Amir Mor-Mussery | Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Amir Mor-Mussery | Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Dr, Agriculture Research Organization, Volcani, Israel

With a Ph.D. from Ben Gurion University in Environmental Sciences, Geoinformatics, and Urban Planning Sciences, specializing in agroecosystems in arid areas, I bring extensive expertise in spatial analyses using ArcGIS® and Python. My experience includes managing ecological projects and teaching roles at the Faculty of Agriculture, focusing on digital agriculture and soil enhancement practices. I’ve led research on satellite imaging and water irrigation systems, contributing significantly to environmental and agricultural sciences. Fluent in English and Hebrew, I’ve also conducted lectures internationally. Skilled in software like ArcGIS®, JMP®, and ImagJ®, I’m committed to advancing sustainable agriculture through innovative research and practical application.


Google Scholar


Academic Excellence and Ecological Leadership 🌱🌍

I am distinguished by my extensive expertise in agroecology and environmental sciences, cultivated through a robust academic journey culminating in a Ph.D. from Ben Gurion University. My doctoral research delved into the evolution of agroecosystems in arid loess areas, highlighting my commitment to sustainable land management (doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.21802.98240). Complementing this, my M.Sc. in Agriculture focused on geostatistical methods and their impact on crop physiology, particularly in cherry tomatoes. 🍅

 Professional Development 📚✨

My educational journey includes foundational degrees in Agriculture, specialized training in water management, organic breeding, and small ruminants. These have fortified my role as a leader in environmental projects, such as managing ecological processes using satellite imaging and guiding community-centered rehabilitation initiatives. 🌱

Technological Proficiency 🛠️🔍

I bring practical experience as a lecturer and project manager, fostering digital agriculture advancements and soil enhancement practices. Proficient in ArcGIS® and Python for spatial analysis, I’ve contributed significantly to agricultural research and educational initiatives worldwide. 🌍

Academic Impact 📊🎓

As a free lecturer and researcher, I advocate for sustainable practices and innovative solutions, leveraging technologies like GS+®, JMP®, and ImagJ®. Fluent in Hebrew and English, I am dedicated to bridging research with practical application, driving environmental stewardship and academic excellence. 🌱📈

📚 Publications:

Detecting changes in biomass productivity in a different land management regimes in drylands using satellite‐derived vegetation index


Rehabilitating degraded drylands by creating woodland islets: Assessing long-term effects on aboveground productivity and soil fertility


The effect of planting techniques on arid ecosystems in the northern Negev


The effects of long time conservation of heavily grazed shrubland: A case study in the Northern Negev, Israel


Using Landsat satellites to assess the impact of check dams built across erosive gullies on vegetation rehabilitation


The effects of gully erosion on the ecology of arid loessial agro-ecosystems, the northern Negev, Israel


Modeling the optimal grazing regime of Acacia victoriae silvopasture in the Northern Negev, Israel


Effects of grazing control on ecosystem recovery, biological productivity gains, and soil carbon sequestration in long‐term degraded loess farmlands in the Northern Negev, Israel


Contrasting effects of two Acacia species on understorey growth in a drylands environment: interplay of canopy shading and litter interference


Mohammed Albaroot | Petroleum Geology | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Mohammed Albaroot | Ecology  | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr . at University of Saba Region, Yemen

Mohammed Ali Albaroot is an accomplished geologist with extensive experience spanning various roles in the field. Beginning with a background in Engineering Geology from Aden University, Yemen, he furthered his education with an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Applied Geology from AMU, India. His career includes significant contributions as a Mud Logger and Geologist at Baker Hughes and Petroservice Middle East across Yemen, Qatar, and Syria. Mohammed’s expertise lies in Geology, Reservoir Characterization, and Basin Modeling, with a specific focus on Geophysics. He has also taught English briefly and served as an Engineering Geologist at the General Authority for Development, Marib Al-Juff.


