Diego Germán San Blas – Lepidoptera Award – Best Researcher

Dr. Diego Germán San Blas - Lepidoptera Award - Best Researcher Award

Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Aridas - Argentina

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Diego Germán San Blas embarked on his academic journey in the realm of biological sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina. His undergraduate and doctoral studies laid the foundational stone of his illustrious career. During his bachelor's degree in biological sciences, he focused on a systematic analysis of Argentinian species of agaristines (Lepidoptera. Noctuidae), with a special emphasis on the province of Tucumán, achieving the highest grade possible for his thesis.

His passion for entomology and systematic biology led him to pursue a Doctorate in Biological Sciences, where he specialized in a systematic revision and cladistic analysis of the genus Agrotis Ochsenheimer (Lepidoptera. Noctuidae) in Argentina. Once again, he excelled by securing the highest possible grade for his doctoral thesis, underscoring his commitment and expertise in his field of study.

Professional Endeavors

Following his academic achievements, Dr. San Blas took on the role of Investigador Adjunto at CONICET (the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina), a prestigious position that signifies his contributions and expertise in his research field. Additionally, he serves as a Profesor Adjunto in the Biodiversity chair at the Department of Natural Sciences, within the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences at Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. These roles have allowed him to continue his research while also contributing to the education of the next generation of scientists.

Contributions and Research Focus On Lepidoptera Award

Dr. San Blas's research primarily revolves around the systematic and cladistic analysis of Lepidoptera, focusing on the Noctuidae family, which includes a significant number of species known as cutworms or armyworms. These insects are of great agricultural significance due to their impact on crops. His work has not only contributed to a better understanding of the biodiversity and evolutionary relationships within this group but also has implications for agricultural pest management and conservation strategies.

Accolades and Recognition In Lepidoptera Award

While the provided information does not detail specific accolades and recognition, Dr. San Blas's exceptional grades during his academic career and his position at CONICET—a highly competitive and esteemed institution—speak volumes about his standing in the scientific community. Achieving the role of Investigador Adjunto at such a respected institution is in itself a significant recognition of his research contributions and expertise.

Impact and Influence

The impact of Dr. San Blas's work extends beyond academia, influencing conservation policies, pest management strategies, and the broader understanding of biodiversity in Argentina and potentially in similar ecosystems globally. His contributions to the field of entomology, specifically within the taxonomy and systematics of Noctuidae, provide essential insights necessary for biodiversity conservation efforts and agricultural practices. By educating future biologists and engaging in ongoing research, he influences both current and future scientific endeavors.

Legacy and Future Contributions For Lepidoptera Award

Dr. Diego Germán San Blas is well on his way to leaving a significant legacy in the field of biological sciences, with a particular focus on entomology. His work continues to fill critical gaps in the understanding of Lepidoptera biodiversity and systematics. As he progresses in his career, his ongoing and future research is expected to further elucidate the complexities of evolutionary relationships among these insects, contributing to the global body of knowledge and influencing both conservation and agricultural practices.

His dedication to teaching and mentorship will also shape the next generation of scientists, ensuring that his legacy will extend through his contributions to science and his impact on those he teaches and mentors.

Notable Publications

Morphology of the immature stages of Agrotis canities and A. robusta and an identification key of Agrotis species associated to economic crops in South America 2024

Modeling and updating the occurrence of Aedes aegypti in its southern limit of distribution in South America 2024

Detection of the "poplar moth", Leucoptera sinuella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), in Argentina 2022

First report of a Copitarsia species (Lepidoptera. Noctuidae) damaging soybean crops, with identification key to most common pest species 2022

Dr. Mohd Hussain – Entomology – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mohd Hussain - Entomology - Best Researcher Award

University of Ladakh - India

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits:

Dr. Mohd Hussain's academic journey commenced with a passion for zoology, evident from his pursuit of a Master's degree from the prestigious Banaras Hindu University in 2007. His dedication to the field was further demonstrated by his successful completion of the CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) in the same year, showcasing his scholarly aptitude and commitment to academic excellence. Invasive

Professional Endeavors:

Following his academic achievements, Dr. Hussain embarked on a fulfilling career in academia. His journey began with a brief stint teaching at the 10+2 level, followed by nine years of service as an Assistant Professor of Zoology in the Department of Higher Education, Jammu and Kashmir Government. Subsequently, he expanded his horizons by teaching at the postgraduate level in the Department of Zoology at S.P. College, Cluster University Srinagar, further honing his pedagogical skills and enriching the academic community with his expertise.

Contributions and Research Focus On Entomology :

Dr. Mohd Hussain's contributions to the field of zoology are multifaceted, with a particular emphasis on entomology. His research focus spans various subfields, including medical and veterinary entomology, forensic entomology, and agriculture pests and insect pest management. Through his scholarly endeavors, Dr. Hussain has made significant strides in advancing our understanding of insect biology and its implications for human health, agriculture, and forensic science. Through entomological research, scientists seek to understand insect biology, develop strategies for pest control, and uncover the intricate interactions between insects and their environments

Accolades and Recognition:

Dr. Hussain's dedication and contributions to zoology have not gone unnoticed, earning him recognition and accolades from both peers and academic institutions. Throughout his career, he has received numerous awards and honors for his outstanding research achievements, teaching excellence, and commitment to advancing the field of entomology. These accolades serve as a testament to his dedication, expertise, and impact in the academic community. It plays a crucial role in various fields, including agriculture, public health, and ecology Fascinating

Impact and Influence:

Dr. Mohd Hussain's influence extends beyond his research contributions, as he has played a pivotal role in shaping the minds of future generations of zoologists. Through his mentorship and guidance, he has inspired countless students to pursue careers in zoology and make their own contributions to the field. His leadership and dedication have left an indelible mark on the academic community, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation.Entomology, the study of insects, delves into the vast and intricate world of these remarkable creatures. From their anatomy and behavior to their ecological roles and impact on human societies, entomology encompasses a diverse range of topics.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As Dr. Mohd Hussain continues his journey as a Senior Assistant Professor of Zoology at the University of Ladakh, his legacy as a dedicated scholar and educator is already well-established. However, his work is far from over. With a steadfast commitment to advancing the field of zoology and addressing pressing issues such as insect-borne diseases, agricultural pests, and forensic investigations, Dr. Hussain's future contributions promise to shape the field for years to come, leaving a lasting legacy of excellence and impact. Ultimately, entomology sheds light on the fascinating and often overlooked realm of insects, contributing to our understanding of the natural world and its complexities.

Notable Publications:

First report of an invasive pest, Pheosia albivertex (Hampson 1983) (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) on Populus alba (Salicaceae), from Ladakh, India 2024

National Workshop on Biodiversity & Conservation in the Himalayan Region 2023

New record of Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann, 1830) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from the Trans-Himalayan Region, cold arid desert of Kargil Ladakh, India 2023

New Record of Lucilia sericata (Wiedemann) From Kargil Ladakh 2022