Dr.Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri –  Biological Sciences  – Best Researcher Award

Dr.Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri -  Biological Sciences  - Best Researcher Award

Universiti Putra Malaysia - Malaysia

Professional Profiles



Early Academic Pursuits

Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri embarked on his academic journey with an unwavering passion for soil science. From the outset, he demonstrated a deep commitment to understanding the complexities of soil dynamics and its pivotal role in environmental sustainability. His early academic pursuits laid the foundation for a career dedicated to advancing soil science and its practical applications.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri has seamlessly integrated his expertise in soil science with teaching and advisory roles. With a rich background in providing advisory services to plantation estate managers and farmers, he has successfully addressed complex plant growth and soil fertility issues. His professional endeavors reflect a holistic approach to soil science, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications.

Contributions and Research Focus On Biological Sciences

Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri's contributions to soil science extend beyond the confines of academia. Through rigorous research and experimentation, he has delved into the depths of soil dynamics, shedding light on its intricacies and potential for environmental impact. His research focus encompasses a wide range of soil-related challenges, from carbon sequestration to plant growth optimization. With a proven track record of impactful research, he has published extensively in prestigious journals and presented his work at numerous international conferences.

Accolades and Recognition In Biological Sciences

Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri's contributions to soil science have garnered recognition from his peers and the academic community. His research publications in esteemed journals and his active participation as a reviewer for leading publications underscore his commitment to advancing the field. His accolades and recognition serve as a testament to his dedication and expertise in soil science.

Impact and Influence

Through his multifaceted approach to soil science, Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri has made a significant impact on both academia and industry. His advisory services have helped resolve complex soil fertility issues, benefiting plantation estate managers and farmers alike. As an educator, he has empowered students to comprehend the fundamental role of soil in shaping the environment. His influence extends beyond the confines of his research, inspiring future generations of soil scientists to tackle the challenges our soils face with passion and diligence.

Legacy and Future Contributions For Biological Sciences

Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri's legacy in soil science is characterized by his unwavering commitment to understanding and preserving our planet's vital resource. His contributions have laid the groundwork for future research endeavors aimed at addressing the critical challenges that soils face in an ever-changing world. As he continues to pursue his passion for soil science, his expertise and leadership will undoubtedly shape the future of the field, leaving a lasting impact on environmental sustainability.

Mohd Hadi Akbar Bin Basri's address, contact information, and personal statement reflect a dedicated professional committed to advancing soil science and environmental sustainability. His academic pursuits, professional endeavors, contributions to research, accolades, and influence underscore his profound impact on the field and his potential for future contributions.

Notable Publications

Reducing bias on soil surface CO2 flux emission measurements: Case study on a mature oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantation on tropical peatland in Southeast Asia 2024

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantation on tropical peatland in South East Asia: Photosynthetic response to soil drainage level for mitigation of soil carbon emissions 2023

Potentiality of Melastoma malabathricum as Phytoremediators of soil contaminated with sewage sludge 2018

Umaya Salma Shajahan – Management and Accounting – Best Faculty Award

Umaya Salma Shajahan - Management and Accounting - Best Faculty Award

Sona College of Technology - India

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

Umaya Salma Shajahan embarked on her academic journey with zeal and determination. Her early academic pursuits laid a solid foundation for her future endeavors. Graduating with distinction, she displayed an innate passion for learning and a keen interest in financial management and accounting principles.

Professional Endeavors

With over two decades of experience as an Assistant Professor, Umaya Salma Shajahan has established herself as a stalwart in the field of academia. Her dedication to fostering a conducive learning environment and her commitment to student success have been the cornerstones of her professional journey. From implementing innovative teaching methodologies to spearheading research initiatives, she has continuously strived for excellence in her role.

Contributions and Research Focus On Management and Accounting

Umaya Salma Shajahan's contributions to academia extend beyond the classroom. Her research endeavors have been instrumental in advancing the understanding of various financial concepts. From liquidity management in the automobile industry to the impact of working capital management on firm performance, her studies have garnered recognition in esteemed journals, contributing significantly to the body of knowledge in finance and management.

Accolades and Recognition In Management and Accounting

Umaya Salma Shajahan's dedication and scholarly pursuits have not gone unnoticed. Her research publications have earned her accolades and recognition within the academic community. The inclusion of her work in prestigious journals underscores the significance and impact of her contributions to the field.

Impact and Influence

Through her teaching, research, and academic leadership, Umaya Salma Shajahan has made a profound impact on her students and peers alike. Her expertise in financial management and her commitment to academic excellence have inspired countless individuals to pursue their academic and professional goals with diligence and passion. By fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and critical thinking, she has empowered her students to become future leaders in their respective fields.

Legacy and Future Contributions For Management and Accounting

As Umaya Salma Shajahan continues her academic journey, her legacy is firmly rooted in her dedication to education and research. Her commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and her unwavering pursuit of excellence serve as a beacon for aspiring academics and researchers. With her future contributions, she aims to further enrich the academic discourse in financial management and continue shaping the minds of the next generation of scholars.

Umaya Salma Shajahan's remarkable career journey exemplifies the transformative power of education and scholarship. Through her passion, expertise, and unwavering commitment to excellence, she has left an indelible mark on the academic landscape, inspiring others to strive for greatness and leaving a lasting legacy in the annals of academia.

Notable Publications

Digital evolution: Investigating the dynamic interactions of learners with social media 2024