Dr. Tan Jian Ping – Biomass- Best Researcher Award

Dr. Tan Jian Ping - Biomass - Best Researcher Award

Xiamen University Malaysia - Malaysia

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Tan Jian Ping's academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) degree from the National University of Malaysia (UKM) in 2013. His passion for chemical and process engineering led him to pursue further studies, culminating in a Ph.D. in Chemical and Process Engineering, also from UKM, which he completed in 2017. These formative years laid the groundwork for his future endeavors in academia and research.

Professional Endeavors

Following his academic achievements, Tan Jian Ping embarked on a career in academia, joining Xiamen University Malaysia as an Assistant Professor in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he has taken on various roles and affiliations that reflect his dedication to the field of chemical engineering and biotechnology.

His role as the Industrial Training Coordinator for Chemical Engineering underscores his commitment to providing students with practical learning opportunities and preparing them for the challenges of the industry. Furthermore, his involvement as a Committee Member for Malaysian academic research on palm oil sustainability (ARPOS) highlights his engagement in addressing crucial environmental and economic issues through research and collaboration.

Contributions and Research Focus On Biomass

Tan Jian Ping's research interests span a wide range of topics within biochemical and biotechnological domains, including bioeconomy, fermentation, biorefinery, biofertilizer, and biotechnology. As a Principal Investigator, he has secured several active research grants from prestigious institutions and organizations, including the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE), and the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), among others.

His research focuses on leveraging biotechnological processes to address pressing challenges and explore sustainable solutions. From succinic acid production from durian waste to biological 1,3-propanediol production and biohydrogen production from crude glycerol, Tan Jian Ping's projects are at the forefront of innovative research in biotechnology and bioenergy.

Accolades and Recognition

Tan Jian Ping's contributions to the field of biotechnology have been recognized both nationally and internationally. He has served as a Guest Editor for prestigious journals such as Frontiers in Energy Research and has been involved in various research collaborations and initiatives aimed at advancing bioprocess engineering and sustainable biotechnology.

His ability to secure numerous research grants reflects not only the quality of his research proposals but also the recognition of his expertise and potential to contribute significantly to the field.

Impact and Influence

Through his research endeavors and academic contributions, Tan Jian Ping has made a tangible impact on the field of biotechnology and chemical engineering. His work not only advances scientific knowledge but also holds the potential to address real-world challenges, such as waste valorization, sustainable energy production, and environmental remediation.

Moreover, as an educator and mentor, Tan Jian Ping has influenced the next generation of engineers and researchers, instilling in them a passion for sustainability and innovation. His guidance and mentorship are instrumental in shaping the future leaders of the industry.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Tan Jian Ping's legacy lies in his dedication to advancing the frontiers of biotechnology and bioprocess engineering. Through his research, he seeks to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future, where bio-based technologies play a central role in addressing global challenges.

Looking ahead, Tan Jian Ping remains committed to pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and driving innovation in biotechnology. His continued efforts in research, education, and industry engagement are poised to leave a lasting impact on the field and inspire future generations to follow in his footsteps.

Notable Publications

An overview on the factors affecting enzymatic saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass into fermentable sugars 2024

Unraveling the effect of redox potential on dark fermentative hydrogen production 2023

Sophie Hennequin – Industrial engineering – Best Researcher Award

Sophie Hennequin - Industrial engineering - Best Researcher Award

Lorraine University - France

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits

Sophie Hennequin's academic journey traces back to her foundational years, culminating in a Master's degree in Computer Science, Automation, and Productics from Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Belfort in June 1997. This early academic phase set the stage for her future contributions to the fields of industrial engineering, logistics, and sustainable development.

Professional Endeavors

Embarking on her professional journey, Dr. Hennequin assumed the role of an Industrial Engineering Teacher at the Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) from September 2000 to August 2002. This initial experience laid the groundwork for her subsequent roles, providing valuable insights into the practical applications of industrial engineering. Her tenure as an Assistant Prof. Dr. at Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM) - Université de Lorraine and the Research Logistics Team from September 2002 to September 2018 marked a significant period of academic growth. During this time, she not only imparted knowledge in industrial engineering but also delved into research, contributing to the development of decision-making tools for companies.

Contributions and Research Focus on Industrial engineering

In her current position as Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Studies Director at ENIM, Sophie Hennequin continues to make impactful contributions to the academic and industrial spheres. Her expertise in manufacturing and logistics activities is evident in the development and implementation of decision-making tools. These tools serve as valuable resources for companies seeking performance improvement within the context of sustainable development. Dr. Hennequin's research focus extends to industrial symbiosis and reverse flows, areas critical for fostering environmentally conscious practices within the industrial landscape. Her work addresses the intersection of efficiency and sustainability, reflecting a commitment to advancing knowledge in fields with far-reaching implications for contemporary industries.

Accolades and Recognition

Sophie Hennequin's dedication and excellence have not gone unnoticed. As the Head of the Research Logistics Team, she has garnered recognition for her leadership and commitment to advancing academic and research pursuits. Her role in managing a diverse team of teaching and research colleagues, as well as industry professionals, showcases her ability to inspire collaboration and innovation.

