Dr. Puneet Kumar Verma –  Atmospheric Sciences – Young Scientist Award

Dr. Puneet Kumar Verma -  Atmospheric Sciences - Young Scientist Award

Physical Research Laboratory - India

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Puneet Kumar Verma's academic journey reflects a steadfast commitment to atmospheric chemistry, particularly in the domain of aerosols and organic pollutants. His passion for understanding the complexities of atmospheric composition and its impact on air quality began during his undergraduate studies in Chemistry at an esteemed institution. Verma's academic excellence was evident from his consistently high grades, which paved the way for his pursuit of higher education and research opportunities in the field of atmospheric sciences.

Professional Endeavors

Verma's professional journey is characterized by his diverse experiences as a postdoctoral fellow and researcher at prominent institutions such as the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi. Each of these positions offered him invaluable opportunities to delve into cutting-edge research projects focused on aerosols, organic pollutants, and atmospheric chemistry.

During his tenure as a postdoctoral fellow at IIT Kanpur's National Aerosol Facility, Verma played a pivotal role in a project aimed at improving air quality in South Asia. His expertise in building low-cost sensor networks and his dedication to data-driven policy decisions significantly contributed to the advancement of air quality research in the region. Prior to this, his research at PRL Ahmedabad and JNU Delhi focused on the role of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other atmospheric species in influencing the oxidative potential of ambient aerosols.

Contributions and Research Focus On Atmospheric Sciences

Verma's research endeavors have centered around understanding the sources, behavior, and effects of aerosols and organic pollutants in the atmosphere. His work has shed light on the complex interplay between atmospheric constituents, contributing to a deeper understanding of air quality dynamics and environmental health implications. Verma's expertise in aerosol chemistry, particularly in the field of PAHs and their derivatives, has been instrumental in advancing knowledge in this crucial area of atmospheric science.

Accolades and Recognition

Verma's contributions to atmospheric chemistry have garnered recognition and acclaim from the scientific community. His research publications in reputable journals, presentations at international conferences, and participation in prestigious research projects have earned him accolades and awards. Verma's dedication to scientific inquiry and his commitment to addressing pressing environmental challenges have been acknowledged through various honors and distinctions throughout his career.

Impact and Influence

Verma's research has had a significant impact on both academia and policy-making. His findings have contributed to the development of strategies for mitigating air pollution and improving air quality standards, particularly in regions facing significant environmental challenges. Verma's collaborative efforts with fellow researchers and his mentorship of aspiring scientists have also contributed to the broader dissemination of knowledge and the cultivation of talent in the field of atmospheric chemistry.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Verma continues his journey as a leading figure in atmospheric chemistry, his legacy is poised to endure through his ongoing research endeavors and contributions to the scientific community. His work not only advances fundamental understanding but also holds the potential to inform policy decisions and drive positive change in environmental management and public health. Verma's future contributions are expected to further enrich the field of atmospheric chemistry, paving the way for innovative solutions to pressing environmental challenges and inspiring future generations of researchers.

Notable Publications

Dynamic changes in the characteristics of fine particles and their oxidative potential in the city of Taj (Agra, India): the untold story of fireworks display 2023

Characterisation, Sources and Health Risk of Heavy Metals in PM2.5 in Agra, India 2023

Spatio-temporal variation in air quality and unexpected pollution levels during the lamp event over the Indo-Gangetic Plain in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic† 2023

Johannes Bickenbach – Medicine- Best Scholar  – Award Winner 2023

Congratulations to Johannes Bickenbach - Medicine- Best Scholar  - Award Winner 2023

Dr. med. Johannes Bickenbach:

Dr. med. Johannes Bickenbach's career is marked by a rich academic background, clinical expertise, and significant contributions to research and medical science, making him a prominent figure in the field of Anästhesiologie and Intensivmedizin. His leadership roles and ongoing projects underscore his commitment to advancing medical knowledge and improving patient care.

professional profile:


  • Studium (1994-2001):
    • Studium der Humanmedizin, Medizinische Fakultät der RWTH Aachen
    • Abschluss: III. Staatsexamen (04/2001)

Professional Qualifications:

