Ludivine Pradeleix’s – Impact modelling – Excellence in Innovation

Dr. Ludivine Pradeleix's - Impact modelling - Excellence in Innovation

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits:

Ludivine Pradeleix's academic journey is marked by a deep commitment to the field of Agronomy and Environmental Sciences. She completed her Master 2 in Biology, Ecology, and Evolution with a specialization in Animation, Communication, Culture, and Teaching in the Life and Earth Sciences at the University of Montpellier in 2020-2021. Prior to this, she earned her Doctorate in Agronomy from Supagro Montpellier, focusing on the multi-scale and multi-criteria evaluation of environmental impacts in an irrigated territory in Tunisia. Her educational foundation includes an Ingenieur Agronome degree with a Master of Sciences in Tropical Agricultural Development, specializing in Agronomy and Innovations from Supagro-IRC, Montpellier.

Professional Endeavors:

Ludivine Pradeleix's professional journey is diverse and spans both research and teaching roles. She served as an Ingenieur de Recherche, evaluating the sustainability of production systems integrating agriculture and livestock in the Mediterranean at INRAE, UMR SELMET, from 2014-2015. Her doctoral research, conducted at UMR G-Eau, INRAE, from 2010-2014, focused on the multi-scale and multi-criteria evaluation of environmental impacts in an irrigated territory in Tunisia. As an Enseignant-Chercheur from 2015-2021 at AgroParisTech, Montpellier, she contributed significantly to the Mastere Specialise in Water Management, covering topics such as environmental assessment, agricultural water, and circular economy. Her roles included teaching, mentoring, and student supervision.In 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, Ludivine took on the position of Professeure Agregee de Sciences de la Vie, Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers at various educational institutions, including Collège Frédéric Bazille and Lycée Jean Monnet in Montpellier.

Contributions and Research Focus  On Impact modelling :

Ludivine Pradeleix's research has primarily focused on the evaluation of environmental impacts in irrigated territories, with a multi-scale and multi-criteria approach. Her doctoral work contributed to the development of a methodological framework for assessing the eco-efficiency of agricultural and livestock activities in irrigated territories. The interdisciplinary nature of her research is evident in collaborations with Wageningen University and the International Water Management Institute. As an Enseignant-Chercheur, she extended her impact through teaching and research, covering topics such as environmental assessment, agricultural water, and circular economy. Her research has addressed crucial aspects of sustainability, including the evaluation of environmental and economic factors at multiple scales, from farm-level to territorial analysis.

Accolades and Recognition:

Ludivine Pradeleix's contributions to the field of environmental assessment and sustainability have likely garnered recognition within the academic and research communities. Her role as Professeure Agregee further reflects acknowledgment of her expertise in Sciences de la Vie, Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers.

Impact and Influence:

Through her research and teaching, Ludivine has influenced the understanding and practice of sustainable agricultural and environmental management and Impact modelling Her work has likely contributed to shaping future professionals and researchers in the field, emphasizing the importance of a holistic and multi-criteria approach to environmental impact assessment.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Ludivine Pradeleix's legacy lies in her significant contributions to the evaluation of environmental impacts in agriculture and her role in educating future professionals. Her future contributions are anticipated to further advance the integration of sustainable practices in agriculture and environmental science, leaving a lasting impact on both research and education. Ludivine Pradeleix's academic pursuits, professional endeavors, research focus, recognition, and influence collectively portray a dedicated individual contributing significantly to the fields of agronomy and environmental sciences. Her interdisciplinary approach and commitment to sustainability showcase a researcher and educator making valuable strides in addressing environmental challenges.

Notable Publications:

Environmental Impacts of Contrasted Groundwater Pumping Systems Assessed by Life Cycle Assessment Methodology: Contribution to the Water-Energy Nexus Study 2014

Life cycle assessment as decision support tool for water reuse in agriculture irrigation 2022

Life cycle assessment of cucumber irrigation: Unplanned water reuse versus groundwater resources in Tipaza (Algeria) 2020

Assessing Environmental Impacts of Groundwater Irrigation Using the Life  2018