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Dr.Hadi Zayyani | signal processing| Excellence in Research

Chaohe Zheng is an Assistant Professor at the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. He earned his Ph.D. in Energy and Power Engineering from the same institution, following his Bachelor’s degree in the field. His research primarily focuses on computational dynamics, molecular dynamics, quantum dynamics, carbon capture and utilization, and chemical looping technologies.




๐ŸŽ“ย Educationย 

PhD: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2005-2010 (GPA=18.01/20).ย Abroad Research Duration: INRIA-Rennes, France, March 2008-Dec 2008.ย MSc: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2001-2002 (GPA: 16.22/20).ย BSc: Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1996-2000 (GPA: 17.13/20).ย Diploma: Tohid High School, Shiraz, Iran, 1992-1996 (GPA: 19.50/20).

๐Ÿ†ย Honors

Ranked 1st in High School among nearly 100 students, Shiraz, 1996. Ranked 5th in National BSc University Entrance Exam among nearly 1 million students, 1996. Ranked 13th in National MSc University Exam (Electrical Engineering), 2001. Selected as a national talent by Iran National Talent Organization. Winner of research grant for abroad PhD duration from Iran Telecommunication Research Center, 2008. Winner of Dr. Ashtianiโ€™s grant for young assistant professors, Iran National Talent Organization, 2012. Winner researcher of Qom province in Engineering, 2020. Selected as top 1% reviewers in Publons, 2018-2019. Selected as top 2% scientist in the world in 2021 and 2022 by researchers of Stanford University.

๐Ÿ“šย Teaching Experience

Estimation Theory, Adaptive Filters, Random Processes, Signal and Systems, Communication I, Communication II, Advanced Communications, DSP, Circuit Theory II

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿซย Supervision

2 PhD theses as principal supervisor., 1 PhD thesis as co-principal supervisor., 18 MSc theses as principal supervisor., 12 MSc theses as co-supervisor., Nearly 60 BSc projects as principal supervisor.

๐ŸŒย Research Projects

Distributed Adaptive System Identification in Networks, Qom University of Technology, 2016-2017. One Bit Compressed Sensing, Qom University of Technology, 2017-2018. Direction of Arrival Estimation in Linear Arrays in Special Cases (noncoherent, one bit data,โ€ฆ), Qom University of Technology, 2017-2018. One Bit Compressed Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), 2018-2019. Graph Signal Recovery and its Applications, Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), 2019-2021. Adaptive Graph Signal Recovery and Learning, INSF, 2022-Now. Linearization Techniques of Radio Communication Systems, 2023-Now.

๐Ÿญย Industrial Projects

Digital Radio, Baseband Signal Processing (in FPGA), Micromodje Industry, 2000-2004. Digital Radio, Modem Design (in FPGA), Micromodje Industry, 2000-2004. Pulse Analyzer, Faramoj Pajouh, 2003-2004. Sharif University Satellite Corporation, Designing Communication Links, 2008-2009. Phased Array Radar, Electronic Research Center, Sharif University of Technology, 2001-2011. Modulation Classification, Zaeim Corporation, 2011-2011. Bounded Component Analysis (BCA) and Separation of Communicational Signals, Imenpardaz Corporation, 2021-2022. RSS Localization Using Hack-RFs, Advanced Lab of Communication and Signal Processing, Qom University of Technology, 2023-Now.

๐Ÿ“– Books

“Distributed Estimation in Wireless Sensor Network,” In Persian, Publications of Qom University of Technology, 2024. “Estimation Theory,” In Preparation, In Persian, Publications of Qom University of Technology, 2024.



Diffusion LMS algorithm in the presence of second order nonlinearities with theoretical bounds

Authors: H. Zayyani, M. Korki

Journal: Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 2024

A new practical physical layer secret key generation in the presence of an untrusted relay

Authors: M. Keshavarzi, H. Zayyani, A. Kuhestani, H. Ahmadi

Journal: Physical Communication, 2024

Graph signal recovery using variational Bayes in Fourier pairs with Cramรฉrโ€“Rao bounds

Authors: R. Torkamani, A. Amini, H. Zayyani, M. Korki

Journal: Signal Processing, 2024

IRS-Aided Received Signal Strength Localization Using a Wireless Sensor Network

Authors: S. Motie, H. Zayyani, M. Korki

Journal: IEEE Communications Letters, 2024

Forensic discrimination between traditional and compressive imaging by blurring kernel investigation

Authors: A. Taimori, H. Zayyani, F. Marvasti

Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024

A Robust Stable Laplace Continuous Mixed Norm Adaptive Filter Algorithm

Authors: H. Zayyani, M. Korki, A. Taghavi

Journal: IEEE Sensors Letters, 2024

A Robust Markovian Block Sparse Adaptive Algorithm With Its Convergence Analysis

Authors: Z. Habibi, H. Zayyani, M. Korki

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2024

Double-Proportionate Uncertainty-Aware Diffusion Algorithm for Distributed Estimation

Authors: H. Zayyani, M. Korki

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2024

Hidden Markov Model Decorrelated Diffusion Leaky LMS With Optimized Leaky Factor

Authors: H. Zayyani, M. Salman, M. Korki, A.A.F. Youssef

Journal: IEEE Access, 2024

A Robust Proportionate Graph Recursive Least Squares Algorithm for Adaptive Graph Signal Recovery

Authors: A.N. Sadigh, H. Zayyani, M. Korki

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2024 (Article in Press)


Hadi Zayyani | signal processing| Excellence in Research

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