Mohammad Ali Takhshid | Biotechnology | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ali Takhshid | Biotechnology | Best Researcher Award 

Professor of clinical Biochemistry | Shiraz university of Medical Sciences | Germany

Dr. Mohammad Ali Takhshid is a distinguished Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at the Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran. With over two decades of experience in the field, he is known for his significant contributions to clinical biochemistry, particularly in cancer research, diabetes, and oxidative stress. Dr. Takhshid’s work is recognized for its innovative approaches and extensive publication record, reflecting his dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and improving health outcomes.




  1. Extensive Research Output: Dr. Takhshid has a substantial number of publications across various high-impact journals. His work covers a range of topics, including clinical biochemistry, cancer research, diabetes, oxidative stress, and genetic studies. This breadth of research demonstrates a strong command of his field and a versatile approach to scientific inquiry.
  2. Recent and Relevant Contributions: His recent publications are in reputable journals and address current and relevant issues in clinical biochemistry and related fields. For instance, studies on biomarkers for diabetes complications and the role of oxidative stress in various conditions are highly relevant.
  3. Diverse Research Topics: Dr. Takhshid’s research spans several important areas within clinical biochemistry, such as the role of biomarkers in disease diagnosis and the impact of various compounds on cellular health. This diversity indicates a broad expertise and the ability to address complex scientific problems from multiple angles.
  4. Innovative Research Approaches: His work includes advanced methodologies like CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, targeted overexpression studies, and the investigation of oxidative stress mechanisms. Such innovative approaches highlight his commitment to cutting-edge science and technology.
  5. Collaborative Efforts: Dr. Takhshid’s publications often involve collaborations with other researchers, which can enhance the quality and impact of his work. Collaboration suggests a willingness to engage with the broader scientific community and integrate diverse perspectives into his research.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Impact Factor of Journals: While Dr. Takhshid has published in numerous journals, some may not have the highest impact factors. Publishing in higher-impact journals could further elevate the visibility and influence of his research.
  2. Interdisciplinary Research: Expanding the focus of his research to include interdisciplinary approaches could offer new insights and enhance the applicability of his findings. Integrating knowledge from related fields, such as computational biology or systems biology, might lead to novel discoveries.
  3. Research Funding and Grants: The CV does not mention research funding or grants. Securing competitive grants could support more extensive research projects and enhance the overall impact of his work. Information about funded projects could also strengthen his case for the award.
  4. Public Engagement and Outreach: Increasing involvement in public science communication and outreach activities could help in translating his research to broader audiences. Engaging with the public or policymakers could amplify the societal impact of his work.
  5. Citations and Research Impact: While the volume of publications is significant, assessing the citation impact of his work would provide a clearer picture of its influence on the field. Tracking citations and the influence of his research on subsequent studies could highlight his contributions more effectively.


Dr. Takhshid earned his Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from Shiraz University in 1990. He continued his education at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, where he completed his Master of Science in Clinical Biochemistry in 1995. He further pursued his doctoral studies at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, obtaining a Ph.D. in Clinical Biochemistry in 2003. His academic journey reflects a solid foundation and expertise in his field.


Dr. Takhshid began his academic career as a Lecturer in Biochemistry at Fasa University of Medical Sciences from 2003 to 2006. Since 2007, he has been a Lecturer and then Professor in Clinical Biochemistry at the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. His long-standing role at Shiraz University underscores his commitment to education and research in clinical biochemistry.

Research Interests

Dr. Takhshid’s research interests encompass various aspects of clinical biochemistry, including the molecular mechanisms of cancer, diabetes-related complications, oxidative stress, and genetic factors influencing disease processes. His work often involves innovative methodologies such as gene editing and biomarker analysis, aiming to enhance diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in medical science.


While specific awards are not listed in the provided CV, Dr. Takhshid’s extensive research contributions and high-quality publications are indicative of his recognition within the scientific community. His achievements in research and academia suggest a strong potential for receiving prestigious awards in his field.


Here is a selection of Dr. Takhshid’s recent publications with hyperlinks:

Targeted Overexpression of NDRG2 using Survivin Promoter Reduces Viability and Invasiveness of A549 Cell Line
Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology, 2023

Combined Effects of Sodium Valproate and Lithium Chloride on Inducing Apoptosis and Inhibiting Invasion of PC3 Cells
Middle East Journal of Cancer, 2023

Diagnostic Values of Ischemia Modified Albumin in Diabetes-Related Complications: A Narrative Review
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 2022

Expression of DDB2, XPC, and GADD45 Genes after Whole Body Gamma Irradiation
Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 2022

A Review of Laboratory Methods for Measuring Oxidative Stress
Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, 2022

