Resmi – Bioenergy – Women Researcher Award

Dr. Resmi - Bioenergy - Women Researcher Award

Amrita School of Engineering - India

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits:

Dr. Resmi R embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Born on May 16, 1983, she pursued her passion for the field and obtained her Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Her early academic pursuits showcased her dedication to understanding complex concepts and laid the groundwork for her future contributions in the field.

Professional Endeavors:

As an Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Dr. Resmi R has demonstrated her commitment to academia. Her role involves not only imparting knowledge to students but also engaging in research activities that contribute to the advancement of the field.

Contributions and Research Focus On Bioenergy:

Dr. Resmi R's expertise lies in several crucial areas within Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Her research has delved into Wind Energy Forecasting, Bio and Hydro Energy Resources, Advanced Control Systems, Wind Electric Generators, and Electrical Machines. The focus of her Ph.D. thesis, "Investigation on Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine for Improved Performance," reflects her dedication to exploring innovative solutions for enhancing machine performance.

Her contributions extend to addressing critical issues such as climate change and energy sustainability, aligning her research with the pressing global need for renewable energy solutions. Through her work, she has made strides in understanding and harnessing various energy resources for a more sustainable future.

Accolades and Recognition:

Dr. Resmi R's impactful contributions have not gone unnoticed. Her recognition in the academic community is evidenced by her SCOPUS ID (57190160102) and her Google Scholar ID. These identifiers showcase her scholarly achievements and contributions to the field, acknowledging her as a notable figure in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Bioenergy represents a sustainable and renewable source of power derived from organic materials, such as agricultural residues, organic waste, and dedicated energy crops.

Utilizing natural processes, bioenergy production reduces greenhouse gas emissions, offering a cleaner alternative to conventional energy sources. As a versatile and eco-friendly solution, bioenergy plays a pivotal role in addressing climate change and fostering energy independence while promoting agricultural and environmental sustainability.

Impact and Influence:

Dr. Resmi R's work has made a significant impact on the field, particularly in the realm of renewable energy. Her research in Wind Energy Forecasting and Bio and Hydro Energy Resources has contributed to the development of more efficient and sustainable energy solutions. Her investigations into Advanced Control Systems and Wind Electric Generators have pushed the boundaries of what is achievable in the field, influencing both academic discourse and practical applications.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

As an academician and researcher, Dr. Resmi R is in the process of building a lasting legacy. Her dedication to renewable energy, advanced control systems, and electrical machines is shaping the future of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Her work will likely inspire future generations of researchers and engineers to continue exploring innovative solutions for a sustainable and energy-efficient world. Dr. Resmi R is poised to make further contributions to her field.

Her research focus on climate and energy, coupled with her interest in electrical machines, positions her as a key player in shaping the future of sustainable energy technologies. Her commitment to academia and research ensures that her influence will endure and continue to make a positive impact on the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Notable Publications:

Design and analysis of squirrel cage induction motor in short pitch and full pitch winding configurations using FEA 2017

PMSG based standalone wind electric conversion system with MPPT 2017

Mathematical model of brushless doubly fed induction generator based wind electric generator 2016


Sophie Hennequin – Industrial engineering – Best Researcher Award

Sophie Hennequin - Industrial engineering - Best Researcher Award

Lorraine University - France

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits

Sophie Hennequin's academic journey traces back to her foundational years, culminating in a Master's degree in Computer Science, Automation, and Productics from Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Belfort in June 1997. This early academic phase set the stage for her future contributions to the fields of industrial engineering, logistics, and sustainable development.

Professional Endeavors

Embarking on her professional journey, Dr. Hennequin assumed the role of an Industrial Engineering Teacher at the Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) from September 2000 to August 2002. This initial experience laid the groundwork for her subsequent roles, providing valuable insights into the practical applications of industrial engineering. Her tenure as an Assistant Prof. Dr. at Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM) - Université de Lorraine and the Research Logistics Team from September 2002 to September 2018 marked a significant period of academic growth. During this time, she not only imparted knowledge in industrial engineering but also delved into research, contributing to the development of decision-making tools for companies.

Contributions and Research Focus on Industrial engineering

In her current position as Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Studies Director at ENIM, Sophie Hennequin continues to make impactful contributions to the academic and industrial spheres. Her expertise in manufacturing and logistics activities is evident in the development and implementation of decision-making tools. These tools serve as valuable resources for companies seeking performance improvement within the context of sustainable development. Dr. Hennequin's research focus extends to industrial symbiosis and reverse flows, areas critical for fostering environmentally conscious practices within the industrial landscape. Her work addresses the intersection of efficiency and sustainability, reflecting a commitment to advancing knowledge in fields with far-reaching implications for contemporary industries.

Accolades and Recognition

Sophie Hennequin's dedication and excellence have not gone unnoticed. As the Head of the Research Logistics Team, she has garnered recognition for her leadership and commitment to advancing academic and research pursuits. Her role in managing a diverse team of teaching and research colleagues, as well as industry professionals, showcases her ability to inspire collaboration and innovation.

Impact and Influence in Industrial engineering

Beyond academia, Dr. Hennequin's impact extends to the 850 students she has guided from bachelor to master's levels. Her influence is not only seen in the classroom but also in the broader industrial landscape through the practical tools and methodologies she has developed. The integration of her research into decision-making processes has the potential to reshape how industries approach sustainability and logistics.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Sophie Hennequin's legacy lies in her multifaceted contributions to education, research, and industrial practices. As she continues to lead the Research Logistics Team and shape the academic experiences of students at ENIM, her influence is poised to endure. Her work sets the stage for future advancements in the intersection of manufacturing, logistics, and sustainable development.

Future Contributions Highlight

Looking ahead, Dr. Hennequin's future contributions are likely to extend the boundaries of her current research focus. With a strong foundation in industrial engineering and a passion for sustainable practices, she may delve deeper into emerging technologies, innovative methodologies, and collaborative strategies that further bridge the gap between academia and industry. Her commitment to education, evident in her extensive teaching experience, may lead to the development of new academic programs that nurture the next generation of industrial engineers.

Notable Publications

Enterprise platform of logistics services based on a multi-agents mechanism and blockchains 2021

Past, present and future of industrial symbiosis 2021

Flows optimisation of industrial symbiosis based on bi-objective mathematical modelling 2019

Bi-objective Model for the Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines 202