Professional Profiles

Scopus Profile

Education 🎓

Ph.D. in Geology
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Duration: February 6, 2015 – February 19, 2018

Academic and Professional Profile 🎓🌍

Current Position 📘

Assistant Professor
Department of Geology
University of Saba Region, Marib, Yemen
Duration: September 1, 2018 – Present

Degree University Department Year Grade & Rank Country
High school – H.S.A. 2000 Good Yemen
Bachelors Aden Eng. Geology 2004 Good Yemen
Master (M.Sc. degree) AMU Appl. Geology 2014 1st division India


Won Best Paper Presentation Award
Eighth All India Students Symposium on Geology (Date: 2017)



The Upper Jurassic sediments, Marib-Shabwa Basin, Yemen: Lithofacies aspects and sequence stratigraphic analysis

Journal: Energy Geoscience

Date: January 2024

DOI: 10.1016/j.engeos.2023.100214

Contributors: Mohammed Albaroot, Mohamed M. Elhossainy, Nabil M. Al-Areeq, Emad A. Abdullah, Abdelhamid M. Salman

Upper Jurassic Source Rock Evaluation and Thermal Maturity Evolution of the NW Sab’Atayn Basin, Yemen

Journal: Geoinformatica Polonica

Date: December 2023

DOI: 10.4467/21995923GP.23.006.18605

Contributors: Nabeel A. S. Al-Azazi, A. S. A. E. Alsrory, Mohammed Albaroot

1D modelling of the NW Sab’atayn Basin Upper Jurassic source rocks, Yemen: Implications for hydrocarbon generation and thermal maturity

Journal: Geological Journal

Date: July 2022

DOI: 10.1002/gj.4438

Contributors: A. S. A. E. Alsrory, Nabeel A. S. A. Al‐Azazi, Mohammed Albaroot, M. A. Quasim

Effect evaluation of shale types on hydrocarbon potential using well logs and crossplot approach, Halewah oilfield, Sab’atayn Basin, Yemen

Journal: Energy Geoscience

Date: April 2022

DOI: 10.1016/j.engeos.2021.12.005

Contributors: Nabeel A.S. Al Al-Azazi, A.S.A.E. Alsrory, Mohammed Albaroot

Integrated approach of lithofacies and granulometric analysis of the sediments of the Proterozoic Upper Kaimur Group of Vindhyan Supergroup, Son Valley, India: Palaeo-environmental implications

Journal: Geological Journal

Date: 2020

DOI: 10.1002/gj.3781

Contributors: Quasim, M.A.; Ghosh, S.K.; Ahmad, A.H.M.; Srivastava, V.K.; Albaroot, M.

Demarcation of hydrocarbon potential zones for Qishn clastic member, Masila oil field, Yemen

Journal: Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Date: 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s12517-019-4299-y

Contributors: Alshayef, M.S.; Javed, A.; Al-Areeq, N.M.; Albaroot, M.

Factors influencing Detrital Mineralogy and Tectono-provenance of Fort Member Sandstone, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan, India

Journal: Journal of the Geological Society of India

Date: 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s12594-019-1193-x

Contributors: Ahmad, F.; Quasim, M.A.; Ahmad, A.H.M.; Ghaznavi, A.A.; Khan, Z.; Albaroot, M.

An approach to provenance and tectonic setting of the Proterozoic Upper Kaimur group sandstones, Son valley: Constraints from framework mineralogy and heavy mineral analysis

Journal: Himalayan Geology

Date: 2018

DOI: Not specified

Contributors: Quasim, M.A.; Hota, R.N.; Ahmad, A.H.M.; Albaroot, M.

Petroleum source rocks characterization and hydrocarbon generation of the Upper Jurassic succession in Jabal Ayban field, Sabatayn Basin, Yemen

Journal: Egyptian Journal of Petroleum

Date: 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpe.2017.12.005

Contributors: Al-Areeq, N.M.; Al-Badani, M.A.; Salman, A.H.; Albaroot, M.A.


