Amir Mor-Mussery | Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Amir Mor-Mussery | Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Dr, Agriculture Research Organization, Volcani, Israel

With a Ph.D. from Ben Gurion University in Environmental Sciences, Geoinformatics, and Urban Planning Sciences, specializing in agroecosystems in arid areas, I bring extensive expertise in spatial analyses using ArcGIS® and Python. My experience includes managing ecological projects and teaching roles at the Faculty of Agriculture, focusing on digital agriculture and soil enhancement practices. I’ve led research on satellite imaging and water irrigation systems, contributing significantly to environmental and agricultural sciences. Fluent in English and Hebrew, I’ve also conducted lectures internationally. Skilled in software like ArcGIS®, JMP®, and ImagJ®, I’m committed to advancing sustainable agriculture through innovative research and practical application.


Google Scholar


Academic Excellence and Ecological Leadership 🌱🌍

I am distinguished by my extensive expertise in agroecology and environmental sciences, cultivated through a robust academic journey culminating in a Ph.D. from Ben Gurion University. My doctoral research delved into the evolution of agroecosystems in arid loess areas, highlighting my commitment to sustainable land management (doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.21802.98240). Complementing this, my M.Sc. in Agriculture focused on geostatistical methods and their impact on crop physiology, particularly in cherry tomatoes. 🍅

 Professional Development 📚✨

My educational journey includes foundational degrees in Agriculture, specialized training in water management, organic breeding, and small ruminants. These have fortified my role as a leader in environmental projects, such as managing ecological processes using satellite imaging and guiding community-centered rehabilitation initiatives. 🌱

Technological Proficiency 🛠️🔍

I bring practical experience as a lecturer and project manager, fostering digital agriculture advancements and soil enhancement practices. Proficient in ArcGIS® and Python for spatial analysis, I’ve contributed significantly to agricultural research and educational initiatives worldwide. 🌍

Academic Impact 📊🎓

As a free lecturer and researcher, I advocate for sustainable practices and innovative solutions, leveraging technologies like GS+®, JMP®, and ImagJ®. Fluent in Hebrew and English, I am dedicated to bridging research with practical application, driving environmental stewardship and academic excellence. 🌱📈

📚 Publications:

Detecting changes in biomass productivity in a different land management regimes in drylands using satellite‐derived vegetation index


Rehabilitating degraded drylands by creating woodland islets: Assessing long-term effects on aboveground productivity and soil fertility


The effect of planting techniques on arid ecosystems in the northern Negev


The effects of long time conservation of heavily grazed shrubland: A case study in the Northern Negev, Israel


Using Landsat satellites to assess the impact of check dams built across erosive gullies on vegetation rehabilitation


The effects of gully erosion on the ecology of arid loessial agro-ecosystems, the northern Negev, Israel


Modeling the optimal grazing regime of Acacia victoriae silvopasture in the Northern Negev, Israel


Effects of grazing control on ecosystem recovery, biological productivity gains, and soil carbon sequestration in long‐term degraded loess farmlands in the Northern Negev, Israel


Contrasting effects of two Acacia species on understorey growth in a drylands environment: interplay of canopy shading and litter interference


Chaohe Zheng | carbon capture| Best Researcher Award

Mr.Chaohe Zheng | carbon capture| Best Researcher Award

Chaohe Zheng is an Assistant Professor at the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. He earned his Ph.D. in Energy and Power Engineering from the same institution, following his Bachelor’s degree in the field. His research primarily focuses on computational dynamics, molecular dynamics, quantum dynamics, carbon capture and utilization, and chemical looping technologies.



🏆 Major Accomplishments

Throughout his career, Chaohe Zheng has made significant contributions to the field of energy engineering. He is renowned for developing multi-scale kinetic models essential for advancing chemical looping technologies. His work extends beyond academia, as he actively collaborates with industry leaders such as Petrochina and Sinosteel to implement these innovations. Notably, he played a pivotal role in the development and operation of the world’s largest 4 MWth natural gas chemical looping combustion demonstration device. His research also spearheaded advancements in oxygen carrier technology, crucial for enhancing efficiency and reducing environmental impact in chemical looping combustion processes.

