Ziv Williams | Psychiatry | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Ziv Williams | Psychiatry | Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor | Harvard Medical School | United States

Dr. Ziv Williams is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, where he also serves as faculty in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program and the Program in Neuroscience. His academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the University of California, San Diego, followed by a Doctor of Medicine from Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Williams completed postdoctoral fellowships in Neurobiology and Neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School.

His research focuses on understanding the neural mechanisms underlying complex behaviors such as social cognition, language processing, and motor control. Utilizing advanced techniques including single-neuronal recordings and optogenetics, Dr. Williams aims to bridge basic neurophysiology with clinical applications to develop innovative treatments for neurological disorders. His work has been published in leading scientific journals and recognized with numerous awards, including the Presidential Early Career Award and honors from major neurological associations.

Dr. Williams is dedicated to advancing neuroscience through research, teaching, and clinical practice, contributing significantly to both academic scholarship and practical applications in neurosurgery and neurology.




Dr. Ziv Williams has pursued a comprehensive academic journey that underscores his multidisciplinary expertise in biochemistry, medicine, neurobiology, and neurosurgery. He began his educational pursuits with a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego, where from 1991 to 1994, he laid the groundwork for his understanding of molecular biology and biochemical processes. This foundational training provided him with essential insights into the fundamental building blocks of life at the cellular level.

Following his undergraduate studies, Dr. Williams continued his academic trajectory at Stanford University School of Medicine, where he earned his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from 1994 to 1999. During this time, he delved into the intricacies of medical science, gaining a comprehensive understanding of clinical practice and patient care. His medical training equipped him with the necessary skills and knowledge to approach healthcare challenges with a holistic and evidence-based perspective.

Dr. Williams further honed his expertise through specialized postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard Medical School. From 2000 to 2004, he engaged in rigorous research and study in Neurobiology, exploring advanced techniques and methodologies in understanding the nervous system at a molecular and cellular level. Concurrently, he pursued a postdoctoral fellowship in Neurosurgery from 1999 to 2006, gaining hands-on experience in surgical interventions and treatments for neurological disorders.

This combined educational background has uniquely positioned Dr. Williams as a leader in the field of neuroscience and neurosurgery. His academic journey—from biochemistry to neurosurgery—reflects a commitment to integrating diverse disciplines to advance scientific understanding and improve clinical outcomes in neurological care.


Dr. Ziv Williams boasts a rich and diverse professional experience that spans academia, research, and clinical practice. He has served as an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School since 2014, where he holds joint appointments in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program and the Program in Neuroscience. Prior to his current position, Dr. Williams completed rigorous training as a resident in Neurosurgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, followed by roles as an Instructor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery.

Throughout his career, Dr. Williams has been actively involved in cutting-edge research aimed at unraveling the complexities of neural circuitry underlying cognitive functions and behavior. His expertise in single-neuronal recordings, optogenetics, and neuro-modulatory techniques has been instrumental in advancing understanding and treatment of neurological disorders. Dr. Williams’ contributions to neuroscience have been recognized with prestigious awards and honors, underscoring his significant impact on the field and dedication to improving patient care through innovative research and clinical practice.


Dr. Ziv Williams is renowned for his pioneering research in neuroscience, focusing on the neural mechanisms that underpin complex behaviors such as social cognition and language processing. Utilizing advanced techniques like single-neuronal recordings and optogenetics, his work aims to elucidate how neural circuits encode and influence behavior, with implications for treating neurological disorders.

His research contributions have been published in high-impact journals and have garnered widespread acclaim, including awards such as the Presidential Early Career Award (PECASE) and recognition at the Falling Walls Science Summit. Dr. Williams’ innovative approach bridges basic science with clinical applications, positioning him as a leader in advancing neuroscientific understanding and therapeutic interventions. His commitment to excellence in research and its translation into clinical practice underscores his impact and influence in the field of neuroscience.


