Tanmay Das-Transportation Systems-Sustainable Agriculture- Best Researcher Award – 5722

Congratulations to Tanmay Das-Transportation Systems-Sustainable agriculture- Best Researcher  – Award Winner 2023

Tanmay Das-Transportation Systems

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Tanmay Das pursued a Ph.D. in Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering with a focus on Transportation Systems at North Carolina State University (NCSU). Under the guidance of advisors Dr. Nagui Rouphail and Dr. Billy Williams, he is set to complete his doctoral studies in Fall 2023. His earlier academic journey includes earning an M.Sc. in Civil Engineering with a specialization in Transportation Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, also from BUET.

Professional Endeavors

In his professional journey, Tanmay Das has held various significant roles. Notably, he is currently a Highway Safety Analyst at Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) in Raleigh, NC, a position he assumed in Fall 2023. Before this, he served as a Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant at NCSU. Tanmay also gained valuable industry experience through internships at VHB and the Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) in Raleigh, NC. He further extended his expertise as a Lecturer at Pabna University of Science and Technology in Bangladesh.

Contributions and Research Focus

Tanmay Das has made substantial contributions to transportation research, particularly in the realm of autonomous vehicles and traffic safety. His research projects span various areas, including the development of emission-aware car-following models, the modernization of the Federal Highway Administration Highway Safety Information System, and the utilization of connectivity and automation in transportation decision-making. His work involves interdisciplinary collaborations, including partnerships with professionals in civil engineering and computer science.

Accolades and Recognition

Tanmay Das has received noteworthy recognition for his contributions to academia and research. He was honored with a Mentored Teaching Fellowship in Spring 2023 by the College of Engineering at NCSU. Additionally, he received the C.E. “Ed” Vick Transportation Graduate Award in 2022 from the Department of Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering at NCSU. His academic achievements were further acknowledged with the Solan Graduate Scholarship in 2019.

Impact and Influence

Tanmay Das has left a significant impact through his published journals, conference proceedings, and active involvement in mentoring students. His research has practical applications, addressing critical issues such as the impact of autonomous vehicle technology on transportation systems and developing tools for fleet management. His influence extends beyond academia, contributing to advancements in transportation safety and efficiency.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Tanmay Das's legacy includes his role as a lecturer, research assistant, and contributor to multiple impactful research projects. His teaching experience at NCSU, combined with his research, positions him as a figure with a multifaceted impact on the transportation field. As he continues to contribute to cutting-edge research, his future legacy is likely to involve further advancements in autonomous vehicles, traffic safety, and transportation decision-making.

Notable Publications