Ludivine Pradeleix’s – Impact modelling – Excellence in Innovation

Dr. Ludivine Pradeleix's - Impact modelling - Excellence in Innovation

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits:

Ludivine Pradeleix's academic journey is marked by a deep commitment to the field of Agronomy and Environmental Sciences. She completed her Master 2 in Biology, Ecology, and Evolution with a specialization in Animation, Communication, Culture, and Teaching in the Life and Earth Sciences at the University of Montpellier in 2020-2021. Prior to this, she earned her Doctorate in Agronomy from Supagro Montpellier, focusing on the multi-scale and multi-criteria evaluation of environmental impacts in an irrigated territory in Tunisia. Her educational foundation includes an Ingenieur Agronome degree with a Master of Sciences in Tropical Agricultural Development, specializing in Agronomy and Innovations from Supagro-IRC, Montpellier.

Professional Endeavors:

Ludivine Pradeleix's professional journey is diverse and spans both research and teaching roles. She served as an Ingenieur de Recherche, evaluating the sustainability of production systems integrating agriculture and livestock in the Mediterranean at INRAE, UMR SELMET, from 2014-2015. Her doctoral research, conducted at UMR G-Eau, INRAE, from 2010-2014, focused on the multi-scale and multi-criteria evaluation of environmental impacts in an irrigated territory in Tunisia. As an Enseignant-Chercheur from 2015-2021 at AgroParisTech, Montpellier, she contributed significantly to the Mastere Specialise in Water Management, covering topics such as environmental assessment, agricultural water, and circular economy. Her roles included teaching, mentoring, and student supervision.In 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, Ludivine took on the position of Professeure Agregee de Sciences de la Vie, Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers at various educational institutions, including Collège Frédéric Bazille and Lycée Jean Monnet in Montpellier.

Contributions and Research Focus  On Impact modelling :

Ludivine Pradeleix's research has primarily focused on the evaluation of environmental impacts in irrigated territories, with a multi-scale and multi-criteria approach. Her doctoral work contributed to the development of a methodological framework for assessing the eco-efficiency of agricultural and livestock activities in irrigated territories. The interdisciplinary nature of her research is evident in collaborations with Wageningen University and the International Water Management Institute. As an Enseignant-Chercheur, she extended her impact through teaching and research, covering topics such as environmental assessment, agricultural water, and circular economy. Her research has addressed crucial aspects of sustainability, including the evaluation of environmental and economic factors at multiple scales, from farm-level to territorial analysis.

Accolades and Recognition:

Ludivine Pradeleix's contributions to the field of environmental assessment and sustainability have likely garnered recognition within the academic and research communities. Her role as Professeure Agregee further reflects acknowledgment of her expertise in Sciences de la Vie, Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers.

Impact and Influence:

Through her research and teaching, Ludivine has influenced the understanding and practice of sustainable agricultural and environmental management and Impact modelling Her work has likely contributed to shaping future professionals and researchers in the field, emphasizing the importance of a holistic and multi-criteria approach to environmental impact assessment.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Ludivine Pradeleix's legacy lies in her significant contributions to the evaluation of environmental impacts in agriculture and her role in educating future professionals. Her future contributions are anticipated to further advance the integration of sustainable practices in agriculture and environmental science, leaving a lasting impact on both research and education. Ludivine Pradeleix's academic pursuits, professional endeavors, research focus, recognition, and influence collectively portray a dedicated individual contributing significantly to the fields of agronomy and environmental sciences. Her interdisciplinary approach and commitment to sustainability showcase a researcher and educator making valuable strides in addressing environmental challenges.

Notable Publications:

Environmental Impacts of Contrasted Groundwater Pumping Systems Assessed by Life Cycle Assessment Methodology: Contribution to the Water-Energy Nexus Study 2014

Life cycle assessment as decision support tool for water reuse in agriculture irrigation 2022

Life cycle assessment of cucumber irrigation: Unplanned water reuse versus groundwater resources in Tipaza (Algeria) 2020

Assessing Environmental Impacts of Groundwater Irrigation Using the Life  2018

Weihua Zhang – Environmental Science – Best Researcher Award

Weihua Zhang - Environmental Science - Best Researcher Award

Radiation Protection Bureau of Health - Canada

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Weihua Zhang's academic journey commenced with a strong foundation in Nuclear Physics, culminating in a B.Sc. degree from Nanjing University Nuclear Physics Department in 1982. Driven by a passion for scientific exploration, he pursued higher education, obtaining a Ph.D. degree in Radiochemistry from Dalhousie University Chemistry Department in 1997. During this early academic phase, Weihua Zhang demonstrated a keen interest in trace element analysis, laying the groundwork for his future contributions to the field.

Professional Endeavors

Research Scientist at RPB of Health Canada (2002-present)

Weihua Zhang's professional trajectory led him to the Radiation Protection Bureau (RPB) of Health Canada in 2002, where he assumed the role of a Research Scientist. Over the years, he has been dedicated to advancing the field of spectrometry, focusing on gamma, beta, and alpha-spectrometry techniques. His contributions have significantly enhanced the monitoring of environmental radioactivity and expanded our understanding of radiation exposure to humans from various sources.

Adjunct Professor at Carleton University (2016-present)

In addition to his research role, Weihua Zhang has been contributing to academia as an Adjunct Professor in the Physics Department of Carleton University since 2016. This dual engagement reflects his commitment not only to pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge through research but also to nurturing the next generation of scientists and researchers.