Dr. Williams’ contributions to scientific literature are extensive and impactful. His research publications include:

  • Jamali M, Grannan BL, Fedorenko E, Saxe R, Báez-Mendoza R, Williams Z. Single-neuronal predictions of others’ beliefs in humans. Nature. 2021;591:610–614.
  • Báez-Mendoza R, Mastrobattista EP, Wang AJ, Williams Z. Social agent identity cells in the prefrontal cortex of interacting groups of primates. Science. 2021;374:6566.
  • Li SW, Zeliger O, Strahs L, Báez-Mendoza R, Johnson LM, McDonald Wojciechowski A, Williams Z. Frontal neurons driving competitive behaviour and ecology of social groups. Nature. 2022;603(7902):661-666.
  • Khanna AR, Muñoz W, Kim YJ, Kfir Y, Paulk AC, Jamali M, Cai J, Mustroph ML, Caprara I, Hardstone R, Mejdell M, Meszéna D, Zuckerman A, Schweitzer J, Cash S, Williams Z. Single-neuronal elements of speech production in humans. Nature. 2024;626(7999):603-610.


Mohammad Khorrami | Psychology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mohammad Khorrami | Psychology | Best Researcher Award

Mohammad Khorrami at Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science & Research Branch (Isfahan), Isfahan, Iran, Iran


Mohammad Khorrami is a dedicated researcher in the field of psychology, focusing on addiction, mental health, and psychological interventions. With a strong academic background, he has contributed significantly to the understanding of cognitive-behavioral therapies and the psychological impacts of addiction. His research, spanning from foundational studies to specialized inquiries, aims to enhance therapeutic practices and address critical societal issues.

Author Profile

ORCID Profile


Mohammad Khorrami has pursued academic studies likely in psychology or related behavioral sciences, reflecting his deep interest in understanding human behavior and mental health dynamics. His educational background has equipped him with the necessary theoretical foundation to conduct research in his field.

Research Focus

His research focuses primarily on addiction, mental health, and psychological interventions. Mohammad Khorrami explores topics such as the impact of online psychological services on academic achievement, cognitive-behavioral therapies, and the psychological aspects of addiction recovery. His work aims to advance knowledge in these critical areas and contribute to improving therapeutic practices.

Professional Journey

Throughout his career, Mohammad Khorrami has demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and research integrity. He has published extensively in reputable journals, addressing significant issues in psychology and behavioral sciences. His professional journey includes collaborations with multidisciplinary teams and engagement in research projects that aim to enhance understanding and treatment outcomes in mental health and addiction.

Honors & Awards

Specific honors and awards earned by Mohammad Khorrami were not detailed in the provided information. However, his contributions to the field of psychology, particularly in addiction studies and mental health interventions, suggest recognition within academic and professional circles for his research contributions.

Publications Noted & Contributions

Mohammad Khorrami has authored numerous publications across various esteemed journals. His notable contributions include studies on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychological impacts of addiction, and the integration of digital interventions in mental health care. His publications serve to inform both theoretical frameworks and practical applications in psychological research and clinical practice.

Impact of online psychological services on academic achievement and COVID-19 fear in students with addicted parents

Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health

2024-12 | DOI: 10.1016/j.etdah.2024.100153

Contributors: Hamid Heydari, Nooshin Pordelan, Simin Hosseinian, Masoud Safaei, Mohammad Khorrami

Attributional styles and self-concept as predictors of group spiritual care in a group of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health

2023 | DOI: 10.1016/j.etdah.2023.100057

Contributors: Sayed Abdolmajid Bahrainian, Mohammad Khorrami, Nasrin Riyahi, Raziallah Hashemi Sadr, Tahereh Sadeghpour

Understanding the laps and relapse process: in-depth interviews with individuals who use methamphetamine

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy

2023-07-07 | DOI: 10.1186/s13011-023-00548-9

Contributors: Faezeh Kaviyani, Mohammad Khorrami, Hamid Heydari, Malihe Namvar

Using digital storytelling in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: comparison of two online interventions

Behaviour & Information Technology

2023-07-04 | DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2022.2077233

Contributors: Nooshin Pordelan, Simin Hosseinian, Hamid Heydari, Sadaf Khalijian, Mohammad Khorrami

