong contender. With a few strategic enhancements, such as expanding industry collaborations and policy advocacy, she could further solidify her standing as a leading researcher in her field.


Manika Saha | Public Health Practitioner | Best Researcher Award

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