Aki Takahashi | Neuroscience | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Aki Takahashi | Neuroscience | Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor at University of Tsukuba, Japan

Dr. Aki Takahashi is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan. He earned his Ph.D. in Biology from The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan, specializing in behavior genetics of emotionality. With a background in comparative cognitive science and psychology from the University of Tsukuba, Dr. Takahashi has held academic positions and conducted research internationally, including at Tufts University, USA. His research focuses on understanding the genetic and neurobiological mechanisms underlying aggression and emotional regulation in animals. Dr. Takahashi is actively involved in professional societies and has received several awards for his contributions to behavioral neuroendocrinology and genetics.

Professional Profiles


Dr. Aki Takahashi pursued his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Tsukuba, Japan, completing his thesis on “Altered sensitivity to anxiolytics in mice selectively bred for open-field activity” under the guidance of Dr. Junshiro Makino. He furthered his studies with a Master of Science in Comparative Cognitive Science at the same institution, focusing on “Multivariate analysis of temporal descriptions of open-field behavior in wild-derived mouse strains,” supervised by Dr. Junshiro Makino and Dr. Tsuyoshi Koide. Dr. Takahashi earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Biology from The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan in 2007. His doctoral research titled “Genetic analysis of emotionality using consomic mouse strains established from C57BL/6J and MSM/Ms,” was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Tsuyoshi Koide, exploring behavior genetics of emotionality.

Professional Experience

Dr. Aki Takahashi currently serves as an Associate Professor at the Institute of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, a position he has held since 2019. Prior to this role, he was an Assistant Professor at the same institution from 2014 to 2018. During his tenure as Assistant Professor, Dr. Takahashi also undertook visiting assistant professorships at the Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and the Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA from 2015 to 2017. Before joining the faculty at University of Tsukuba, he was an Assistant Professor at the Mouse Genomics Resource Laboratory, National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan from 2010 to 2014. Dr. Takahashi commenced his academic career as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Department of Psychology, Tufts University, USA from 2007 to 2010, following a brief postdoctoral fellowship at the Mouse Genomics Resource Laboratory, NIG, Japan from April to October 2007.

Research Interest

Dr. Aki Takahashi’s research interests primarily focus on understanding the biological mechanisms underlying aggression, emotional regulation, and related behaviors in animals. His work spans across behavior genetics, neuroendocrinology, and neuroscience, exploring topics such as the genetic basis of emotionality using consomic mouse strains, the role of brain-gut interactions in aggression induced by social isolation, and the neural and molecular mechanisms involved in exercise-driven reduction of aggression. His research aims to elucidate how these mechanisms contribute to behavioral phenotypes and potential therapeutic implications for aggression-related disorders.

Award and Honors

Dr. Aki Takahashi has been recognized with several prestigious awards and honors throughout his career. In 2022, he was honored with the Aya Irisawa Memorial Promotion Award for Excellence by Women Physiologists from the Physiological Society of Japan. His contributions to the field were further acknowledged with the Young Faculty Award from the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University of Tsukuba in 2018. Dr. Takahashi received the Kazuo Moriwaki Award in 2014 from the Society for Molossinus for his significant research contributions. His oral presentation at the Japanese Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology earned him the Presentation Award in 2013. In 2007, he was recognized with the Nature Genetics Award for his poster presentation at the International Mammalian Genome Conference held in Kyoto, Japan. Earlier in his academic journey, Dr. Takahashi received the Kamitake Incentive Award in 2005 from the Institute of Psychology at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. These accolades underscore his excellence in behavioral neuroendocrinology and genetics, reflecting his impactful contributions to the field of human sciences.

Research Skills

Dr. Aki Takahashi possesses a robust set of research skills encompassing behavior genetics, neuroendocrinology, and neuroscience. His expertise includes genetic analysis of emotionality using consomic mouse strains, multivariate analysis of behavioral data, and studying the neural and molecular mechanisms underlying aggression and emotional regulation. He is proficient in conducting comprehensive experimental designs, utilizing advanced statistical analyses for behavioral studies, and applying bioinformatics tools in his research. Dr. Takahashi’s research also involves collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches, as evidenced by his involvement in international research projects funded by grants from organizations like JST and JSPS. His skills contribute significantly to advancing knowledge in understanding the biological bases of behavior and potential therapeutic implications for related disorders.