The Survey of Prevalence and Content of Hallucinations and Delusions in Methamphetamine Dependents

International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction

2023-06-07 | DOI: 10.5812/ijhrba-134015

Contributors: Ali Nazari, Seyed Kaveh Hojjat, Asieh Jafakesh Moghadam, Mina Norozi Khalili, Hadi Akbari, Mohammad Khorrami, Javad Sherafati, Mostafa Akbarzadeh, Zahra Barati Farimani, Faezeh Kaviyani

Research Timeline

From 2012 to 2024, Mohammad Khorrami has built a robust research portfolio. His timeline reflects a progression from foundational studies on addiction and mental health to more specialized inquiries into therapeutic methodologies and psychological outcomes. His research trajectory underscores a dedication to advancing knowledge and addressing pressing societal issues through rigorous scientific inquiry.

Dr. Marinella Majorano – Psychology – Best Researcher 

Dr. Marinella Majorano - Psychology - Best Researcher 

University of Verona - Italy

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Marinella Majorano's academic journey is marked by a relentless pursuit of understanding human development, particularly in the realms of language and social interaction. After obtaining her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Parma in 2001, where she delved into the intricacies of planning and visual memory in school-age deaf children, she continued her academic pursuits with post-graduate studies and a Doctorate (PhD) from the University of Padua in 2006. Her doctoral research, supervised by Prof. B. Benelli, focused on "Babbling and first words in typically developing children and late talkers," showcasing her early interest in language acquisition and developmental psychology.

Professional Endeavors

Marinella's academic journey continued to flourish as she embarked on postdoctoral fellowships and teaching positions at prestigious institutions. From 2009 to 2011, she pursued a postdoc fellowship at the Department of Psychology, University of Parma, exploring the nuances of perception and production in the first two years of life. Subsequently, she joined the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona, initially as an Assistant Professor in 2011 and later ascending to the position of Associate Professor in 2016. Her tenure at the University of Verona provided her with a platform to delve deeper into her research interests while also shaping the minds of future psychologists.

Contributions and Research Focus On Psychology

Marinella's research interests are wide-ranging, encompassing various aspects of language and social development in infants and children with typical and atypical development. Her investigations into early speech perception and production shed light on fundamental processes underlying language acquisition. Moreover, her studies on mother-child interaction and educator-child interaction in educational contexts offer valuable insights into the socio-emotional and linguistic factors influencing child language outcomes and peer relationships. Through her Laboratory of Research on Social and Language Development Group (SLD) at the University of Verona, Marinella has spearheaded numerous research projects aimed at unraveling the complexities of early development and its implications for later functioning.

Accolades and Recognition In Psychology

Marinella's exemplary contributions to the field of developmental psychology have garnered recognition and accolades from her peers and academic institutions. Her doctoral dissertation received high praise, earning her a Doctorate (PhD) from the University of Padua. Additionally, her research has been disseminated through publications in esteemed journals and presentations at international conferences, further solidifying her reputation as a leading scholar in her field.

Impact and Influence

Marinella's research has had a profound impact on both academia and practice, shaping our understanding of early development and informing interventions aimed at promoting optimal outcomes for children. Her work has influenced policies and practices in early childhood education and intervention, emphasizing the importance of early language and social experiences in shaping later development. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including perception, cognition, emotion, personality, development, social interactions, and mental health.

Legacy and Future Contributions For Psychology

As Marinella Majorano continues her academic journey, her legacy is marked by her unwavering dedication to advancing knowledge and improving outcomes for children. Through her research, teaching, and mentorship, she continues to inspire the next generation of psychologists and contribute to our understanding of human development. Moving forward, Marinella remains committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in developmental psychology and making a lasting impact on the lives of children and families.

Notable Publications

I-MovE. An intervention to promote movement at childcare centers: Benefits for motor cognitive and socio-emotional development 2024

Linguistic interactions at nursery school and language acquisition of toddlers from low-income bilingual immigrant families and monolingual families 2023

Competing views on interventions for pragmatic language skills in persons with pragmatic language impairment: An umbrella review 2023