Akoêtê Bernus Kouevidjin – Electrochemistry – Best Researcher Award

Akoêtê Bernus Kouevidjin - Electrochemistry - Best Researcher Award

CEREMA - France 

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Akoêtê Bernus Kouevidjin's academic journey commenced with a strong foundation in mathematics at the University of Lomé, Togo, where he pursued a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, distinguishing himself as the Vice-Major of the promotion. Building on this success, he continued his education with a Master's degree in Mathematics and Applications, once again achieving the status of Major of the promotion. This early academic excellence laid the groundwork for his subsequent specialization in mechanics, materials, structures, and processes during his Master's and doctoral studies at prestigious institutions like the University of Lorraine in France and the University Paris-Saclay.

Professional Endeavors

Akoêtê Bernus Kouevidjin's professional journey is characterized by a diverse range of experiences spanning teaching, research, and project management. As a Lecturer at the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Électrotechnique et Électronique (ESIEE Paris), he shares his expertise in Python programming and algorithmics with budding engineers. Concurrently, his roles as a Project Manager and Research Analyst at institutions like DIMA/CEREMA and DIRM-CEREMA demonstrate his proficiency in theoretical modeling, experimental analysis, and project coordination within the domain of materials science and engineering.

Contributions and Research Focus On Electrochemistry

Throughout his academic and professional career, Akoêtê Bernus Kouevidjin has focused on advancing the understanding and application of solid mechanics principles in various engineering disciplines. His doctoral research, centered on thermo-viscoelastic modeling and simulation of bituminous pavement cracking, exemplifies his commitment to addressing real-world engineering challenges. By developing sophisticated numerical models and conducting comprehensive experimental analyses, he has contributed to enhancing the durability and performance of asphalt pavements, thereby making significant strides in infrastructure sustainability and resilience.

Accolades and Recognition

Akoêtê Bernus Kouevidjin's contributions to the field of solid mechanics and materials science have been widely recognized and celebrated. His academic achievements, including his status as the Major of the promotion during both his Master's and Bachelor's degrees, underscore his exceptional intellect and dedication to scholarly pursuits. Furthermore, his role as a Lead Researcher on complex projects at esteemed institutions like DIRM-CEREMA and DIMA/CEREMA reflects his reputation as a skilled and innovative researcher within the engineering community. Widely applied in energy storage, corrosion prevention, and industrial processes, electrochemistry plays a crucial role in advancing technology and understanding fundamental chemical principles

Impact and Influence

Akoêtê Bernus Kouevidjin's research and professional endeavors have had a significant impact on the fields of solid mechanics and materials engineering. Through his groundbreaking work on bituminous pavement cracking, he has not only advanced scientific knowledge but also contributed to the development of practical solutions for enhancing infrastructure sustainability and performance. His expertise in numerical modeling, experimental analysis, and project management positions him as a key influencer in shaping the future of materials science and engineering. Electrochemistry is the study of chemical processes that involve the transfer of electrons between substances. It encompasses various phenomena such as oxidation-reduction reactions, electrolysis, and corrosion.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Looking ahead, Akoêtê Bernus Kouevidjin's legacy in the field of solid mechanics and materials engineering is poised to be one of innovation and leadership. By continuing to pursue cutting-edge research, mentor the next generation of engineers, and collaborate with industry stakeholders, he aims to drive positive change and address pressing societal challenges related to infrastructure sustainability and resilience. His multidisciplinary approach, coupled with his unwavering commitment to excellence, ensures that his contributions will have a lasting impact on the field for years to come.

Notable Publications

Efficiency of the Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) in reinforced concretes: Experimental and numerical investigation 2024

Effect of Thermal Ageing on the Mechanical Properties and Cracking Behaviour of Asphalt Concrete 2022

Modelling of viscoelastic properties and crack growth in bituminous mixtures: Application to the simulation of crack growth in semi-circular samples subjected to oxidative ageing 2022

Soma Hansda – Materials Science – Best Researcher Award

Soma Hansda - Materials Science - Best Researcher Award

Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute - India

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Soma Hansda's academic journey likely began with a strong foundation in a relevant field. Highlight key milestones, academic achievements, and areas of interest during the early years. Discuss any notable educational institutions and mentors that played a crucial role in shaping her academic path. Innovations in Materials Science have far-reaching implications for industries such as aerospace, automotive, electronics, and healthcare. From lightweight, high-strength alloys for aircraft to flexible and durable electronic components for portable devices, the impact of materials research is ubiquitous.

Professional Endeavors

Detail Soma Hansda's professional journey, starting from her initial roles in the industry or academia. Discuss the progression of her career, key positions held, and the institutions or organizations she has been associated with. Include any significant projects, collaborations, or breakthroughs achieved during this period. As we advance into the future, Materials Science continues to evolve, driven by the quest for new materials that can revolutionize technology and improve the quality of life. The collaboration between scientists, engineers, and researchers in Materials Science ensures that our understanding of materials keeps pace with technological demands, making it a crucial discipline for shaping the innovations of tomorrow

Contributions and Research Focus In Materials Science

Delve into Soma Hansda's contributions to her field of expertise. Discuss her research focus, including key projects, methodologies, and findings. Highlight any patents, publications, or innovations resulting from her work. This section should showcase the impact of her research on the scientific community and society at large.Materials Science is a multidisciplinary field at the intersection of physics, chemistry, engineering, and biology, focusing on the study and manipulation of materials to understand their properties and applications. This dynamic field encompasses a wide range of substances, from metals and polymers to ceramics and biomaterials, seeking to uncover their fundamental principles and leverage this knowledge for technological advancements.

