TitleFirst NameLast NameInstitution/OrganizationCountry
MrAbhiram ReddyAnireddyAll Air Mechanical ContractorUnited States
DrSAIKATMAITYSister Nivedita UniversityIndia
DrRAMESHKOLAChaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology ( A)India
DrShyamapadaMandalUniversity of Gour BangaIndia
Assist. Prof. DrMulusewZewdieDebre Markos universityEthiopia
DrTamene TadesseBeyeneJImma UniversityEthiopia
DrXingshuoLiNanjing Normal UniversityChina
Prof. DrNegussieDeyessaAddis Ababa UniversityEthiopia
DrGyanendra KumarSinghAdama Science and Technology University Adama EthiopiaEthiopia
Prof. DrNigus GabbiyeHabtuBahir Dar UniversityEthiopia
DrNasehPahlavaniTorbat Heydariyeh University of Medical SciencesIran
MrFX Anjar TriLaksonoDoctoral School of Earth Sciences, Department of Geology and Meteorology, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of PecsHungary
Assoc. Prof. DrMusaAliHawassa University College of medicine and health sciencesEthiopia
Assist. Prof. DrAbrahamAberaSelale University/Addis Ababa universityEthiopia
MrRameshRijalUniversity of MelbourneAustralia
Assist. Prof. DrMegbarBirhanDebre Markos UniversityEthiopia
Assist. Prof. DrAklilu AlemuAmboMadda Walabu UniversityEthiopia
Prof. DrYoshikiKatayamaFaculty of Engineering, Kyushu UniversityJapan
Assoc. Prof. DrkhaledF. MahmoudNational Research CentreEgypt
DrAnjaneyuluMusiniJawaharlal Nehru Technological University HyderabadIndia
DrTingYuanCity University of New York, College of Staten IslandUnited States
ProfMauro TiagoNjeleziMarshal Samora Machel Military AcademyMozambique
DrMikhailSlobodyanTomsk Scientific Center SB RASRussia
TitleFirst NameLast NameInstitution/OrganizationCountry
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