Na Yi | Electrical Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Na Yi | Electrical Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Teacher | Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology | China

Based on the provided information, Na Yi appears to be a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award for several reasons:

Strengths for the Award:

  1. Extensive Publication Record: Na Yi has authored or co-authored numerous journal articles and conference papers across various prestigious platforms, demonstrating a consistent output of high-quality research.
  2. Interdisciplinary Expertise: The research spans diverse fields such as electrical engineering, cyber-physical systems, power systems, and agriculture, showcasing a breadth of knowledge and interdisciplinary application.
  3. Collaborative Research: Na Yi frequently collaborates with other researchers, indicating strong teamwork and networking abilities within the academic community.
  4. Innovative Research Contributions: Contributions like the development of new attack strategies for cyber-physical systems and advanced methodologies for power systems demonstrate innovative thinking and potential impact on the field.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Visibility and Outreach: While Na Yi has a strong publication record, efforts to enhance visibility through conference presentations, invited talks, and engagement with broader audiences could amplify the impact of their research.
  2. International Collaboration: Expanding collaborations beyond domestic partnerships could bring new perspectives and opportunities for global influence in the field.


Na Yi’s qualifications and achievements suggest a commendable candidacy for the Best Researcher Award. Their prolific publication record, interdisciplinary research approach, and innovative contributions highlight a researcher with significant potential for future advancements in their field. Continued efforts in visibility, international collaboration, and broader dissemination of research findings could further enhance their impact and candidacy for prestigious awards.

👤 Short Bio:

Na Yi is an accomplished researcher currently serving as a faculty member at Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology in Harbin, China. With a profound interest in advancing knowledge within electrical engineering and cyber-physical systems, Na Yi has established themselves as a prominent figure in the academic community. Their journey in academia began at Northeast Petroleum University, where they pursued both a Bachelor’s degree and subsequently a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Information. Na Yi’s career is marked by a prolific publication record and a commitment to exploring innovative solutions in power systems, cybersecurity, and the integration of technology in agriculture.



📚 Education:

Na Yi’s academic journey commenced at Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, CN, where they pursued a Bachelor’s degree from 2015 to 2019. During this period, they developed a solid foundation in Electrical Engineering and Information, laying the groundwork for their future research endeavors. Subsequently, Na Yi continued their educational pursuit at the same institution, undertaking a PhD from 2019 to 2024. Their doctoral studies were characterized by a deep dive into advanced topics within electrical engineering, focusing particularly on cyber-physical systems and their applications in enhancing the efficiency and security of power networks. The PhD program not only sharpened Na Yi’s technical skills but also honed their ability to conduct rigorous research and contribute meaningful insights to the field.

💼 Experience:

Na Yi brings a wealth of academic and professional experience to their current role at Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, where they have been a faculty member since July 2024. As part of the School of Electrical and Control Engineering, Na Yi is actively involved in teaching, research supervision, and academic leadership. Their role encompasses mentoring graduate students, conducting cutting-edge research, and collaborating with peers both domestically and internationally. Prior to their current position, Na Yi gained valuable experience through research assistantships and internships during their academic journey, which provided them with practical insights into real-world applications of their research findings.

🔬 Research Interests:

Na Yi’s research interests span across several interdisciplinary domains, with a primary focus on electrical engineering, cyber-physical systems (CPS), and their applications in power systems and agriculture. Their work delves into developing robust defense strategies against cyber threats targeting power grids, exploring efficient and sustainable power distribution solutions, and leveraging advanced technologies for fault diagnosis and optimization in electrical networks. Na Yi is particularly intrigued by the intersection of artificial intelligence and CPS, aiming to enhance the resilience and efficiency of interconnected systems through innovative methodologies such as deep reinforcement learning and multi-source information fusion. Their research agenda also includes addressing challenges in agricultural engineering, where they investigate the integration of modern technologies to optimize mechanization and improve agricultural productivity.

🏆 Award:

Na Yi’s contributions to research have been recognized with accolades and awards that highlight their impact and leadership in their field. Most notably, their pioneering work on defense strategy selection against false data injection attacks in power CPS has garnered attention for its innovative approach and practical implications. This achievement underscores Na Yi’s dedication to advancing cybersecurity measures in critical infrastructure systems, positioning them as a leader in the domain of cyber-physical security. Their commitment to excellence in research and scholarly contributions continues to earn them acclaim within the academic and scientific communities.

📄 Publications:

Na Yi’s research output is characterized by a prolific publication record in esteemed journals and conferences, reflecting their significant contributions to the field of electrical engineering and cyber-physical systems. Some of their notable publications include:

Defense strategy selection based on incomplete information game for the false data injection attack (Published in International Journal of Systems Science, 2024)

A multi-stage low-cost false data injection attack method for power CPS (Published in Zhejiang Electric Power, 2023)

A New Distributed Power Supply for Distribution Network Considering SOP Access (Presented at the 2023 International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computer Applications)

Transformer Fault Diagnosis and Analysis Method (Published in Agricultural Machinery Using & Maintenance, 2023)

A multi-stage coordinated cyber-physical topology attack method based on deep reinforcement learning (Published in Electric Power Engineering Technology, 2023)

Exploration on the Cultivation Mode of Agricultural Engineering Talents under the Background of New Agricultural Science (Published in Agricultural Machinery Using & Maintenance, 2023)


Soroush Ziaei | Environmental Technology | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Soroush Ziaei | Environmental Technology | Best Researcher Award

Researcher | Sahand university of technology | Iran

Short Biography 🌟

Soroush Ziaei, born August 12, 1994, in Qazvin, Iran, is a Ph.D. candidate in Chemical Engineering at Sahand University of Technology, Iran. His academic journey has been marked by a focus on molecular dynamics simulations in various chemical engineering applications.



