Congratulations to Johannes Bickenbach - Medicine- Best Scholar  - Award Winner 2023

Dr. med. Johannes Bickenbach:

Dr. med. Johannes Bickenbach's career is marked by a rich academic background, clinical expertise, and significant contributions to research and medical science, making him a prominent figure in the field of Anästhesiologie and Intensivmedizin. His leadership roles and ongoing projects underscore his commitment to advancing medical knowledge and improving patient care.

professional profile:


  • Studium (1994-2001):
    • Studium der Humanmedizin, Medizinische Fakultät der RWTH Aachen
    • Abschluss: III. Staatsexamen (04/2001)

Professional Qualifications:

  • Arzt im Praktikum und Assistenzarzt (07/2001-10/2006):
    • Klinik für Anästhesie, Universitätsklinikum RWTH Aachen
  • Facharzt für Anästhesiologie (10/2006):
  • Zusatzqualifikationen:
    • Transösophagealen Echokardiographie, Hygienebeauftragter Arzt, Medizindidaktik, Leadership, Arzneimittelkommission

Academic Achievements:

  • Dr. med. (15. Januar 2003):
    • Dissertation: "Hochfrequenz-Oszillation im experimentell induzierten Lungenversagen: Effekte auf den Gasaustausch."
  • Habilitation (08.05.2012):
    • Venia legendi für das Fach Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin.
  • Außerplanmäßige Professur (20.5.2019):
  • Continuous Supervision of Doctoral Candidates (Since 2006):

Research Activities:

  • Experimental and Clinical Research (Since 2003):
    • Focus on Anästhesiologie and Intensivmedizin.
  • ARDS Research (Since 2007):
    • Implementation of various methods, including lung injury models, MIGET, EIT, and neurohistopathological studies.
  • Weaning Studies (Since 2013):
    • Investigation of characteristics and predictors in patients in prolonged weaning, using various techniques.
  • Current Research Projects (Since 2018):
    • EITTT - Elektrische Impedanztomographie bei Thoraxtrauma, and others.

Clinical Trials:

  • Prüfarzttätigkeit (Since 2007):
    • Participation in various clinical studies, including MAXSEP, HYPRESS, ACEmeVent, PHOENIX, SISPCT, LoveMI, GENIUS.

Leadership Roles:

  • Leitender Oberarzt (Since 09/2016):
    • Klinik für Operative Intensivmedizin und Intermediate Care, Universitätsklinikum RWTH Aachen.
  • Sprecher der AG "AI Zert" (Since 2020):
    • Scientific Working Group on Intensivmedizin der DGAI.

Current Projects and Future Contributions:

  • Active Participation in SMITH Consortium (Since 2017 and 2021):
    • Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare, Förderkonzept Medizininformatik des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung.
  • Project Lead and Principal Investigator (Since 2022):
    • Cross-consortia use case AID4ICU: AI-based early prospective diagnoses of organ failure for ICU patients.

Notable Publication:

Effects of structured protocolized physical therapy on the duration of mechanical ventilation in patients with prolonged weaning. 2023 Dec 1:80:154491

Haemoglobin value and red blood cell transfusions in prolonged weaning from mechanical ventilation: a retrospective observational study. 2022 Jun;9(1):e001228.

Differences between prolonged weaning patients from medical and surgical intensive care units. 2016 Oct;60(9):1270-80

Electrical impedance tomography for predicting failure of spontaneous breathing trials in patients with prolonged weaning. 2017 Jul 12;21(1)

Impact of multidrug-resistant bacteria on outcome in patients with prolonged weaning. 2018 Aug 20;18(1)

Weaning from invasive ventilation : Challenges in the clinical routine. 2022 Dec;71(12)

Johannes Bickenbach – Medicine- Best Scholar  – Award Winner 2023

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