BANJI RILDWAN OLALEYE | Strategy and Sustainability | Best Researcher Award

Dr . BANJI RILDWAN OLALEYE | Strategy and Sustainability | Best Researcher Award 

Postdoctoral research fellow , North West University , South Africa

Dr. Banji Rildwan Olaleye is a Lecturer 1 in the Department of Business Administration at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria, and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the North-West University Business School in South Africa. With over 11 years of experience in academia, administration, and mentorship, Dr. Olaleye specializes in strategic and innovation management, entrepreneurship, and operations management. His career includes roles ranging from administrative staff to pioneering lecturer in his department.



Strengths for the Award

  1. Extensive Research Output: Dr. Olaleye has published over 40 works in reputed international journals and conferences, demonstrating a robust and consistent research output. His work is indexed in prominent databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, indicating significant visibility and impact in his field.
  2. Diverse Research Areas: His research spans various crucial topics including strategic management, innovation performance, supply chain management, and sustainable development. This breadth highlights his ability to address multiple facets of business administration and management.
  3. High Impact Publications: Dr. Olaleye’s publications are featured in well-regarded journals such as the Journal of Public Affairs, TQM Journal, and Kybernetes, reflecting high-quality research with substantial contributions to the field.
  4. Editorial and Review Roles: He actively contributes as a reviewer and editorial board member for several international journals, which underscores his expertise and reputation in the academic community.
  5. Academic and Administrative Experience: With over 11 years in academia and administration, including roles at Federal University Oye-Ekiti and North-West University, Dr. Olaleye combines substantial teaching experience with a strong administrative background, adding to his qualifications as a researcher.

Areas for Improvement 

  1. Interdisciplinary Research: While Dr. Olaleye’s research covers multiple areas within business administration, exploring interdisciplinary approaches that integrate fields like technology, data analytics, or behavioral science could further enhance the impact and applicability of his work.
  2. Research Collaborations: Expanding collaborative research efforts with international researchers or institutions could provide new perspectives and increase the scope of his research projects.
  3. Grants and Funding: Securing more research grants and funding could support larger-scale studies and innovative projects, potentially increasing his research’s reach and influence.
  4. Public Engagement: Greater emphasis on translating research findings into practical applications or policy recommendations could enhance the societal impact of his work.


    Dr. Olaleye earned his PhD in Business Management from Girne American University, Turkey, in 2022, with a thesis on “Strategic Thinking and Innovation Performance: Mediating Role of Absorptive Capability.” He holds an MSc in Business Administration from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria (2017), and a BSc in Cooperative and Business Management from Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria (2010). His academic journey also includes a Diploma in Business Administration from the same institution (2007).


    Dr. Olaleye’s career began as an Administrative Officer II at Federal University Oye-Ekiti in 2013, transitioning to a Lecturer in 2018. His teaching covers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including Business Statistics, Strategic Management, and Advanced Research Methods. He currently serves as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at North-West University Business School, South Africa, where he continues his research and academic contributions.

    Research Interests

    Dr. Olaleye’s research focuses on strategic and innovation management, entrepreneurship, supply chain management, and sustainable development. His work employs strategic theories to enhance corporate competitiveness, quality education, and poverty eradication. He is particularly interested in action-based competitive interaction within the competitive dynamics sub-stream.


    Dr. Olaleye has been recognized for his extensive contributions to academia and research. His notable achievements include his role in curriculum development for business administration programs and his participation in accreditation exercises that led to the department’s full accreditation. He continues to be a prominent figure in both local and international academic circles.


    Dr. Olaleye has authored over 40 publications in renowned journals and conferences. Notable works include:

    1. Exploring the Link Between Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, and Perceived Organizational Support: The Mediating Role of Relational Psychological Contract, Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiș Arad, Seria Științe Economice, 34(3), 2024.
    2. Relationship between workplace ostracism and job productivity: the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion and lack of motivation, Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, ahead-of-print, 2024.
    3. Attaining Organizational Sustainability Through Competitive Intelligence: The Roles of Organizational Learning and Resilience, Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 13(3), 2023.
    4. Influence of eco-product innovation and firm reputation on corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage: A mediation-moderation analysis, Journal of Public Affairs, 23(4), 2023.


      Dr. Olaleye Banji Rildwan demonstrates exceptional research prowess through his prolific publication record, diverse research interests, and significant contributions to business management literature. His extensive experience in both academia and administration further complements his research achievements. Addressing the areas of improvement could enhance his already impressive profile, making him a strong contender for the Research for Best Researcher Award.

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