  • Arzt im Praktikum und Assistenzarzt (07/2001-10/2006):
    • Klinik für Anästhesie, Universitätsklinikum RWTH Aachen
  • Facharzt für Anästhesiologie (10/2006):
  • Zusatzqualifikationen:
    • Transösophagealen Echokardiographie, Hygienebeauftragter Arzt, Medizindidaktik, Leadership, Arzneimittelkommission

Academic Achievements:

  • Dr. med. (15. Januar 2003):
    • Dissertation: "Hochfrequenz-Oszillation im experimentell induzierten Lungenversagen: Effekte auf den Gasaustausch."
  • Habilitation (08.05.2012):
    • Venia legendi für das Fach Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin.
  • Außerplanmäßige Professur (20.5.2019):
  • Continuous Supervision of Doctoral Candidates (Since 2006):

Research Activities:

  • Experimental and Clinical Research (Since 2003):
    • Focus on Anästhesiologie and Intensivmedizin.
  • ARDS Research (Since 2007):
    • Implementation of various methods, including lung injury models, MIGET, EIT, and neurohistopathological studies.
  • Weaning Studies (Since 2013):
    • Investigation of characteristics and predictors in patients in prolonged weaning, using various techniques.
  • Current Research Projects (Since 2018):
    • EITTT - Elektrische Impedanztomographie bei Thoraxtrauma, and others.

Clinical Trials:

  • Prüfarzttätigkeit (Since 2007):
    • Participation in various clinical studies, including MAXSEP, HYPRESS, ACEmeVent, PHOENIX, SISPCT, LoveMI, GENIUS.

Leadership Roles:

  • Leitender Oberarzt (Since 09/2016):
    • Klinik für Operative Intensivmedizin und Intermediate Care, Universitätsklinikum RWTH Aachen.
  • Sprecher der AG "AI Zert" (Since 2020):
    • Scientific Working Group on Intensivmedizin der DGAI.

Current Projects and Future Contributions:

  • Active Participation in SMITH Consortium (Since 2017 and 2021):
    • Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare, Förderkonzept Medizininformatik des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung.
  • Project Lead and Principal Investigator (Since 2022):
    • Cross-consortia use case AID4ICU: AI-based early prospective diagnoses of organ failure for ICU patients.

Notable Publication:

Effects of structured protocolized physical therapy on the duration of mechanical ventilation in patients with prolonged weaning. 2023 Dec 1:80:154491

Haemoglobin value and red blood cell transfusions in prolonged weaning from mechanical ventilation: a retrospective observational study. 2022 Jun;9(1):e001228.

Differences between prolonged weaning patients from medical and surgical intensive care units. 2016 Oct;60(9):1270-80

Electrical impedance tomography for predicting failure of spontaneous breathing trials in patients with prolonged weaning. 2017 Jul 12;21(1)

Impact of multidrug-resistant bacteria on outcome in patients with prolonged weaning. 2018 Aug 20;18(1)

Weaning from invasive ventilation : Challenges in the clinical routine. 2022 Dec;71(12)

Pablo Luis Paglialunga,-  Excellence in Research – Award Winner 2023

Congratulations to Pablo Luis Paglialunga,-  Excellence in Research - Award Winner 2023
Pablo Luis Paglialunga

Pablo Luis Paglialunga is a distinguished figure, particularly noted for his remarkable contributions in the academic and professional realms. His journey unfolds as a narrative of dedication, innovation, and impactful endeavors that have significantly shaped his field of expertise.

professional profile:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Pablo Luis Paglialunga embarked on his academic journey with a strong commitment to knowledge and learning. Born with a curiosity that fueled his early academic pursuits, he demonstrated exceptional dedication to his studies from the outset. His formative years were marked by a passion for acquiring a deep understanding of various subjects, laying the foundation for his future accomplishments.

Professional Endeavors:

As he transitioned into his professional life, Paglialunga continued to distinguish himself through his unwavering commitment to excellence. His professional endeavors showcased not only his expertise in his chosen field but also his ability to apply academic knowledge to real-world challenges. This phase of his career marked the beginning of a trajectory characterized by innovation and a relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Paglialunga's contributions to academia and research are significant, reflecting his dedication to advancing knowledge in his domain. His research focus has not only expanded the boundaries of existing understanding but has also opened new avenues for exploration. Through numerous publications, presentations, and collaborative efforts, he has made a lasting impact on the academic landscape.