Research Grants

Dr. Aki Takahashi has secured several prestigious research grants to support his investigations in behavioral neuroendocrinology and related fields. His recent grants include the Astellas Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders 2023 Research Grant, focusing on the relationship between aggression escalation and microglia. He has also been awarded the JST Fusion Oriented Research for disruptive Science and Technology (FOREST JPMJFR214A), aiming to understand biological mechanisms to suppress the explosion of anger. Additionally, Dr. Takahashi has received funding from the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (KAKEN 22H02660) to explore the role of brain-gut interaction in escalated aggression induced by social isolation, and the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research (KAKEN 15K12773), investigating neural and molecular mechanisms of exercise-driven reduction of aggression. These grants underscore his leadership in securing competitive funding for innovative research that contributes significantly to the understanding of behavior and its physiological underpinnings.


  1. Associations of the immune system in aggression traits and the role of microglia as mediators
    • Author: Takahashi, A.
    • Journal: Neuropharmacology, 2024
    • Citations: 0
  2. Toward understanding the neural mechanisms involved in early life stress-induced aggression
    • Author: Takahashi, A.
    • Journal: Journal of Neurochemistry, 2024
    • Volume: 168(6)
    • Pages: 957–960
    • Citations: 0
  3. Aggression modulator: Understanding the multifaceted role of the dorsal raphe nucleus
    • Authors: Mitsui, K., Takahashi, A.
    • Journal: BioEssays, 2024
    • Volume: 46(4)
    • Pages: 2300213
    • Citations: 0
  4. Lateral habenula glutamatergic neurons projecting to the dorsal raphe nucleus promote aggressive arousal in mice
    • Authors: Takahashi, A., Durand-de Cuttoli, R., Flanigan, M.E., Ogawa, S., Russo, S.J.
    • Journal: Nature Communications, 2022
    • Volume: 13(1)
    • Pages: 4039
    • Citations: 12
  5. Neuromodulatory effect of interleukin 1β in the dorsal raphe nucleus on individual differences in aggression
    • Authors: Takahashi, A., Aleyasin, H., Stavarache, M.A., McEwen, B.S., Russo, S.J.
    • Journal: Molecular Psychiatry, 2022
    • Volume: 27(5)
    • Pages: 2563–2579
    • Citations: 10
  6. The role of social isolation stress in escalated aggression in rodent models
    • Author: Takahashi, A.
    • Journal: Neuroscience Research, 2022
    • Citations: 10
  7. Social Stress and Aggression in Murine Models
    • Author: Takahashi, A.
    • Book: Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 2022
    • Volume: 54
    • Pages: 181–208
    • Citations: 5
  8. Toward Understanding the Sex Differences in the Biological Mechanism of Social Stress in Mouse Models
    • Author: Takahashi, A.
    • Journal: Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021
    • Volume: 12
    • Pages: 644161
    • Citations: 11
  9. Orexin signaling in GABAergic lateral habenula neurons modulates aggressive behavior in male mice
    • Authors: Flanigan, M.E., Aleyasin, H., Li, L., Clem, R.L., Russo, S.J.
    • Journal: Nature Neuroscience, 2020
    • Volume: 23(5)
    • Pages: 638–650
    • Citations: 85
  10. Serotonin and aggression—an update
    • Authors: Quadros, I.M., Takahashi, A., Miczek, K.A.
    • Book: Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience, 2020
    • Volume: 31
    • Pages: 635–663
    • Citations: 8


Dr. Yiling Hong – Neuroscience – Women Researcher Award

Dr. Yiling Hong - Neuroscience - Women Researcher Award

Western University of Health Sciences - United States

Professional Profiles


Early Academic Pursuits

Yiling Hong, Ph.D., embarked on her academic journey at Xiamen University in China, where she obtained a Bachelor's degree in Biology in 1984. Building upon her foundational knowledge, she pursued a Master's degree in Genetics at the same institution in 1987. Dr. Hong's passion for scientific inquiry led her to the University of Kentucky in Lexington, where she earned her Ph.D. in Cell Biology in 1997. Following this, she engaged in postdoctoral research in Biochemistry at the University of Kentucky until 2001.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Hong's career spans across various prestigious institutions, reflecting her commitment to advancing scientific knowledge. She served as an Assistant Professor at Xiamen University from 1987 to 1992, contributing to both research and education in the field of biology. Subsequently, she transitioned to the United States, where she held positions at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Dayton, focusing on cell biology and neurobiology. Notably, she joined Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, where she progressed from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and eventually to Professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Contributions and Research Focus On Neuroscience

Throughout her career, Dr. Hong has made significant contributions to the field of veterinary medicine and molecular biology. Her research interests encompass diverse areas, including cell biology, genetics, and biochemistry. She has conducted pioneering studies elucidating fundamental mechanisms underlying cellular processes, with a particular emphasis on understanding the molecular basis of diseases. Dr. Hong's interdisciplinary approach and innovative methodologies have advanced our understanding of complex biological systems.