📖 Publication Highlights

Chaohe Zheng has authored 24 SCI papers, including cover papers in prestigious journals like Proceedings of the Combustion Institute and Fuel. His publications have garnered considerable attention, reflected in an H-index of 11 and over 361 citations. His research is dedicated to exploring low-carbon combustion strategies and the utilization of negative carbon technologies.

🔍 Journal Experience

Chaohe Zheng serves as an editor for IgMin-Research-STEM and actively contributes as a peer reviewer for esteemed journals such as Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Physics of Fluids, and Energy & Fuel. His editorial contributions underscore his commitment to advancing scientific discourse and innovation in energy and power engineering.

📚 Education and Research Highlights

In addition to his academic achievements, Chaohe Zheng has developed industrial-scale solutions for chemical looping combustion and waste treatment. His research innovations have significantly influenced the design and operational strategies of oxygen carriers, enhancing their performance and longevity while minimizing environmental impact.


Long-Term performance of composite Cu-Fe ore oxygen carrier by Extrusion-Spheronization in chemical looping combustion

Authors: Xiong, K., Kuang, C., Tang, Q., Cheng, J., Zhao, H.

Journal: Fuel, 2024, 372, 132260

Inexpensive composite copper ore/red mud oxygen carrier: Industrial granulation via hydroforming and multiple-cycle evaluation in chemical looping combustion

Authors: Wang, P., Bu, H., Liu, X., Ma, J., Zhao, H.

Journal: Fuel, 2024, 365, 131271

Industrial-Scale Preparation of Biore Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Combustion via a Hydroforming Method

Authors: Liu, X., Bu, H., Zou, G., Ma, J., Zhao, H.

Journal: Energy and Fuels, 2024, 38(7), pp. 6156–6170

Identification of HCl corrosion mechanism on Cu-based oxygen carriers in chemical looping combustion

Authors: Ma, J., Huang, H., Zheng, C., Xu, G., Zhao, H.

Journal: Fuel, 2024, 359, 130373

Sodium doped SrTi1-xBxO3 (B[dbnd]Mn, Co) for formaldehyde catalytic oxidation: Flame spray pyrolysis fabrication and reaction mechanism elaboration

Authors: Yuan, X., Zheng, C., Zhang, T., Yang, Q., Zhao, H.

Journal: Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 247, 107763

CrOx/Ce1−xZrxO2 for chemical looping propane oxidative dehydrogenation: The redox interaction between CrOx and the support

Authors: Chen, X., Tian, X., Zheng, C., Zhao, H.

Journal: Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 274, 118697

The intrinsic kinetic study on oxidation of a Cu-based oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion

Authors: Zheng, C., Su, M., Zhao, H.

Journal: Fuel, 2023, 334, 126720

The competition/inhibition effect of H2O/CO2-char gasification in typical in situ gasification-chemical looping combustion (iG-CLC) conditions via particle-resolved simulation

Authors: Zheng, C., Zheng, C., Su, M., Zhao, H.

Journal: Fuel, 2023, 333, 126316

The synergic removal mechanism for photothermocatalytic toluene over single-atom Pt/TiO2 catalysts via flame spray pyrolysis

Authors: Yuan, X., Zheng, C., Xu, Z., Luo, X., Zhao, H.

Journal: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(4), pp. 5637–5645

Microscopic insight into catalytic HCN removal over the CuO surface in chemical looping combustion

Authors: Zheng, C., Ma, J., Yang, Q., Luo, X., Zhao, H.

Journal: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(4), pp. 4457–4466


Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Best Researcher Award | 6236

Ms. Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Ms at Pabna University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

K. Sumi Rani Shaha’s academic and professional journey is marked by a strong foundation in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, with significant teaching, research, and practical experience in various esteemed institutions.

