Misbah Elizabeth | Gender and Politics | Best Researcher Award

Mrs. Misbah Elizabeth | Gender and Politics | Best Researcher Award 

Professor Doctor | State Islamic University Walisongo | Indonesia 

Mrs. Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth is an esteemed Associate Professor of Anthropology at Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia. She is also the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and serves as the Editor-in-Chief of JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo). With a distinguished career in academia, Mrs. Elizabeth is known for her contributions to the fields of sociology, anthropology, gender studies, and political science. Her work addresses significant societal issues and influences both academic discourse and practical policy.




Mrs. Elizabeth completed her Doctorate in Anthropology at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from January 2009 to August 2015. Her advanced education has laid a strong foundation for her expertise in the interplay between culture, society, and politics.


Since December 2015, Mrs. Elizabeth has been a faculty member at Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, where she has made substantial contributions to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Her leadership as Dean and her editorial role at JSW highlight her dedication to academic excellence and the advancement of social science research.

Research Interests

Mrs. Elizabeth’s research interests are diverse, focusing on gender studies, political dynamics, and conflict resolution. She explores themes such as the representation of women in politics, the role of Islamic microfinance in Indonesia, and the impact of cultural practices on gender and societal roles.


Mrs. Elizabeth has been recognized for her impactful research and leadership in academia. Her significant contributions to gender studies and political science have earned her acclaim in the academic community, making her a worthy candidate for prestigious awards in her field.


Political and Economic Aspects of Integrated Urban Water Resources Management (IUWRM) in Semarang City Indonesia (2024) – Journal of Law and Sustainable Development

Queen-bee Phenomenon: Barriers to Women’s Participation in Politics (2023) – Cogent Social Sciences

Dialectic between Ethics and Aesthetics in Lifestyle: Decision-Making Processes in Dressing among Muslim Women (2023) – Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science

Adoption of Islamic Microfinance in Indonesia an Empirical Investigation: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (2022) – Cogent Business & Management

Covid-19, Knowledge System and Womenpreneurship (2021) – The Pandemic A Leap of Faith (Book Chapter)

Female Candidates, Islamic Women’s Organisations, and Clientelism in the 2019 Indonesian Elections (2021) – Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs

Media Representations of Gender: The Marginalization of Female Muslim Scholars in Indonesia (2020) – Journal of Critical Reviews

As the World Turns: Men Left Behind Due to the International Migration in Indonesia (2020) – International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change

Preferensi Pemilih Muslim Milenial pada Pemilihan Presiden-Wakil Presiden 2019 (2019) – JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)

Fenomena Simplifikasi dan Desofistikasi Budaya Jawa di luar Jawa (2019) – JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)


Mrs. Misbah Elizabeth is a strong candidate for the Research for Best Researcher Award due to her significant contributions to research in gender studies, politics, and anthropology. Her extensive publication record, leadership roles, and the impact of her work underline her suitability for the award. By addressing the areas for improvement, such as incorporating more cross-cultural comparisons and innovative methodologies, she could further enhance her research impact and broaden her academic and societal contributions. Overall, her achievements and ongoing commitment to her field make her a commendable nominee for this prestigious award.