Serum Biomarkers for Assessing Glycemic Control in Diabetes Mellitus
Laboratory & Diagnosis, 2022

Diverse Effect of Vitamin C and N-Acetylcysteine on Aluminum-Induced Eryptosis
Biochem Res Int, 2021

Association of Vitamin D Deficiency with Vitamin D Binding Protein (DBP) and CYP2R1 Polymorphisms in Iranian Population
Meta Gene, 2021

Adrenomedullin Increases cAMP Accumulation and BDNF Expression in Rat DRG and Spinal Motor Neurons
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 2021

Association of Serum Kynurenine/Tryptophan Ratio with Poor Glycemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
J Diabetes Metab Disord, 2021


Dr. Mohammad Ali Takhshid is a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award. His extensive publication record, innovative research methods, and diverse scientific contributions reflect his excellence in the field of clinical biochemistry. To further strengthen his candidacy, addressing areas such as publishing in higher-impact journals, pursuing interdisciplinary research, and increasing public engagement could enhance his profile. Overall, his significant contributions and active research output make him a commendable nominee for the award.


Morteza Hosseini – Environmental Biotechnology – Best Faculty Award

Morteza Hosseini - Environmental Biotechnology - Best Faculty Award

Babol Noshirvani University of Technology - Iran

Early Academic Pursuits

Morteza Hosseini's academic odyssey commenced with a solid foundation in Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Tech. University of Graz, Austria. His academic journey, spanning from B.Sc. to Ph.D., showcased a commitment to environmental biotechnology, culminating in a dissertation on the biological cleansing of waste air. The early years of education laid the groundwork for his future contributions to the field.

Professional Endeavors

Joining Babol Noshirvani University of Technology in Iran in September 2000 marked a significant chapter in Hosseini's professional life. As an Associate Professor, he brought his expertise to the forefront, contributing to both academia and research. Prior to his tenure at Babol Noshirvani University, Hosseini engaged in impactful projects at the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology, Tech. University of Graz, Austria, from 1998 to 2000, focusing on biological treatment of wastewater and air pollution. As a leader in the discipline, he champions eco-friendly solutions, environmental stewardship, and the development of cutting-edge biotechnological strategies to safeguard and improve the health of our planet

Contributions and Research Focus

Hosseini's research journey reflects a diverse array of interests. From his early work on wastewater treatment using non-uniform electrical fields to his later investigations into the desalination of crude oil, his contributions underscore a multidisciplinary approach to solving complex environmental challenges. His expertise extends to the coagulation of colloidal particles and the electrostatic enhancement of coalescence in emulsions. Morteza Hosseini, an expert in this field, pioneers research and advancements in Environmental Biotechnology, earning recognition for his contributions. His work contributes to sustainable practices, earning accolades and the Best Faculty Award.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Morteza Hosseini has earned recognition for his impactful contributions to the field of Chemical Engineering. His notable publications, including works on the elimination of CO and NO in bio reactors, have garnered attention in academic circles. Notably, his leadership role as the Head of Biotechnology Faculty at Babol Noshirvani University of Technology from 2019 to 2021 further highlights his recognition as a trusted figure in the academic community.

Impact and Influence

Hosseini's influence extends beyond the confines of his academic roles. His leadership positions, both as the Head of Biotechnology Faculty and as a Project Leader in Austria, demonstrate his capacity to guide and direct research endeavors. Moreover, his engagement with various professional societies, such as the Iranian Society of Chemical Engineers and the Iranian Nanotechnology Society, reflects a commitment to broader community impact. Environmental Biotechnology involves the application of biological processes to solve environmental challenges. Through innovative techniques like bioremediation and sustainable technologies, it addresses issues such as pollution, waste treatment, and ecological restoration.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a seasoned educator, Hosseini has left an indelible mark on the academic landscape, having taught a range of courses and supervised numerous undergraduate and postgraduate projects. His legacy includes a significant contribution to the development of the Chemical Engineering Department at Mazandaran University, where he served as the Head from 2001 to 2003. Looking ahead, Morteza Hosseini's future contributions are poised to further enrich the realms of environmental biotechnology and chemical engineering. His research pursuits, particularly in the application of electrical fields for wastewater treatment and emulsion preparation, indicate a continued dedication to innovative solutions for pressing environmental challenges.

Notable Publications

Design of PAMAM grafted chitosan dendrimers biosorbent for removal of anionic dyes: Adsorption isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics studies 2021 (60)

Fabrication and characterization of polyvinyl chloride mixed matrix membranes containing high aspect ratio anatase titania and hydrous manganese oxide nanoparticle for efficient removal of heavy metal ions: Competitive removal study 2020 (18)

Extraction of Catechin as a Flavonoid Compound via Molecularly Imprinted Polymers 2022 (7)