To facilitate the path of a knowledge-seeking mind and enrich achievements in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Professional Profiles

Scopus Profile

Google scholar

Education 📘🎓

M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)
CGPA: 3.92/4.00 (2023)

B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)
CGPA: 3.76/4.00, 7th position (2021)

Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) in Science
Govt. Azizul Haque College
GPA: 5.00/5.00 (2015)

Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.) in Science
Kalai M. U. Govt. High School
GPA: 5.00/5.00 (2013)

Experiences 🏫🔌

Lecturer, Dept. of EECE, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna
October 19, 2022 – Present
Responsibilities include teaching courses such as Electrical Circuit II, Electrical Machine System II, Power System Protection and Switchgear, and Measurement and Instrumentation. Additionally, supervising students’ thesis work, conducting exams, preparing routines, and developing OBE curriculum.Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, North Bengal International University, Rajshahi
January 15, 2022 – October 18, 2022
Taught courses including Electronics I, Electrical Circuit II, and Communication Engineering II. Also supervised students’ thesis work, conducted exams, prepared routines, and developed OBE curriculum.Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, Anwer Khan Modern University, Dhaka
November 2021 – January 2022
Taught various courses with practical classes in the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering.Research Assistant
March 2021 – November 2021
Worked on the project titled “Design and Analysis of Novel Hollow Core Antiresonant Fibers for Communication and Terahertz Applications” under Dr. Abdul Khaleque, Professor, Dept. of EEE, RUET.Industrial Trainee at Ghorashal Power Plant
May 14, 2019 – May 23, 2019
Completed industrial training at Ghorashal Power Plant Training Center under the supervision of Dr. Md. Mortuza Ali, Professor, Dept. of EEE, RUET.


Wideband Low Loss Hollow Core Fiber with Nested Hybrid Cladding Elements 📡

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, MH Sarwar
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(20), 6585-6591 (2021)
Citations: 42
A detailed study on a novel hollow core fiber design that offers wideband and low loss, improving applications in optical communications.

Low Loss Double Cladding Nested Hollow Core Antiresonant Fiber 🌐

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, I Hasan
OSA Continuum, 3(9), 2512-2524 (2020)
Citations: 38
This research presents a double cladding structure in hollow core fibers, achieving significant loss reduction, enhancing data transmission efficiency.

Broadband and Short-Length Polarization Splitter on Dual Hollow-Core Antiresonant Fiber 🔍

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, MT Rahman, MS Hosen
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 34(5), 259-262 (2022)
Citations: 25
Innovative design of a short-length polarization splitter that operates over a broad bandwidth, useful for compact optical devices.

Low Loss Single Mode Modified Conjoined Tube Hollow Core Fiber 🔬

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque
Applied Optics, 60(21), 6243-6250 (2021)
Citations: 20
Explores a conjoined tube hollow core fiber design for single mode operation with minimized loss, beneficial for precise optical systems.

Highly Birefringent Polarization Maintaining Low-Loss Single-Mode Hollow-Core Antiresonant Fiber 🌀

MS Hosen, A Khaleque, KSR Shaha, LN Asha, AS Sultana, R Nishad, …
Optics Continuum, 1(10), 2167-2184 (2022)
Citations: 15
This work focuses on achieving high birefringence and low loss in hollow-core fibers, important for polarization-maintaining applications.

Low Loss Anisotropic Nested Hollow Core Antiresonant Fiber 🌈

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, MT Rahman
2020 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication
Citations: 14
Introduces an anisotropic design for nested hollow core fibers, reducing loss across a variety of applications.

Nodeless Antiresonant Hollow Core Fiber for Low Loss Flatband THz Guidance 🌐

AS Sultana, A Khaleque, KSR Shaha, MM Rahman, MS Hosen
Optics Continuum, 1(8), 1652-1667 (2022)
Citations: 12
Research on hollow core fibers designed for terahertz guidance, providing low loss and flatband characteristics.