Natalia López Andrés | Traslational Cardiology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Natalia López Andrés | Traslational Cardiology  | Best Researcher Award

Dr. at Navarrabiomed-Fundación Miguel Servet, Spain

Dr. Natalia López-Andrés (NLA) graduated in Biological Sciences at Universidad de Navarra (Spain). In 2006, she was awarded a PhD in Cardiovascular Research (University of Navarra, Spain). She has previously held a Postdoctoral position at the Division of Cardiovascular Sciences in the Centre for Applied Medical Research (Pamplona, 2006-2008) to study heart failure within a multidisciplinary group. In 2008, NLA joined the research unit U961 at the INSERM (Nancy, France) where she was relocated as Research Associate until 2013. She developed a vast expertise studying the mechanisms of action, diagnosis and therapeutics of cardiovascular stiffness-fibrosis and hypercoagulability.


Professional Profiles

Scopus Profile


Professional Situation🏢

Current Position

Position: Researcher
Start Date: 2022
Institution: Navarrabiomed
Keywords: Molecular mechanisms of disease, Laboratory animals, Cell culture, Tissue culture

Previous Professional Situation 🧑‍🔬

Period: 2008 – 2012
Position: Post-doctoral Student
Institution: INSERM (France)

Period: 2006 – 2008
Position: Post-doctoral Student
Institution: Centro de Investigación Biomédica Aplicada

Academic Training 🎓

Degree: PhD in Cardiovascular Research
University: University of Navarra
Year: 2006

Degree: Bachelor in Biology, Option Biological Health
University: University of Navarra
Year: 2001

Curriculum Vitae Summary

Dr. Natalia López-Andrés (NLA) graduated in Biological Sciences at Universidad de Navarra, Spain. In 2006, she was awarded a PhD in Cardiovascular Research (University of Navarra, Spain). She previously held a Postdoctoral position at the Division of Cardiovascular Sciences in the Centre for Applied Medical Research (Pamplona, 2006-2008), focusing on heart failure within a multidisciplinary group.

In 2008, NLA joined the research unit U961 at INSERM (Nancy, France), where she served as a Research Associate until 2013. She developed vast expertise in studying the mechanisms of action, diagnosis, and therapeutics of cardiovascular stiffness-fibrosis and hypercoagulability.

In 2014, she received a competitive Research Fellowship ‘Miguel Servet’ from the ISCIII-Spanish Government. This fellowship allowed her to independently establish and lead a multidisciplinary Cardiovascular Translational Research Group at Navarrabiomed-FMS (Spain). Her primary research interest is the pathogenesis of heart valve disease (HVD), while expanding her expertise in myocardial remodeling underlying other forms of cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease. Over the past 10 years, NLA has become an internationally acknowledged expert studying the role of the Aldosterone/mineralocorticoid receptor (Aldo/MR) axis, galectin-3, and cardiotrophin-1 and its biotargets in valvular, myocardial, vascular, and renal fibrosis.


1. Sex‐dependent expression of galectin‐1, a cardioprotective β‐galactoside‐binding lectin, in human calcific aortic stenosis

Journal: The FASEB Journal

Publication Date: 2024-02-15

DOI: 10.1096/fj.202301832rr

ISSN: 0892-6638, 1530-6860

2. Albumin Redox Modifications Promote Cell Calcification Reflecting the Impact of Oxidative Status on Aortic Valve Disease and Atherosclerosis

Journal: Antioxidants

Publication Date: 2024-01

DOI: 10.3390/antiox13010108

3. Coagulation Profile: Alterations and Diagnostic Yield in Pediatric Acute Appendicitis. A Prospective Validation Study

Journal: Surgical Infections

Publication Date: 2023

4. Combined Dapagliflozine And Eplerenone Treatment Improve Cardiorenal Function In Rats With Chronic Kidney Disease

Journal: Hypertension

Publication Date: 2023

5. Correction to: Leucine-Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein as a non-invasive biomarker for pediatric acute appendicitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal: European Journal of Pediatrics

Publication Date: 2023

6. Correction: Diagnostic performance of serum pentraxin-3 in pediatric acute appendicitis: a prospective diagnostic validation study

Journal: Pediatric Surgery International

Publication Date: 2023

7. Diagnostic performance of calprotectin and APPY-1 test in pediatric acute appendicitis: a systematic review and a meta-analysis

