Juliana Lago– Skin Research- Best Researcher Award – 5717

Congratulations to Juliana Lago– Skin Research- Best Researcher  – Award Winner 2023

Juliana Lago– Skin Research

Congratulations on Achieving the Best Researcher Award! Juliana Lago, I am thrilled to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on receiving the Best Researcher Award. Your dedication, passion, and exceptional contributions to the field have not only garnered recognition but have set a remarkable standard for excellence. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and making significant strides in your research is truly commendable. This award is a well-deserved acknowledgment of your hard work, innovation, and the positive impact you have made in your respective field. May this achievement be a source of inspiration for continued success and future endeavors. Wishing you continued success and many more accolades in your research journey.

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Juliana Lago embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences at Universidade Estadual de Campinas in Campinas, SP, Brazil, graduating in 2006. Driven by a passion for understanding the intricacies of living systems, Juliana continued her education, pursuing a PhD in Medical Sciences at the same institution from 2011 to 2015. These formative years laid the foundation for her future contributions in the field of biology and skincare.

Professional Endeavors:

Since completing her academic pursuits, Juliana has been associated with Natura Cosméticos S/A since 2006, serving as a Scientific Manager specializing in preclinical safety and efficacy assessment. Her professional journey demonstrates a commitment to applying scientific knowledge to the practical challenges of the cosmetics industry, showcasing a seamless transition from academia to industry.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Juliana's contributions to the field of skincare and haircare are substantial. Specializing in photobiology, cellular, and molecular biology, she has demonstrated a keen interest in advancing methodologies for safety and efficacy assessments of cosmetic product ingredients. Her expertise extends to 3D skin bioprinting, a cutting-edge technology with profound implications for cosmetic research.

Accolades and Recognition:

Juliana Lago's dedication to her field has not gone unnoticed. She received an Honorable Mention from the Brazilian Society of Cell Biology in 2010, recognizing her outstanding contributions to the field. Additionally, she received another Honorable Mention from CNPq in 2004, further attesting to her excellence in research and academia.

Impact and Influence:

Through her work, Juliana has had a notable impact on the understanding of skincare and haircare. Her publications, such as "The influence of blue light exposure on reconstructed 3D skin model" and "Bioprinted and manual human epidermis production," reflect her commitment to advancing scientific knowledge in these critical areas. Her influence extends beyond the laboratory, impacting the cosmetics industry's approach to safety and efficacy assessments.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Juliana Lago's legacy lies in her holistic approach to skincare and haircare research. Her combination of academic rigor and industry experience positions her as a thought leader in the field. Looking forward, her future contributions are poised to continue shaping the landscape of preclinical analysis in the cosmetics industry, emphasizing safety, efficacy, and innovation for the benefit of consumers worldwide.

Notable Publications :

Bioprinted and manual human epidermis production: A compared performance for skin irritation tests February 2023, e00251 (1)

The influence of blue light exposure on reconstructed 3D skin model: molecular changes and gene expression profile  December 2023, 100252

The effect of aging in primary human dermal fibroblasts 2019 Jul 3;14(7)