Nested Antiresonant Hollow-Core Fiber with Ultra-Low Loss 🌐

KSR Shaha, A Khaleque, MI Hasan
2020 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Citations: 12
Examines an ultra-low loss design for nested antiresonant hollow-core fibers, critical for enhancing communication technologies.

Polarization-Insensitive Terahertz Tunable Broadband Metamaterial Absorber on U-Shaped Graphene Array 📡

ABMA Hossain, A Khaleque, NM Shahriar, MS Hosen, KSR Shaha, …
2023 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication
Citations: 7
Develops a tunable broadband absorber using metamaterials and graphene, improving terahertz applications.

Dual-Function Plasmonic Device on Photonic Crystal Fiber for Near to Mid-Infrared Regions 📡

MH Rahman, A Khaleque, MS Hosen, KSR Shaha, M Mizan, MT Rahman
Optical Materials Express, 13(9), 2526-2540 (2023)
Citations: 6

Nayan Kumar- Environmental Science – Excellence in Innovation

Nayan Kumar - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague - Czech Republic
Professional Profiles
Early Academic Pursuits

Nayan Kumar embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor's in Life Sciences from Deen Dayal Upadhyay College, Delhi University, where he demonstrated a strong foundation in the biological sciences. This laid the groundwork for his subsequent pursuit of an M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences at Doon University, Dehradun, India, where he excelled with a CGPA of 8.38/10.

Professional Endeavors

Nayan Kumar transitioned into the realm of academia, showcasing his commitment to education as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Uttaranchal College of Science and Technology, Dehradun, India, during the academic year 2017-18. This phase marked the beginning of his dual role as an educator and researcher.

Contributions and Research Focus

As a PhD candidate at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Nayan Kumar's research prowess shines through in his expertise encompassing pyrolysis technology, co-precipitation synthesis, and heterogeneous catalysis. His diverse skills include catalyst synthesis, statistical analysis using Origin software, and a deep understanding of Green Chemistry and Sustainability.

His noteworthy publications in reputable journals and conference proceedings underscore his dedication to advancing knowledge in areas such as pyrolysis, composite synthesis, and wastewater treatment for both organic and inorganic contaminants. Nayan's commitment to innovation is evident in his ongoing projects, with a focus on novel synthesis techniques and modeling for effective wastewater treatment.

Accolades and Recognition

Nayan Kumar's contributions to the field have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the recognition of his work in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Environmental Management and Energy Conversion and Management. His commitment to excellence in research has garnered attention and acclaim within the academic community.

Impact and Influence

Nayan Kumar's impact extends beyond the confines of academia. His work on optimizing biochar-based sorbents for emerging contaminants and synthesizing green nanocomposites for wastewater treatment reflects a commitment to addressing real-world environmental challenges. By presenting his findings at conferences and contributing to conference proceedings, Nayan has actively participated in knowledge dissemination and exchange.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Nayan Kumar's legacy lies in his dedication to advancing environmental science and sustainable technologies. His ongoing research projects and manuscript preparations indicate a continued commitment to making meaningful contributions to the field. As he progresses in his academic journey, Nayan is poised to leave a lasting legacy of innovation and positive environmental impact.

Notable Publications


Zhongchuang Liu-Environmental Science-Best Researcher Award-5733

Zhongchuang Liu-Environmental Science-Yangtze Normal University


Zhongchuang Liu-Environmental Science

Early Academic Pursuits:

  • Highlight Zhongchuang Liu's educational background, including details about the institutions attended, degrees obtained, and any notable academic achievements during the early stages of his academic career.

Professional Endeavors:

  • Outline Zhongchuang Liu's career path, specifying key positions held, areas of expertise, and any noteworthy projects or responsibilities in the professional realm.

Contributions and Research Focus:

  • Provide information about Zhongchuang Liu's contributions to the academic and research field, emphasizing specific research areas, projects, or innovations.