Research Associate at National Research Council Canada (1997-2000)

Before joining Health Canada, Weihua Zhang served as a Research Associate at the National Research Council Canada from 1997 to 2000. During this tenure, he played a crucial role in providing a radionuclide calibration service to Canadian clients. His efforts significantly improved the accuracy of radioactive measurements, particularly in the field of nuclear medicine, where precise measurements are essential for patient safety.

Software Engineer at JDS Uniphase (2000-2002)

Weihua Zhang's diverse skill set extends to software engineering, as evidenced by his role as a Software Engineer at JDS Uniphase from 2000 to 2002. During this period, he applied his programming expertise with LabVIEW 6.0 and Visual Basic 6.0 to automate testing for optical instruments, showcasing his versatility in both scientific and technical domains.

Contributions and Research Focus

Weihua Zhang's primary research contributions revolve around the refinement and development of spectrometry techniques. His work in gamma, beta, and alpha-spectrometry has led to substantial improvements in environmental radioactivity monitoring. Additionally, his research investigates radiation exposure to humans, both from natural and anthropogenic sources, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the potential health impacts.

Accolades and Recognition

Weihua Zhang's dedication and outstanding contributions have not gone unnoticed. In 1992, he received the Dalhousie graduate scholarship, a recognition of his academic excellence and potential in the field of radiochemistry.

Impact and Influence

Weihua Zhang's impact is discernible in the advancements he has brought to spectrometry techniques, influencing the precision of measurements in environmental radioactivity monitoring. His work has practical applications, notably in nuclear medicine, where accurate measurements are critical for patient safety and effective medical diagnostics and therapy.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Weihua Zhang continues to serve as a Research Scientist and Adjunct Professor, his legacy is shaped by a commitment to excellence in both research and education. His future contributions are anticipated to further propel spectrometry techniques, advancing our capabilities in monitoring environmental radioactivity and ensuring the safe use of radioactive materials in various applications.

Notable Publications

The development of a digital gamma-gamma coincidence/anticoincidence spectrometer and its applications to monitor low-level atmospheric 22Na/7Be activity ratios in Resolute Bay, Canada 2018

Gamma peak search and peak fitting algorithm for a low-resolution detector with applications in gamma spectroscopy 2019

Observation of Ground-level Enhancement Across Canada's Fixed Point Surveillance Network during the 20 January 2005 Solar Event 2017

Sophie Hennequin – Industrial engineering – Best Researcher Award

Sophie Hennequin - Industrial engineering - Best Researcher Award

Lorraine University - France

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits

Sophie Hennequin's academic journey traces back to her foundational years, culminating in a Master's degree in Computer Science, Automation, and Productics from Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Belfort in June 1997. This early academic phase set the stage for her future contributions to the fields of industrial engineering, logistics, and sustainable development.

Professional Endeavors

Embarking on her professional journey, Dr. Hennequin assumed the role of an Industrial Engineering Teacher at the Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) from September 2000 to August 2002. This initial experience laid the groundwork for her subsequent roles, providing valuable insights into the practical applications of industrial engineering. Her tenure as an Assistant Prof. Dr. at Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM) - Université de Lorraine and the Research Logistics Team from September 2002 to September 2018 marked a significant period of academic growth. During this time, she not only imparted knowledge in industrial engineering but also delved into research, contributing to the development of decision-making tools for companies.

Contributions and Research Focus on Industrial engineering

In her current position as Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Studies Director at ENIM, Sophie Hennequin continues to make impactful contributions to the academic and industrial spheres. Her expertise in manufacturing and logistics activities is evident in the development and implementation of decision-making tools. These tools serve as valuable resources for companies seeking performance improvement within the context of sustainable development. Dr. Hennequin's research focus extends to industrial symbiosis and reverse flows, areas critical for fostering environmentally conscious practices within the industrial landscape. Her work addresses the intersection of efficiency and sustainability, reflecting a commitment to advancing knowledge in fields with far-reaching implications for contemporary industries.

Accolades and Recognition

Sophie Hennequin's dedication and excellence have not gone unnoticed. As the Head of the Research Logistics Team, she has garnered recognition for her leadership and commitment to advancing academic and research pursuits. Her role in managing a diverse team of teaching and research colleagues, as well as industry professionals, showcases her ability to inspire collaboration and innovation.

Impact and Influence in Industrial engineering

Beyond academia, Dr. Hennequin's impact extends to the 850 students she has guided from bachelor to master's levels. Her influence is not only seen in the classroom but also in the broader industrial landscape through the practical tools and methodologies she has developed. The integration of her research into decision-making processes has the potential to reshape how industries approach sustainability and logistics.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Sophie Hennequin's legacy lies in her multifaceted contributions to education, research, and industrial practices. As she continues to lead the Research Logistics Team and shape the academic experiences of students at ENIM, her influence is poised to endure. Her work sets the stage for future advancements in the intersection of manufacturing, logistics, and sustainable development.

Future Contributions Highlight

Looking ahead, Dr. Hennequin's future contributions are likely to extend the boundaries of her current research focus. With a strong foundation in industrial engineering and a passion for sustainable practices, she may delve deeper into emerging technologies, innovative methodologies, and collaborative strategies that further bridge the gap between academia and industry. Her commitment to education, evident in her extensive teaching experience, may lead to the development of new academic programs that nurture the next generation of industrial engineers.

Notable Publications

Enterprise platform of logistics services based on a multi-agents mechanism and blockchains 2021

Past, present and future of industrial symbiosis 2021

Flows optimisation of industrial symbiosis based on bi-objective mathematical modelling 2019

Bi-objective Model for the Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines 202