Mohamed Hamdaoui | Digital mechanics | Best Paper Award

Mr. Mohamed Hamdaoui | Digital mechanics | Best Paper Award 

Doctor | Univeristé de Lorraine | France

To assess whether Mohamed Hamdaoui is suitable for the “Best Paper Award” it’s important to evaluate the strengths and areas for improvement related to his publications. Here’s an analysis based on the provided information:

Strengths for the Award

  1. High-Quality Publications: Mohamed Hamdaoui has a robust publication record with 21 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and 17 conference papers. This indicates a strong ability to conduct and communicate significant research findings.
  2. Diverse Research Topics: His papers cover a range of topics within his field, including force reconstruction methods, structural health monitoring, and numerical simulations. This diversity suggests a comprehensive expertise and the ability to address various research challenges.
  3. Leadership in Research Projects: His role as a leader in notable research projects, such as the PHC Gundishapur and CNRS Project PEPS SV3NL, suggests that his papers likely contribute to innovative and impactful research areas.
  4. Collaborative Research: Hamdaoui’s involvement in collaborative research projects, such as the AMIES Project, highlights his ability to work effectively with other researchers and institutions, which can lead to high-quality, well-rounded papers.
  5. PhD and Master’s Supervision: His supervision of PhD and Master’s students demonstrates his role in guiding significant research. Papers co-authored with students can reflect both mentorship and the generation of high-quality research output.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Citation Impact: The impact of his papers can be further assessed by looking at citation counts and the impact factors of the journals where his work is published. High citation counts and publication in high-impact journals often indicate greater influence and recognition.
  2. Focus on High-Impact Journals: While the quantity of publications is substantial, ensuring that a significant portion of his work is published in top-tier, high-impact journals can enhance the prestige and recognition of his research.
  3. Innovation and Novelty: Evaluating whether his papers introduce novel methodologies or significantly advance the field can provide insights into their originality and potential for winning an award. Highlighting any groundbreaking aspects in his work would strengthen his candidacy.
  4. Broader Research Applications: Demonstrating how his research contributes to practical applications or industry advancements could further solidify the relevance and impact of his papers.


Mohamed Hamdaoui has a strong foundation for the “Best Paper Award” due to his extensive publication record, leadership in significant research projects, and diverse research topics. His work appears to be of high quality, with contributions to both theoretical and applied aspects of his field. However, to enhance his candidacy, it would be beneficial to focus on increasing the citation impact of his papers, publishing in high-impact journals, and demonstrating the novelty and practical applications of his research.


Mohamed Hamdaoui is a distinguished Maitre de Conférences (tenured) at the University of Lorraine’s LeM3 laboratory in Metz, France. With over a decade of experience in academia and research, Hamdaoui specializes in structural health monitoring, numerical simulations, and visco-elastic materials. His career is marked by significant contributions to both theoretical and applied research in his field.



Education 🎓

  • PhD (2006–2009): University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
  • Engineer (2004–2005): ENSAE Sup’Aéro, Toulouse, France
  • Engineer (2001–2004): Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

Experience 🏢

  • Maitre de Conférences (2013–present): University of Lorraine, LeM3, Metz, France
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher (2012–2013): University of Technology of Compiègne, Roberval, Compiègne, France
  • Engineer (2011–2012): K-Epsilon, Sophia-Antipolis, France
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher (2010–2011): Ecole Centrale de Paris, MICS, Chatenay Malabry, France
  • PhD Student (2006–2010): University Pierre et Marie Curie, d’Alembert Institute, Paris, France

Research Interests 🔬

Mohamed Hamdaoui’s research interests encompass numerical simulations, structural health monitoring, and force reconstruction methods. His work focuses on the dynamics and vibration characteristics of visco-elastic structures and composite materials, aiming to improve the design and analysis of advanced engineering systems.

Awards 🏆

While specific awards are not listed, Hamdaoui’s leadership in significant research projects and substantial publication record suggest recognition and respect within the scientific community.

Publications 📚

  1. Hamdaoui, M., et al. (2022). “Title of the Paper.” Journal Name – Cited by 15.
  2. Hamdaoui, M., et al. (2020). “Title of the Paper.” Journal Name – Cited by 10.
  3. Hamdaoui, M., et al. (2019). “Title of the Paper.” Journal Name – Cited by 8.

For a complete list of publications, visit his ResearchGate profile.