Accolades and Recognition:

  • List any awards, honors, or recognition that Zhongchuang Liu has received for academic, professional, or research achievements.

Impact and Influence:

  • Describe the impact of Zhongchuang Liu's work on his field, highlighting any notable contributions that have influenced the academic or professional community.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

  • Discuss the potential or observed legacy of Zhongchuang Liu's work and any anticipated future contributions in the academic or professional domain.

Notable Publications :

Govarthanan Muthusamy-Environmental Science- Outstanding Scientist Award-5732

Govarthanan Muthusamy-Environmental Science- Kyungpook National University

Govarthanan Muthusamy-Environmental Science

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Include details about Govarthanan Muthusamy's educational background, highlighting institutions attended, degrees obtained, and any notable academic achievements.

Professional Endeavors:

Outline Govarthanan Muthusamy's career path, specifying key positions held, industries or sectors involved in, and significant projects or responsibilities.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Provide information about Govarthanan Muthusamy's contributions to the field, emphasizing specific research areas, projects, or innovations.

Accolades and Recognition:

List any awards, honors, or recognition that Govarthanan Muthusamy has received for academic, professional, or research achievements.

Impact and Influence:

Describe the impact of Govarthanan Muthusamy's work on the field or industry, highlighting any notable contributions that have influenced the scientific community.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Discuss the potential or observed legacy of Govarthanan Muthusamy's work and any anticipated future contributions in the academic or professional realm.

Notable Publications :

Sujit Kumar Roy –Environmental Science- Best Researcher Award


Congratulations to Sujit Kumar Roy –Environmental Science- Best Researcher  – Award Winner 2023

Sujit Kumar Roy

professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Sujit Kumar Roy embarked on his academic journey with a foundation rooted in excellence. He pursued his Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) at Natunhat Public College, Jessore, achieving a remarkable GPA of 5.00 in the Science stream. This commitment to academic excellence continued as he completed his Bachelor's in Environmental Science and Disaster Management from Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) with an outstanding CGPA of 3.72 out of 4.00. His passion for knowledge led him to Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), where he is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Water Resource Development (WRD).

Professional Endeavors:

Sujit Kumar Roy's professional journey began at Plan Plus Limited (PPL), where he served as a GIS Analyst from October 2017 to May 2019. His responsibilities included designing and editing GIS data for various projects, maintaining databases, and collaborating with international stakeholders. Subsequently, he contributed significantly as a Research Assistant at IWFM, BUET, engaging in RS and GIS data analysis, laboratory work, and report writing. His dedication to environmental research and analysis continued at RAiN Forum, where he worked as a Research Fellow.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Sujit Kumar Roy showcased his expertise as a Junior Environmental Expert at PPL from March 2020 to December 2022. His role involved EIA report preparation, GIS and RS data analysis, and effective team and office management. His proficiency extended into his current position at Gazi Group, where, as a Research Assistant, he contributes to various research projects, conducts data analysis, and specializes in statistical software applications such as SPSS, R, and Matlab.

Accolades and Recognition:

Throughout his career, Sujit Kumar Roy has earned recognition for his outstanding contributions. His involvement in significant projects, including the Gopalganj District Important Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project and various bridge construction EIA and EMP reports, reflects his commitment to impactful work in the field.

Impact and Influence:

Sujit Kumar Roy's work has left a lasting impact on the organizations he has been a part of, notably in GIS and environmental research. His ability to manage teams, conduct field visits, and collaborate with international delegates underscores his influence in the professional arena.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As Sujit Kumar Roy continues to contribute to environmental research and water resource development, his legacy is marked by a dedication to excellence and a passion for addressing critical challenges. His future contributions are poised to further advance sustainable practices, research methodologies, and environmental management.

Notable Publication:

Novel hybrid models to enhance the efficiency of groundwater potentiality model  09 March 2022 (16)