Dr. Yuanyuan Guo – Social Sciences Award – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Yuanyuan Guo - Social Sciences Award - Best Researcher Award

Tsinghua University - China

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Yuanyuan Guo embarked on her academic journey with a keen interest in public administration, focusing on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in digital government. Her pursuit led her to Beijing Normal University, where she pursued a Ph.D. in Public Administration from 2018 to 2023. During this time, she honed her research skills and deepened her understanding of digital governance and AI technologies.

Professional Endeavors

In 2020, Yuanyuan Guo broadened her academic horizons by participating in an exchange program at Sungkyunkwan University, where she delved deeper into the realm of public administration. Her exposure to different perspectives and methodologies enriched her academic journey, fostering cross-cultural collaboration and enhancing her research capabilities.

Contributions and Research Focus On Social Sciences Award

As an Assistant Researcher at Tsinghua University's School of Public Policy & Management since 2023, Yuanyuan Guo continues to explore the transformative potential of AI in digital governance. Her research focuses on leveraging AI technologies to improve public service delivery, enhance decision-making processes, and promote efficiency and transparency in government operations. Through her scholarly pursuits, she seeks to advance our understanding of the implications of AI in reshaping the public sector and fostering innovation in governance practices.

Accolades and Recognition In Social Sciences Award

While specific accolades are not mentioned, Yuanyuan Guo's dedication to her research and her active engagement in academic pursuits likely earned her recognition within her academic community. Her contributions to the field of digital governance and AI applications may have garnered attention and appreciation from peers and mentors.

Impact and Influence

Yuanyuan Guo's research has the potential to make a significant impact on the field of public administration and governance. By exploring the intersection of AI and digital government, she aims to provide insights and solutions to complex challenges facing contemporary societies. Her work has the potential to inform policy decisions, optimize government operations, and enhance citizen engagement, thereby contributing to more effective and responsive governance systems.

Legacy and Future Contributions For Social Sciences Award

Looking ahead, Yuanyuan Guo's legacy in the field of public administration is poised to grow as she continues to make strides in her research endeavors. Her commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation in digital governance holds promise for shaping the future of public administration practices. Through her continued efforts, she seeks to leave a lasting impact on the field, inspiring future generations of scholars and practitioners to harness the power of AI for the public good.

Notable Publications

Digital Trust and the Reconstruction of Trust in the Digital Society: An Integrated Model based on Trust Theory and Expectation Confirmation Theory 2019

Does User Preference Matter? A Comparative Study on Influencing Factors of User Activity Between Government-Provided and Business-Provided Apps 2022

Literature Review of the Concept of internet governance based on the Background of E-Society 2022

Dr. Puneet Kumar Verma –  Atmospheric Sciences – Young Scientist Award

Dr. Puneet Kumar Verma -  Atmospheric Sciences - Young Scientist Award

Physical Research Laboratory - India

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Puneet Kumar Verma's academic journey reflects a steadfast commitment to atmospheric chemistry, particularly in the domain of aerosols and organic pollutants. His passion for understanding the complexities of atmospheric composition and its impact on air quality began during his undergraduate studies in Chemistry at an esteemed institution. Verma's academic excellence was evident from his consistently high grades, which paved the way for his pursuit of higher education and research opportunities in the field of atmospheric sciences.

Professional Endeavors

Verma's professional journey is characterized by his diverse experiences as a postdoctoral fellow and researcher at prominent institutions such as the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi. Each of these positions offered him invaluable opportunities to delve into cutting-edge research projects focused on aerosols, organic pollutants, and atmospheric chemistry.

During his tenure as a postdoctoral fellow at IIT Kanpur's National Aerosol Facility, Verma played a pivotal role in a project aimed at improving air quality in South Asia. His expertise in building low-cost sensor networks and his dedication to data-driven policy decisions significantly contributed to the advancement of air quality research in the region. Prior to this, his research at PRL Ahmedabad and JNU Delhi focused on the role of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other atmospheric species in influencing the oxidative potential of ambient aerosols.

Contributions and Research Focus On Atmospheric Sciences

Verma's research endeavors have centered around understanding the sources, behavior, and effects of aerosols and organic pollutants in the atmosphere. His work has shed light on the complex interplay between atmospheric constituents, contributing to a deeper understanding of air quality dynamics and environmental health implications. Verma's expertise in aerosol chemistry, particularly in the field of PAHs and their derivatives, has been instrumental in advancing knowledge in this crucial area of atmospheric science.