Accolades and Recognition:

The pinnacle of Paglialunga's career is marked by the prestigious recognition he has received for his outstanding contributions. His excellence in research has earned him accolades, placing him among the esteemed award winners at the National University of La Plata, Argentina. These honors serve as a testament to his exceptional skills, tireless work ethic, and the profound impact of his research on the academic community.

Impact and Influence:

Paglialunga's work has left a lasting impact on both the academic community and the broader society. His research findings have not only contributed to the advancement of knowledge but have also influenced the practices and methodologies within his field. The ripple effect of his work extends beyond the confines of academia, reaching industries and sectors impacted by his innovative insights.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As an award winner at the National University of La Plata, Argentina, Paglialunga has carved out a legacy of excellence that will inspire future generations. His dedication to research and academic pursuits sets a high standard, challenging others to push the boundaries of knowledge. Looking forward, his continued contributions are anticipated to further shape the trajectory of his field and leave an enduring legacy in the annals of academic achievement.


Notable Publications:

A look ahead to promote the early detection of lung cancer: Technical and cost implications of a confirmed diagnosis before surgery. Rudith Guzmán; Angela Guirao; Leandro Grando; Marc Boada; David Sánchez; Nestor Quiroga; Pablo Paglialunga; Laureano Molins. Spanish Surgery (English Edition) 2023-08 | Journal article DOI:10.1016/j.cireng.2023.03.013 Part of ISSN: 2173-5077

Starting a robotic thoracic surgery program: from wedge to lobectomy with bronchoplasty in six months. Initial conclusions. Pablo Paglialunga, Marc Boada, Rudith Guzmán, David Sanchez-Lorente, Angela Guirao, Irene Bello, Carlos Guerrero, Leandro Grando, Nestor Quiroga, Laureano Molins. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Institut Clínic Respiratori (ICR), Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, ​​University of Barcelona, ​​Barcelona, ​​Catalonia, Spain. August Pi I Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS). CirEsp.2023.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cireng.2023.04.020

Giant chest wall tuberculoma. Quiroga Nestor, Grando Leandro, Paglialunga Pablo. Author by correspondence: Pablo Luis Paglialunga. Published in Bronconeumology Archives. February 2023. DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arbres.2023.02.006

SECT Update in Thoracic Surgery. Airway pathology. Tracheomalacia Chapter. D. Sanchez-Lorente, N. Quiroga, C. Guerrero, L. Grando, X. Oller, P. Paglialunga, A. Guirao, I. Bello, M. Boada, L. Molins Thoracic Surgery Service. Institut Clínic Respiratori. Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. University of Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain. November 2022. ISBN: 978-84-09-45773-1.

To Be or Not To Be: Technical and Cost Implications of Having a Confirmed Diagnosis of Lung Cancer (or not) Before Surgery. Posted Date: February 23rd, 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1349099/v1

Video: Tunnel technique for robotic-assisted left upper lobectomy. Multimedia Manual of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS). Published: February 8, 2022 DOI: 10.1510/mmcts.2022.003.

Article: Histological study by post-mortem lung biopsy in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, Archives of Bronconeumology, 2021. Jacobo Sellarés, et al. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arbres.2021.09.009

Article: Experiencia del Servicio de Cirugía Torácica del Hospital Clinic de Barcelona durante la epidemia de COVID-19. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Cirugía Torácica. May 2020.

Article: OSTEOCONDROMA ESCAPULAR / SCAPULAR OSTEOCHONDROMA. As the author. Published in Argentine Journal of Surgery. December 2019

Article: LUNG CARCINOID: NEOPLASIA POCO FRECUENTE / LUNG CARCINOID TUMOR: A RARE NEOPLASM. As the author. Published in Argentine Magazine of Surgery Residents. Volume XXI Number 2 November 2016 Buenos Aires Rev. Arg. Res. Cir 2016; 21 (2) 23 - 26

Article: BRONCHIECTASIS FOR UNUSUAL STRANGE BODY IN AIRWAY.  As the author. Published in the Journal of the Medical Association of District 1 of the Province of Buenos Aires. December 2