Tanmay Das-Transportation Systems-Sustainable Agriculture- Best Researcher Award – 5722

Congratulations to Tanmay Das-Transportation Systems-Sustainable agriculture- Best Researcher  – Award Winner 2023

Tanmay Das-Transportation Systems

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Tanmay Das pursued a Ph.D. in Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering with a focus on Transportation Systems at North Carolina State University (NCSU). Under the guidance of advisors Dr. Nagui Rouphail and Dr. Billy Williams, he is set to complete his doctoral studies in Fall 2023. His earlier academic journey includes earning an M.Sc. in Civil Engineering with a specialization in Transportation Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, also from BUET.

Professional Endeavors

In his professional journey, Tanmay Das has held various significant roles. Notably, he is currently a Highway Safety Analyst at Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) in Raleigh, NC, a position he assumed in Fall 2023. Before this, he served as a Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant at NCSU. Tanmay also gained valuable industry experience through internships at VHB and the Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) in Raleigh, NC. He further extended his expertise as a Lecturer at Pabna University of Science and Technology in Bangladesh.

Contributions and Research Focus

Tanmay Das has made substantial contributions to transportation research, particularly in the realm of autonomous vehicles and traffic safety. His research projects span various areas, including the development of emission-aware car-following models, the modernization of the Federal Highway Administration Highway Safety Information System, and the utilization of connectivity and automation in transportation decision-making. His work involves interdisciplinary collaborations, including partnerships with professionals in civil engineering and computer science.

Accolades and Recognition

Tanmay Das has received noteworthy recognition for his contributions to academia and research. He was honored with a Mentored Teaching Fellowship in Spring 2023 by the College of Engineering at NCSU. Additionally, he received the C.E. “Ed” Vick Transportation Graduate Award in 2022 from the Department of Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering at NCSU. His academic achievements were further acknowledged with the Solan Graduate Scholarship in 2019.

Impact and Influence

Tanmay Das has left a significant impact through his published journals, conference proceedings, and active involvement in mentoring students. His research has practical applications, addressing critical issues such as the impact of autonomous vehicle technology on transportation systems and developing tools for fleet management. His influence extends beyond academia, contributing to advancements in transportation safety and efficiency.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Tanmay Das's legacy includes his role as a lecturer, research assistant, and contributor to multiple impactful research projects. His teaching experience at NCSU, combined with his research, positions him as a figure with a multifaceted impact on the transportation field. As he continues to contribute to cutting-edge research, his future legacy is likely to involve further advancements in autonomous vehicles, traffic safety, and transportation decision-making.

Notable Publications

Dalia Mohamed Fahmy Mubarak-Sustainable Agriculture- Best Researcher Award– 5718

Congratulations to Dalia Mohamed Fahmy Mubarak-Sustainable agriculture- Best Researcher  – Award Winner 2023

Dalia Mohamed Fahmy Mubarak-Sustainable agriculture

Congratulations on Receiving the Best Researcher Award! Dear Dalia Mohamed Fahmy Mubarak,  It is with immense pleasure and pride that we extend our warmest congratulations to you on being honored with the Best Researcher Award. Your dedication, hard work, and exceptional contributions to the field have not only earned you this well-deserved recognition but have also set a high standard for excellence.Your commitment to advancing knowledge and making impactful contributions to your field has not gone unnoticed. This prestigious award is a testament to your outstanding achievements, innovative research, and the positive influence you have had on the academic and professional communities.

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Dalia Mohamed Fahmy Mubarak embarked on her academic journey with a fervor for knowledge, initially focusing on Sustainable agriculture. Her early academic pursuits laid the groundwork for her intellectual curiosity, setting the stage for a distinguished academic and professional career.

Professional Endeavors:

Transitioning seamlessly from academia to the professional realm, Dalia brought her expertise to bear in Sustainable agriculture. Her roles at Sustainable agriculture were marked by a commitment to excellence, where she Sustainable agriculture.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Dalia's contributions to Sustainable agriculture have been both impactful and pioneering. Her research has centered on Sustainable agriculture, demonstrating a deep understanding of nuanced issues within the field. Through her work, she has pushed the boundaries of knowledge and paved the way for advancements in Sustainable agriculture

Accolades and Recognition:

Dalia's exceptional work has garnered widespread recognition, with accolades reflecting her dedication and accomplishments. Awards and honors in Sustainable agriculture underscore her commitment to excellence and innovation, solidifying her reputation as a trailblazer in her field.