Accolades and Recognition

Explore the awards, honors, and recognition that Soma Hansda has received for her contributions. This may include prestigious fellowships, medals, or acknowledgments from academic and professional bodies. Acknowledge the significance of these accolades in validating the quality and impact of her work. Materials Science seeks to design and develop new materials with enhanced properties or functionalities. Researchers in this field explore the structure, composition, and processing of materials to tailor their mechanical, thermal, electrical, and optical properties. By understanding the relationship between a material's structure and its performance, scientists can create innovative materials for various applications.

Impact and Influence

Discuss how Soma Hansda's work has made a difference in her field. Explore the practical applications of her research and its implications for industries or society. Consider collaborations with other researchers and institutions, showcasing the broader impact of her work beyond individual achievements. One of the key aspects of Materials Science is nanotechnology, which involves manipulating materials at the nanoscale. This enables the creation of nanomaterials with unique properties, opening up new possibilities in electronics, medicine, and energy storage. Nanomaterials exhibit novel behaviors that differ significantly from their macroscopic counterparts, leading to groundbreaking applications in fields such as nanoelectronics, nanomedicine, and nanocomposites.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Reflect on the legacy that Soma Hansda has built in her field. Discuss the lasting impact of her research and how it has influenced subsequent studies or developments. Additionally, provide insights into her future contributions, ongoing projects, or areas of interest that signal her continued influence in the field. Materials Science plays a pivotal role in addressing global challenges. Researchers work on developing sustainable and eco-friendly materials, exploring renewable energy sources, and enhancing the efficiency of electronic devices. The field also intersects with biomaterials, contributing to advancements in medical implants, tissue engineering, and drug delivery systems.

Notable Publications

Structural and optical properties of silicon oxycarbide thin films using silane based precursors via sol-gel process 2024

Hamed Bahmanabadi – Fatigue – Best Researcher Award

Hamed Bahmanabadi - Fatigue - Best Researcher Award

Semnan University - Iran 

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Hamed Bahmanabadi embarked on his academic journey at Semnan University, Iran, where he pursued his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from 2012 to 2017. His dedication and scholarly pursuits were evident early on, culminating in the 1st Ranked Bachelor Thesis in the Top Thesis Festival of the 2nd National Congress of Internal Combats. Under the guidance of Dr. Mohammad Azadi, Hamed delved into the intricacies of Continuum Damage Mechanics, focusing on the evaluation of this theory in the context of Inconel 713C Nickel-based Superalloy under force-controlled creep loading.

Professional Endeavors

Building upon his undergraduate success, Hamed continued his academic journey at Semnan University, where he earned his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from 2017 to 2020. His Master's thesis, titled "Experimental and Numerical Study on Low-cycle Fatigue Behavior of Aluminum Metal Matrix Nanocomposite at Different Temperatures," demonstrated a profound understanding of mechanical behaviors in complex materials. During this period, he also served as a Visiting Researcher at the Chair of Mechanical Engineering at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria. Under the supervision of Dr. Mohammad Azadi, Prof. Florian Grün, and Dr. Gerhard Winter, Hamed focused on LCF Testing on Aluminum Metal-matrix Nano-composites, showcasing his commitment to international collaboration and research excellence.

Contributions and Research Focus

Hamed Bahmanabadi's research contributions span a diverse range of topics within the field of Mechanical Engineering. His expertise includes HCF, LCF, TMF, Mechanics of Materials, Coating, Materials Characterization, Additive Manufacturing, Mechanical Properties, Corrosion, and Metallurgical Investigation. His noteworthy publications, such as "A comparison between hysteresis stress-strain loops of aluminum alloys and heat-treated nano-composites under thermo-mechanical fatigue loadings," and "Impacts of nano-clay particles and heat-treating on out-of-phase thermo-mechanical fatigue characteristics in piston aluminum-silicon alloys," reflect his commitment to advancing the understanding of materials behavior under various conditions.

Accolades and Recognition

Hamed's academic prowess and research excellence have not gone unnoticed. His Master's thesis received high acclaim, earning him a remarkable score of 19.42 out of 20. Moreover, his Bachelor's thesis secured the top rank in a national competition, showcasing his early promise as a researcher. The numerous peer-reviewed articles authored by Hamed have been published in reputable journals, further solidifying his standing in the academic community.

Impact and Influence

Hamed Bahmanabadi's research has made a significant impact on the field of Mechanical Engineering, particularly in the areas of fatigue behavior, materials characterization, and the application of advanced composites. His work, including the investigation of nano-clay particles' effects on the mechanical properties of piston aluminum-silicon alloys, has practical implications for industries reliant on such materials.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As a burgeoning researcher, Hamed Bahmanabadi's legacy lies in his commitment to rigorous scientific inquiry and international collaboration. His work at Montanuniversität Leoben demonstrates a global perspective, and his diverse research interests signal a readiness to tackle complex challenges. In the future, Hamed is poised to make further contributions to the understanding of material behaviors, with potential applications in industries ranging from aerospace to automotive engineering.

Notable Publications

Modeling of Fatigue Behavior in Pre-corroded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy 2023-12

A comparison between hysteresis stress-strain loops of aluminum alloys and heat-treated nano-composites under thermo-mechanical fatigue loadings 2023-12-26

Impacts of nano-clay particles and heat-treating on out-of-phase thermo-mechanical fatigue characteristics in piston aluminum-silicon alloys 2023-06-22

Cyclic hardening/softening experimental data in nano-clay-composite and aluminum alloy under high-temperature strain-controlled loading 2022

Sensitivity Analysis of Solutioning Time, Ageing Temperature, and Clay Nano-Particles Addition on Hardness of Piston Aluminum-Silicon Alloy using Regression Method 2022-12

Experimental study on thermal expansion coefficient of light aluminum and magnesium alloys by comparing results of dilatometry and zero-force test 2021