Accolades and Recognition

Verma's contributions to atmospheric chemistry have garnered recognition and acclaim from the scientific community. His research publications in reputable journals, presentations at international conferences, and participation in prestigious research projects have earned him accolades and awards. Verma's dedication to scientific inquiry and his commitment to addressing pressing environmental challenges have been acknowledged through various honors and distinctions throughout his career.

Impact and Influence

Verma's research has had a significant impact on both academia and policy-making. His findings have contributed to the development of strategies for mitigating air pollution and improving air quality standards, particularly in regions facing significant environmental challenges. Verma's collaborative efforts with fellow researchers and his mentorship of aspiring scientists have also contributed to the broader dissemination of knowledge and the cultivation of talent in the field of atmospheric chemistry.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Verma continues his journey as a leading figure in atmospheric chemistry, his legacy is poised to endure through his ongoing research endeavors and contributions to the scientific community. His work not only advances fundamental understanding but also holds the potential to inform policy decisions and drive positive change in environmental management and public health. Verma's future contributions are expected to further enrich the field of atmospheric chemistry, paving the way for innovative solutions to pressing environmental challenges and inspiring future generations of researchers.

Notable Publications

Dynamic changes in the characteristics of fine particles and their oxidative potential in the city of Taj (Agra, India): the untold story of fireworks display 2023

Characterisation, Sources and Health Risk of Heavy Metals in PM2.5 in Agra, India 2023

Spatio-temporal variation in air quality and unexpected pollution levels during the lamp event over the Indo-Gangetic Plain in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic† 2023

Sophie Hennequin – Industrial engineering – Best Researcher Award

Sophie Hennequin - Industrial engineering - Best Researcher Award

Lorraine University - France

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits

Sophie Hennequin's academic journey traces back to her foundational years, culminating in a Master's degree in Computer Science, Automation, and Productics from Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Belfort in June 1997. This early academic phase set the stage for her future contributions to the fields of industrial engineering, logistics, and sustainable development.

Professional Endeavors

Embarking on her professional journey, Dr. Hennequin assumed the role of an Industrial Engineering Teacher at the Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) from September 2000 to August 2002. This initial experience laid the groundwork for her subsequent roles, providing valuable insights into the practical applications of industrial engineering. Her tenure as an Assistant Prof. Dr. at Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM) - Université de Lorraine and the Research Logistics Team from September 2002 to September 2018 marked a significant period of academic growth. During this time, she not only imparted knowledge in industrial engineering but also delved into research, contributing to the development of decision-making tools for companies.

Contributions and Research Focus on Industrial engineering

In her current position as Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Studies Director at ENIM, Sophie Hennequin continues to make impactful contributions to the academic and industrial spheres. Her expertise in manufacturing and logistics activities is evident in the development and implementation of decision-making tools. These tools serve as valuable resources for companies seeking performance improvement within the context of sustainable development. Dr. Hennequin's research focus extends to industrial symbiosis and reverse flows, areas critical for fostering environmentally conscious practices within the industrial landscape. Her work addresses the intersection of efficiency and sustainability, reflecting a commitment to advancing knowledge in fields with far-reaching implications for contemporary industries.

Accolades and Recognition

Sophie Hennequin's dedication and excellence have not gone unnoticed. As the Head of the Research Logistics Team, she has garnered recognition for her leadership and commitment to advancing academic and research pursuits. Her role in managing a diverse team of teaching and research colleagues, as well as industry professionals, showcases her ability to inspire collaboration and innovation.

Impact and Influence in Industrial engineering

Beyond academia, Dr. Hennequin's impact extends to the 850 students she has guided from bachelor to master's levels. Her influence is not only seen in the classroom but also in the broader industrial landscape through the practical tools and methodologies she has developed. The integration of her research into decision-making processes has the potential to reshape how industries approach sustainability and logistics.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Sophie Hennequin's legacy lies in her multifaceted contributions to education, research, and industrial practices. As she continues to lead the Research Logistics Team and shape the academic experiences of students at ENIM, her influence is poised to endure. Her work sets the stage for future advancements in the intersection of manufacturing, logistics, and sustainable development.

Future Contributions Highlight

Looking ahead, Dr. Hennequin's future contributions are likely to extend the boundaries of her current research focus. With a strong foundation in industrial engineering and a passion for sustainable practices, she may delve deeper into emerging technologies, innovative methodologies, and collaborative strategies that further bridge the gap between academia and industry. Her commitment to education, evident in her extensive teaching experience, may lead to the development of new academic programs that nurture the next generation of industrial engineers.

Notable Publications

Enterprise platform of logistics services based on a multi-agents mechanism and blockchains 2021

Past, present and future of industrial symbiosis 2021

Flows optimisation of industrial symbiosis based on bi-objective mathematical modelling 2019

Bi-objective Model for the Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines 202