Impact and Influence:

Dalia's influence extends beyond her immediate professional circles. Her impactful contributions have left an indelible mark on Sustainable agriculture, influencing peers and emerging professionals alike. Through collaborations, mentorship, and a commitment to knowledge-sharing, she has become a beacon in the industry.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As a distinguished figure at Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany, Dalia has carved a legacy characterized by intellectual rigor and a passion for progress. Her current work at the institution and beyond foreshadows a future filled with continued contributions to Sustainable agriculture, ensuring a lasting legacy of excellence and innovation.


Dalia Mohamed Fahmy Mubarak's tenure at Hohenheim University in Stuttgart, Germany, stands as a significant highlight in her illustrious career. Her affiliation with this esteemed institution has not only honed her expertise but has also provided a platform for advanced research, collaboration, and furthering her contributions to the academic and professional realms.

Notable Publications :

Ayyadurai Saravanakumar- Bioenergy- Best Researcher – Award Winner 2023🏆

Congratulations to Ayyadurai Saravanakumar- Bioenergy- Best Researcher  - Award Winner 2023🏆

Dr. Ayyadurai Saravanakumar:

Dr. Ayyadurai Saravanakumar, born on May 6, 1977, began his academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Jayaraj Chelladurai College, Madurai Kamaraj Universityacademic achievements culminated in a Ph.D. in Energy from Madurai Kamaraj University in 2008. His doctoral research was supported by the National Renewable Energy Fellowship program, spanning from Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) from 2000 to 2003 to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from 2003 to 2006. This program was sponsored by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, through the Centre for Energy Studies at IIT Delhi

professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Ayyadurai Saravanakumar embarked on his academic journey by obtaining a Ph.D. in Energy in 2008 from Madurai Kamaraj University. His doctoral research was sponsored by the National Renewable Energy Fellowship program from 2000 to 2006, a commendable tenure that laid the foundation for his expertise in bio-energy.

Professional Endeavors

With a total working experience of 20 years and 10 months, Dr. Saravanakumar has a diverse professional background. His recent role is as an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Research in Environment, Sustainability, Advocacy, and Climate Change (REACH) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, where he has been contributing since August 2020.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Saravanakumar's extensive research experience spans various organizations and roles, including research positions in Biomass Energy R&D, Renewable Energy R&D, and Bio-Energy R&D. His research focuses on Biomass Gasification Technologies, Biomass to Charcoal conversion technologies, and Computational modeling of long stick wood gasifiers.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Dr. Saravanakumar has earned recognition for his work, as evidenced by a patent granted for a Gasifier and a Process for Production of Producer Gas. He has also published numerous papers in international journals and presented at both national and international conferences.

Impact and Influence

His work has practical applications, evident in projects like the 2MWth and 1MWth Biomass Gasifier Project, showcasing his dedication to sustainable energy solutions. Additionally, his computational models contribute to evaluating the anticipated performance characteristics of gasifiers.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Saravanakumar's legacy includes significant contributions to the field of bio-energy and renewable technologies. With a rich academic, research, and teaching background, his future contributions are likely to further advance sustainable solutions in the realm of energy and environmental studies.

Notable Publication:

Experimental investigation and modelling study of long stick wood gasification in a top lit updraft fixed bed gasifier

Pyrolysis of lignocellulosic, algal, plastic, and other biomass wastes for biofuel production and circular bioeconomy: A review of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) approach

Experimental investigations of long stick wood gasification in a bottom lit updraft fixed bed gasifier

Flaming pyrolysis model of the fixed bed cross draft long-stick wood gasifier

Numerical modelling of a fixed bed updraft long stick wood gasifier

Mass and energy analysis of a 60 kWth updraft gasifier using large size biomass

Operation and modelling of an updraft long-stick wood gasifier

Pilot-scale study on downdraft gasification of municipal solid waste with mass and energy balance analysis

For Waste to Energy, Assessment of Fluff Type Solid Refuse Fuel by Thermal Characteristics Analyses

Experimental investigations on sugarcane bagasse pyrolytic oil production from flash pyrolysis using a rotary screw reactor