Journal: European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

Publication Date: 2023

8. Diagnostic performance of serum pentraxin-3 in pediatric acute appendicitis: a prospective diagnostic validation study

Journal: Pediatric Surgery International

Publication Date: 2023

9. Flow cytometric characterization of cecal appendix lymphocyte subpopulations in children: a pilot study

Journal: Pediatric Surgery International

Publication Date: 2023

10. Heart valve diseases: from molecular mechanisms to clinical implications

Journal: Frontiers in Molecular Medicine

Publication Date: 2023

11. Influence of diabetes mellitus on the pathological profile of aortic stenosis: a sex-based approach

Journal: Cardiovascular Diabetology

Publication Date: 2023



Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Best Researcher Award | 6236

Ms. Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Ms at Pabna University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

K. Sumi Rani Shaha’s academic and professional journey is marked by a strong foundation in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, with significant teaching, research, and practical experience in various esteemed institutions.

To facilitate the path of a knowledge-seeking mind and enrich achievements in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Professional Profiles

Scopus Profile

Google scholar

Education 📘🎓

M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)
CGPA: 3.92/4.00 (2023)

B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)
CGPA: 3.76/4.00, 7th position (2021)

Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) in Science
Govt. Azizul Haque College
GPA: 5.00/5.00 (2015)

Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.) in Science
Kalai M. U. Govt. High School
GPA: 5.00/5.00 (2013)

Experiences 🏫🔌

Lecturer, Dept. of EECE, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna
October 19, 2022 – Present
Responsibilities include teaching courses such as Electrical Circuit II, Electrical Machine System II, Power System Protection and Switchgear, and Measurement and Instrumentation. Additionally, supervising students’ thesis work, conducting exams, preparing routines, and developing OBE curriculum.Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, North Bengal International University, Rajshahi
January 15, 2022 – October 18, 2022
Taught courses including Electronics I, Electrical Circuit II, and Communication Engineering II. Also supervised students’ thesis work, conducted exams, prepared routines, and developed OBE curriculum.Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, Anwer Khan Modern University, Dhaka
November 2021 – January 2022
Taught various courses with practical classes in the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering.Research Assistant
March 2021 – November 2021
Worked on the project titled “Design and Analysis of Novel Hollow Core Antiresonant Fibers for Communication and Terahertz Applications” under Dr. Abdul Khaleque, Professor, Dept. of EEE, RUET.Industrial Trainee at Ghorashal Power Plant
May 14, 2019 – May 23, 2019
Completed industrial training at Ghorashal Power Plant Training Center under the supervision of Dr. Md. Mortuza Ali, Professor, Dept. of EEE, RUET.


Wideband Low Loss Hollow Core Fiber with Nested Hybrid Cladding Elements 📡

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, MH Sarwar
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(20), 6585-6591 (2021)
Citations: 42
A detailed study on a novel hollow core fiber design that offers wideband and low loss, improving applications in optical communications.

Low Loss Double Cladding Nested Hollow Core Antiresonant Fiber 🌐

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, I Hasan
OSA Continuum, 3(9), 2512-2524 (2020)
Citations: 38
This research presents a double cladding structure in hollow core fibers, achieving significant loss reduction, enhancing data transmission efficiency.

Broadband and Short-Length Polarization Splitter on Dual Hollow-Core Antiresonant Fiber 🔍

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, MT Rahman, MS Hosen
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 34(5), 259-262 (2022)
Citations: 25
Innovative design of a short-length polarization splitter that operates over a broad bandwidth, useful for compact optical devices.

Low Loss Single Mode Modified Conjoined Tube Hollow Core Fiber 🔬

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque
Applied Optics, 60(21), 6243-6250 (2021)
Citations: 20
Explores a conjoined tube hollow core fiber design for single mode operation with minimized loss, beneficial for precise optical systems.

Highly Birefringent Polarization Maintaining Low-Loss Single-Mode Hollow-Core Antiresonant Fiber 🌀

MS Hosen, A Khaleque, KSR Shaha, LN Asha, AS Sultana, R Nishad, …
Optics Continuum, 1(10), 2167-2184 (2022)
Citations: 15
This work focuses on achieving high birefringence and low loss in hollow-core fibers, important for polarization-maintaining applications.

