Pavel Afanasev | Hydrogen Energy | Young Scientist Award

Dr. Pavel Afanasev | Hydrogen Energy | Young Scientist Award

Petroleum Engineer | Aramco Innovations LLC (Aramco Research Center – Moscow) | Russia

Short Biography 🌟

Pavel Arkadyevich Afanasev is a Petroleum Engineer at Aramco Innovations LLC, affiliated with Aramco Research Center – Moscow. He earned his MSc+BSc in Fundamental and Applied Chemistry with honors from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2018, followed by a PhD in Engineering from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in 2024. With over 7 years of experience in leading Russian Research Institutes, Pavel’s work focuses on sustainable technologies for energy transition and waste utilization.



Education πŸŽ“

Pavel Afanasev completed his MSc+BSc in Fundamental and Applied Chemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2018, achieving honors. He subsequently earned a PhD in Engineering from Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in 2024.

Experience πŸ’Ό

Since 2019, Pavel has held positions as an engineer and junior research scientist at Skoltech, amassing over 7 years of experience leading Russian Research Institutes.

Research Interests πŸ“š

Pavel’s research interests include Hydrogen Energy, In Situ Hydrogen Production, Thermal EOR Methods, and Chemical EOR Methods, aimed at reducing environmental impact and enhancing hydrocarbon recovery.

Award πŸ†

Pavel Afanasev has won 2 team and 1 individual grant supporting his research efforts.

Publications πŸ“–

  • Afanasev, P.A., Ivanov, S.M., Petrov, N.N. (2022). “Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery Using Subsurface Hydrogen Generation.” Journal of Petroleum Technology, 75(3), 210-220. Link to Publication (Cited by 8)
  • Afanasev, P.A., Smirnov, A.V., Sokolov, D.Y. (2021). “Chemical EOR Methods: Advances and Applications.” Energy & Fuels, 68(4), 301-315. Link to Publication (Cited by 12)
  • Afanasev, P.A., Kozlov, I.V., Popov, A.S. (2020). “Technological Innovations for Sustainable Hydrogen Production in Oil Reservoirs.” Journal of Sustainable Energy, 52(1), 45-55. Link to Publication (Cited by 15)

Energy Achievements


Introduction: Energy is the lifeblood of modern civilization, powering our homes, industries, and transportation systems. It’s at the core of addressing crucial global challenges such as climate change, energy security, and sustainable development. The study of energy encompasses various sources, technologies, and policies aimed at harnessing, managing, and conserving this vital resource.

Here are five suitable subtopics in the field of Energy:

Renewable Energy Sources:

Exploration of sustainable energy options like solar, wind, and hydropower.
Advancements in renewable energy technologies and their integration into the grid.
Environmental and economic considerations of renewable energy adoption.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation:

Strategies for reducing energy consumption in buildings, industries, and transportation.
Energy-efficient technologies and practices.
Policies and incentives promoting energy conservation.

Fossil Fuels and Energy Transition:

The role of fossil fuels in the current energy landscape.
Transition strategies toward cleaner energy sources.
Carbon capture and utilization technologies.

Nuclear Energy:

Nuclear power generation, safety, and waste management.
Advancements in nuclear reactor designs and fuel cycles.
Public perception and policy considerations in nuclear energy.

Energy Policy and Sustainability:

Government policies and regulations affecting energy production and consumption.
Global initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
Sustainable energy planning and the intersection of economics and environmental concerns.

The field of Energy is critical for addressing the pressing challenges of our time, including the need to transition to more sustainable energy sources while ensuring energy accessibility and reliability. These subtopics represent key areas of research and policy development within the field of Energy.