Accolades and Recognition In Neuroscience

Dr. Hong's exceptional contributions have garnered widespread recognition within the scientific community. She has received numerous honors and awards, underscoring her outstanding achievements. Notably, she was honored with the Grant Writing Award by the College of Veterinary Medicine at Western University of Health Sciences in 2018, highlighting her prowess in securing research funding. Additionally, her research excellence was acknowledged through prestigious awards such as the Merck-AAAS Undergraduate Research Award and the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Hong's influence extends beyond her individual accomplishments to the training and mentorship of future scientists. She has supervised and mentored a diverse cohort of trainees, guiding them towards excellence in research and academic endeavors. Her dedication to nurturing talent is evident in the numerous awards obtained by her trainees, including the College of Veterinary Science Day First Place Awards and the Merial Veterinary Scholars Awards. Dr. Hong's mentorship has empowered emerging scholars to make significant contributions to the scientific community.

Legacy and Future Contributions For Neuroscience

As a respected educator, researcher, and mentor, Dr. Hong's legacy is characterized by her unwavering commitment to scientific discovery and academic excellence. Her innovative research endeavors continue to shape the landscape of veterinary medicine and molecular biology. Dr. Hong's future contributions are poised to further advance our understanding of complex biological processes and pave the way for novel therapeutic interventions. Through her mentorship and leadership, she continues to inspire the next generation of scientists to push the boundaries of knowledge and make meaningful contributions to society.

Notable Publications

Microglia-containing cerebral organoids derived from induced pluripotent stem cells for the study of neurological diseases 2023

Global gene expression signatures in response to citrate-coated silver nanoparticles exposure 2023

Heat Shock Responsive Gene Expression Modulated by mRNA Poly(A) Tail Length 2020

Dr. Sharareh Eskandarieh – Neuroscience – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Sharareh Eskandarieh - Neuroscience - Best Researcher Award

Tehran University of Medical Sciences - Iran

Professional Profiles


Early Academic Pursuits

Sharareh Eskandarieh's academic journey began with a strong foundation in physical education and sports science, earning her Bachelor's degree from Azad University of Central Tehran in 1998. Her passion for health and well-being led her to pursue higher education abroad, where she obtained a Master's degree in Public Health from Hokkaido University, Japan, in 2008. Subsequently, she embarked on her doctoral studies in Epidemiology at MS Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, demonstrating a lifelong commitment to advancing her knowledge and expertise in the field.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout her career, Sharareh Eskandarieh has seamlessly integrated her academic pursuits with practical experience in education and healthcare. From coaching volleyball and badminton at Enghelab gymnasium of Tehran to teaching sports at Pouyesh High School of Tehran, she has played a pivotal role in promoting physical fitness and well-being among students. Her tenure with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education further underscored her dedication to public health, particularly in the realm of psycho-social health. Currently, as an Assistant Professor at MS Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, she continues to inspire and educate future generations of healthcare professionals.

Contributions and Research Focus On Neuroscience

Sharareh Eskandarieh's research focus in epidemiology reflects her profound interest in understanding and addressing public health challenges. With a particular emphasis on psycho-social health, her doctoral studies delve into the intricate interplay between mental well-being and societal factors. Her research endeavors aim to elucidate epidemiological trends and develop interventions to enhance mental health outcomes, thereby contributing to the advancement of global public health initiatives.

Accolades and Recognition In Neuroscience

Sharareh Eskandarieh's contributions to the field of epidemiology have earned her recognition and accolades from esteemed institutions and peers alike. Her academic achievements, coupled with her dedication to promoting health and well-being, have garnered admiration and respect within the healthcare community.

Impact and Influence

Through her multifaceted career spanning education, sports, and academia, Sharareh Eskandarieh has made a tangible impact on the lives of individuals and communities. As a coach and teacher, she instilled values of discipline, teamwork, and resilience in her students, laying the groundwork for healthier lifestyles. In her academic pursuits, she continues to drive meaningful change through research and education, shaping the future of public health policy and practice.

Legacy and Future Contributions For Neuroscience

Sharareh Eskandarieh's legacy is defined by her unwavering commitment to improving the health and well-being of others. With her diverse skill set, extensive knowledge, and passion for public health, she is poised to continue making significant contributions to the field of epidemiology and beyond. As she navigates her academic and professional journey, her dedication to excellence and service will undoubtedly leave a lasting imprint on the global healthcare landscape.

Notable Publications

The incidence and prevalence of crude and familial multiple sclerosis in Tehran, Iran in 2021 2023

The National Multiple Sclerosis Registry System of Iran (NMSRI): aspects and methodological dimensions 2023

Global assessment of characteristics of multiple sclerosis registries; A systematic review 2022

COVID-19 and its Outcomes in Multiple Sclerosis Patients 2022