Impact and Influence in Industrial engineering

Beyond academia, Dr. Hennequin's impact extends to the 850 students she has guided from bachelor to master's levels. Her influence is not only seen in the classroom but also in the broader industrial landscape through the practical tools and methodologies she has developed. The integration of her research into decision-making processes has the potential to reshape how industries approach sustainability and logistics.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Sophie Hennequin's legacy lies in her multifaceted contributions to education, research, and industrial practices. As she continues to lead the Research Logistics Team and shape the academic experiences of students at ENIM, her influence is poised to endure. Her work sets the stage for future advancements in the intersection of manufacturing, logistics, and sustainable development.

Future Contributions Highlight

Looking ahead, Dr. Hennequin's future contributions are likely to extend the boundaries of her current research focus. With a strong foundation in industrial engineering and a passion for sustainable practices, she may delve deeper into emerging technologies, innovative methodologies, and collaborative strategies that further bridge the gap between academia and industry. Her commitment to education, evident in her extensive teaching experience, may lead to the development of new academic programs that nurture the next generation of industrial engineers.

Notable Publications

Enterprise platform of logistics services based on a multi-agents mechanism and blockchains 2021

Past, present and future of industrial symbiosis 2021

Flows optimisation of industrial symbiosis based on bi-objective mathematical modelling 2019

Bi-objective Model for the Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines 202

Dr. Hassan Soltan Hassan – Green Cement – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hassan Soltan Hassan - Green Cement - Best Researcher Award

Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales - Mexico

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Dr. Hassan Soltan Hassan embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in electrical engineering, earning accolades at Assiut University, Egypt. His dedication to learning and exploring diverse fields laid the groundwork for his later accomplishments. Subsequently, his pursuit of knowledge led him to a Master's degree in Geology, specializing in Sedimentary Carbonate Rocks, further diversifying his expertise.

Professional Endeavors:

With a passion for engineering and a thirst for knowledge, Dr. Hassan ventured into the industrial sector, serving as a Team Leader Manager at Lafarge-Holcim Cement Egypt from February 2005 to February 2015. His leadership skills and ability to navigate complex challenges marked a significant chapter in his professional journey. The experience not only honed his managerial acumen but also provided valuable insights into the practical applications of engineering principles.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Dr. Hassan's commitment to advancing scientific knowledge led him to pursue a Doctorate in Science in Chemical Engineering, specializing in Geopolymer Technology and Material Science. His research, focused on eco-friendly, low CO2 cements, and hybrid cements, reflects a dedication to sustainable solutions in the construction industry. His expertise extends to various areas, including cement, concrete, geopolymer, ceramics, and material science. Explore Dr. Hassan Soltan Hassan's groundbreaking research in green cement. Awarded Best Researcher for excellence in sustainable construction. Elevate your knowledge with #1 in the field As a Postdoctoral Researcher at Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, UNAM-CDMX, México City, México, since October 2022, Dr. Hassan continues to contribute to cutting-edge research. His role involves delving into the intricacies of material properties, cement technologies, and environmental geology.

Accolades and Recognition:

Dr. Hassan's journey is marked by notable recognitions, including a significant role as a Team Leader at Lafarge-Holcim Cement Egypt, where he made noteworthy contributions to the company's success. His academic achievements, particularly his Doctorate in Science, underscore his dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in material science and engineering. Dr. Hassan Soltan Hassan: Green Cement Researcher

Impact and Influence:

Dr. Hassan's influence extends beyond his individual accomplishments. As a researcher, his work has the potential to shape the future of sustainable construction materials. The impact of his research on eco-friendly cements and hybrid materials could contribute significantly to reducing the carbon footprint in the construction industry. Moreover, his role as a Doctor Investigator and Assistant Professor at New Valley University, Egypt, positions him as a mentor, shaping the minds of future researchers and professionals.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Dr. Hassan's legacy is rooted in his multi-faceted contributions to both industry and academia. His expertise in diverse areas, including geology, geochemistry, and material science, positions him as a well-rounded researcher. The legacy he is building involves a commitment to sustainable practices, influencing the next generation of engineers and researchers to prioritize eco-friendly solutions.

As he continues his postdoctoral research at UNAM in México City, Dr. Hassan's future contributions may include further advancements in geopolymer technology, material science, and environmentally friendly construction materials. His interdisciplinary approach and dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge indicate a promising trajectory for future breakthroughs

Notable Publications:

Cleaner production of one-part white geopolymer cement using pre-treated wood biomass ash and diatomite 2019/2/1 (105)

Exploitation of the nanowaste ceramic incorporated with nano silica to improve concrete properties 2021/12/1 (93)

Fabrication and characterization of thermally-insulating coconut ash-based geopolymer foam 2018/10/1 (61)

Sustainable disposal of cement kiln dust in the production of cementitious materials 2019/1/5 (46)

Thermal activation of air cooled slag to create one-part alkali activated cement 2018/8/15 (38)