Kaliannan Durairaj – Materials Science- UniQdot Co., Ltd

Kaliannan Durairaj - Materials Science- Best Researcher Award Winner 2023

Kaliannan Durairaj - Materials Science

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Provide details about Kaliannan Durairaj's educational background, including institutions attended, degrees obtained, and any notable academic achievements.

Professional Endeavors:

Outline Kaliannan Durairaj's career path, including key positions held, industries involved, and significant projects or responsibilities.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Detail the specific contributions and research areas Kaliannan Durairaj has been involved in. Highlight any innovative projects, technologies, or methodologies.

Accolades and Recognition:

List any awards, honors, or recognition received by Kaliannan Durairaj for academic, professional, or research achievements.

Impact and Influence:

Describe the impact of Kaliannan Durairaj's work on the respective field or industry. Highlight any transformative changes, advancements, or contributions.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Discuss the lasting impact or legacy that Kaliannan Durairaj has left or is expected to leave. Include any ongoing or future contributions anticipated.

Notable Publications :

Gopinath Shit- Materials Chemistry- Best Researcher  – Award Winner 2023

Congratulations to  Gopinath Shit- Materials Chemistry- Best Researcher  - Award Winner 2023

Gopinath Shit:

Gopinath Shit's research spans across critical areas such as Materials Chemistry, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Corrosion Science and Technology, Electrochemistry, Materials Characterization. Gopinath Shit's work are not specified in the provided information. He completed his B.Sc in 2008 from the University of Burdwan, specializing in Physics, Chemistry (Hons), and Mathematics. His academic journey continued with an M.Sc. in Chemistry at IIT, Guwahati, where he graduated in 2010.

professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Gopinath Shit pursued his education with a focus on physics, chemistry, and mathematics. He completed his B.Sc in 2008 from the University of Burdwan, specializing in Physics, Chemistry (Hons), and Mathematics. He further pursued M.Sc. in Chemistry at IIT, Guwahati, graduating in 2010.

Professional Endeavors:

  • BARC Training School (01-09-2010 to 30-08-2011):
    • Designation: Trainee Scientific Officer
    • Discipline: Materials Science
  • IGCAR, Kalpakkam:
    • 01-09-2011 to 07/2015:
      • Designation: Scientific Officer

Contributions and Research Focus:

Gopinath Shit's research is centered around Materials Chemistry, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Corrosion Science and Technology, Electrochemistry, Materials Characterization, Materials Development for Nuclear Applications, and Nuclear Science. His specific research experiences include:

  • Development of materials for Nuclear Applications.
  • Synthesis of nanoparticles using wet chemical methods.
  • Corrosion evaluation using electrochemical tests (OCP, Potentiodynamic, EIS, etc.).
  • Characterization of materials using various tools like XRD, SEM, XPS & TEM.
  • Investigating the effects of radiation on materials.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

For more specific details or updates, it's recommended to refer to official profiles, publications, or announcements related to Gopinath Shit from the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research.

Current Position and Address:

Scientist/Scientific Officer-E; CSTD; Metallurgy and Materials Group; Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (DAE); Govt. of India; Kalpakkam-603102 (T.N), India.

Notable Publication:

High temperature phase transformation studies in magnetite nanoparticles doped with Co2+ ion

Improvement of sensitization and intergranular corrosion of AISI type 304L stainless steel through thermo-mechanical treatment

The Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation on the Corrosion Resistance of AISI Type 304L Stainless Steel

The corrosion behavior of compositional modified AISI type 304L stainless steel for nitric acid application