Education 📚

Soroush holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Islamic Azad University of Takestan, where his thesis focused on corrosion in the oil industry. He pursued his Master’s at the University of Tabriz, specializing in polymer chemical engineering, and investigated drug delivery using molecular dynamics simulations. Currently, he is completing his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran.

Experience 💼

During his academic tenure, Soroush has been actively involved as a teaching assistant in subjects like Heat Transfer and Energy and Material Balances at Sahand University of Technology. He has also conducted workshops on engineering software, particularly MATLAB.

Research Interests 🔬

Soroush’s research interests lie in Molecular Simulation, Molecular Thermodynamics, and their applications in drug delivery systems, membrane technologies, and environmental engineering.

Award 🏆

Soroush has been recognized for Excellence in Teaching at Sahand University of Technology, acknowledging his dedication and contribution to education.

Publications 📄

  1. Prediction of solubility of anticancer drugs fluorouracil and letrozole in nano scale in aqueous environment using molecular dynamics simulation
  2. Investigation of the diffusion process of complexed fluorouracil drug in pristine and functionalized carbon nanotubes from POPE membrane model using molecular dynamics simulation
  3. Membrane based water treatment: insight from molecular dynamics simulations
  4. A comparative study on penetration mechanisms of drug-loaded carbon and boron nitride nanotubes through biological membranes by steered molecular dynamics simulations
  5. Molecular simulation of adsorption of H2S, CO2 and CH4 gas mixtures onto SiCHA zeolite using the Monte Carlo method
  6. Utilizing silica fume and synthetically produced mesoporous silicas for simulated flue gas CO2 adsorption



Dr. Pankaj Kumar Roy – Environmental Science Award – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Roy - Environmental Science Award - Best Researcher Award

Jadavpur University - India

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Roy's academic journey began with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from NIT Silchar, Assam, followed by a Master of Civil Engineering from Jadavpur University. His academic pursuits culminated in a Ph.D. in Engineering, specializing in water resources engineering, from the same university. These formative years laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the field.

Professional Endeavors

With over two decades of experience in teaching, research, and administrative roles, Dr. Roy's professional journey is extensive and diverse. He has served as the Director of the School of Water Resources Engineering and the former Dean of the Faculty Council of Interdisciplinary Studies, Law, and Management at Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Additionally, his industrial experience spanning two years adds practical insight to his academic expertise.

The Environmental Science Award recognizes outstanding contributions to environmental research and sustainability efforts. Honoring innovators in fields like water management, renewable energy, and conservation, this prestigious accolade celebrates individuals making significant strides towards a greener, more sustainable future. Environmental Science Award winners epitomize excellence in environmental stewardship and scientific advancement.

Contributions and Research Focus On Environmental Science Award

Dr. Roy's contributions to the field of water resources engineering are multifaceted. With over 35 awarded Ph.D. scholars and more than 150 awarded PG scholars under his guidance, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of researchers in this domain. His research portfolio includes over 25 completed projects and ongoing projects, focusing on critical issues related to water resources management, hydrology, and environmental engineering. His extensive publication record, comprising over 130 international and 60 national publications, reflects the depth and breadth of his research endeavors.

Accolades and Recognition In Environmental Science Award

Dr. Roy's contributions have been widely recognized and celebrated in the academic community. He has authored more than 15 books, monographs, and edited volumes, further solidifying his reputation as a thought leader in the field. As an invited speaker, he has delivered lectures at numerous conferences and seminars, showcasing his expertise and insights. His active involvement in professional societies and bodies, with membership in 15 such organizations, underscores his standing as a respected figure in the field.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Roy's research and academic leadership have had a significant impact on the field of water resources engineering. Through his research projects, publications, and scholarly activities, he has contributed valuable insights and solutions to pressing challenges in water management and environmental sustainability. His role as a mentor and educator has empowered numerous scholars to make meaningful contributions to the field, thereby extending his influence beyond his individual research endeavors.

Legacy and Future Contributions For Environmental Science Award

As Dr. Roy continues to advance in his career, his legacy in the field of water resources engineering is assured. His dedication to research, teaching, and mentoring has left an indelible mark on the academic community, inspiring future generations of scholars to pursue excellence in this important discipline. Looking ahead, Dr. Roy's continued contributions are poised to address emerging challenges in water resources management and shape the future trajectory of the field, further cementing his legacy as a leading figure in water resources engineering.

Notable Publications

Evaluation of groundwater quality by adopting a multivariate statistical approach and indexing of water quality in Sagar Island, West Bengal, India 2024

Groundwater vulnerability assessment for drinking water suitability using Fuzzy Shannon Entropy model in a semi-arid river basin 2023

Enhanced fluoride removal from groundwater using red and white kaolinite lithomarge to develop a low cost eco-friendly defluoridation unit in rural areas of Shilabati river basin, West Bengal 2023

Lanthanum oxide–graphene oxide coated functionalized pyrolyzed biomass from sawdust and its application for dye removal present in solution 2023