Low Loss Anisotropic Nested Hollow Core Antiresonant Fiber 🌈

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, MT Rahman
2020 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication
Citations: 14
Introduces an anisotropic design for nested hollow core fibers, reducing loss across a variety of applications.

Nodeless Antiresonant Hollow Core Fiber for Low Loss Flatband THz Guidance 🌐

AS Sultana, A Khaleque, KSR Shaha, MM Rahman, MS Hosen
Optics Continuum, 1(8), 1652-1667 (2022)
Citations: 12
Research on hollow core fibers designed for terahertz guidance, providing low loss and flatband characteristics.

Nested Antiresonant Hollow-Core Fiber with Ultra-Low Loss 🌐

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, MI Hasan
2020 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Citations: 12
Examines an ultra-low loss design for nested antiresonant hollow-core fibers, critical for enhancing communication technologies.

Polarization-Insensitive Terahertz Tunable Broadband Metamaterial Absorber on U-Shaped Graphene Array 📡

ABMA Hossain, A Khaleque, NM Shahriar, MS Hosen, KSR Shaha, …
2023 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication
Citations: 7
Develops a tunable broadband absorber using metamaterials and graphene, improving terahertz applications.

Dual-Function Plasmonic Device on Photonic Crystal Fiber for Near to Mid-Infrared Regions 📡

MH Rahman, A Khaleque, MS Hosen, KSR Shaha, M Mizan, MT Rahman
Optical Materials Express, 13(9), 2526-2540 (2023)
Citations: 6

K. Tamil Thendral – Nanochemistry – Best Researcher Award

K. Tamil Thendral - Nanochemistry - Best Researcher Award

Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College - India


Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

K. Tamil Thendral embarked on her academic journey with a profound passion for chemistry, which was evident from her early academic pursuits. She demonstrated exceptional aptitude and dedication throughout her educational endeavors, laying a solid foundation for her future career in research.

Thendral's academic journey commenced with her schooling in Palani, Tamil Nadu, where she exhibited a keen interest in science subjects, particularly chemistry. Her stellar performance and enthusiasm for learning propelled her to pursue higher education in the field of chemistry.

Upon completing her secondary education with flying colors, Thendral secured admission to Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College in Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, where she pursued a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry. During her undergraduate studies, she distinguished herself as a diligent and industrious student, actively participating in various academic and extracurricular activities. Her commitment to excellence earned her several accolades and scholarships, recognizing her outstanding academic achievements.

Professional Endeavors

Driven by her fervor for scientific inquiry and discovery, Thendral embarked on her professional journey as a Research Scholar in the Department of Chemistry at Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, under the mentorship of Dr. M. Amutha, an esteemed Assistant Professor in the department.

Under the guidance of her mentor, Thendral delved into the fascinating realm of nanotechnology, focusing on the development of spine-type bimetallic oxide and polymer-coated bimetal oxide nanocomposites. Her research endeavors encompassed exploring the synthesis, characterization, and application of these innovative materials in diverse fields, ranging from biological to environmental contexts.

Contributions and Research Focus On Nanochemistry

Thendral's research primarily revolves around the synthesis and characterization of novel nanocomposites and their multifaceted applications. Her pioneering work in developing spine-type bimetallic oxide and polymer-coated bimetal oxide nanocomposites has garnered significant attention within the scientific community.

Through meticulous experimentation and analysis, Thendral has contributed valuable insights into the structural, morphological, and functional properties of these nanomaterials. Her research findings hold immense promise for addressing pressing challenges in areas such as healthcare, environmental remediation, and catalysis.

Accolades and Recognition

Thendral's exemplary contributions to the field of nanotechnology have earned her widespread recognition and acclaim. She has received numerous awards, honors, and research grants in recognition of her outstanding achievements and scholarly contributions.

Her research presentations at national and international conferences have been well-received, further solidifying her reputation as a rising star in the realm of nanoscience. Thendral's scholarly publications in reputable peer-reviewed journals have also garnered appreciation for their scientific rigor and innovation.

Impact and Influence

Thendral's research endeavors have had a profound impact on both academia and industry. Her innovative approach to nanocomposite synthesis and her insights into their applications have the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare, energy, and environmental sustainability.

Moreover, Thendral's mentorship and collaborative efforts have inspired and influenced aspiring researchers, fostering a culture of scientific curiosity and excellence. Her interdisciplinary approach and commitment to knowledge dissemination have contributed to the advancement of scientific understanding and technological innovation.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Thendral continues her journey as a dedicated researcher, her legacy of scientific inquiry and innovation is poised to endure. She remains steadfast in her commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and leveraging nanotechnology for the betterment of society.

In the years to come, Thendral envisions expanding her research horizons, exploring new avenues for the application of nanocomposites, and tackling emerging challenges in fields such as sustainable development and personalized medicine. Her unwavering dedication to scientific inquiry and her passion for making a positive impact serve as guiding principles for her future contributions to the scientific community and society at large.

Notable Publications

Versatile biopolymer–functionalized copper cobalt oxide nanocomposite (Ch/CuCo2O4): Synthesis and applications in antibacterial, anticancer, and photocatalysis 2024

Design and development of copper cobaltite (CuCo2O4) nanoparticle for antibacterial anticancer and photocatalytic activity 2023

Pitchiah Raman Shunmuga Vembu – Engineering- Best Researcher Award – 5716

Congratulations to Pitchiah Raman Shunmuga Vembu – Engineering- Best Researcher  – Award Winner 2023

Pitchiah Raman Shunmuga Vembu- Engineering

Congratulations on Achieving the Best Researcher Award! Dear Pitchiah Raman Shunmuga Vembu, It is with immense pleasure and pride that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on being honored with the Best Researcher Award. This prestigious recognition is a testament to your unwavering dedication, outstanding contributions, and exceptional achievements in the field of research.

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Pitchiah Raman Shunmuga Vembu embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India, in 2016. Demonstrating exceptional dedication and acumen, he pursued a Master's degree in Structural Engineering at VIT University, Tamil Nadu, India, graduating with First Class honors in 2018.

Professional Endeavors:

Armed with academic excellence, Pitchiah ventured into the professional realm, gaining valuable experience in the field of Civil Engineering. His professional journey includes roles as a Civil Engineer and Project Engineer with notable companies such as World of Granite in Lilongwe, Malawi, and John Buildwell India (P) Ltd in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Elevating his career to the realm of academia and research, Pitchiah currently serves as a Research Associate and Teaching cum Research Assistant at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. His research focus revolves around the innovative theme of "Waste to Wealth," where he explores the incorporation of mining waste as construction materials in concrete production. Noteworthy contributions include studies on bond strength, durability, and the eco-friendly transformation of traditional concrete.

Accolades and Recognition:

Pitchiah Raman Shunmuga Vembu's dedication to research has not gone unnoticed. His scholarly work has been acknowledged through various accolades, including publications in reputable journals such as MDPI and Elsevier. Notably, his research on the utilization of Treated Sewage Sludge in concrete earned appreciation from industrial experts and garnered attention from the prestigious Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India.

Impact and Influence:

Pitchiah's impact extends beyond academic circles. Through his research, he has contributed to the development of environmentally conscious and cost-effective concrete solutions. The integration of class F fly ash and the introduction of Treated Sewage Sludge showcase his commitment to sustainable practices in the construction industry.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As a research-focused doctoral scholar at Vellore Institute of Technology, Pitchiah is laying the foundation for a lasting legacy in the field of Civil Engineering. His work on "Assessment of Bond Strength in Self Compacting Concrete with Mine Waste" reflects a commitment to addressing contemporary challenges in construction materials. With a blend of academic prowess and practical experience, Pitchiah is poised to make enduring contributions to the domain of "Waste to Wealth" methodologies, leaving an indelible mark on the future of sustainable construction practices.

Notable Publications :